This blog gets dinged for seldom highlighting the positive side of Metro, so here's one.
This afternoon, I was planning to meet some friends in Ballston.
Even living within a 5-minute walk of the East Falls Church station, just one stop from Ballston, it's usually a no-brainer to drive there instead of taking Metro, especially on the weekends, when trains are about as predictable as the Redskins offense, but today the normally trusty car wouldn't start.
I informed my friends I would be late, thinking I'd have to face the ol' weekend Metro nightmare, but by the time I got to the station, the train was a mere 3 minutes out--better most rush hours.
I was in Ballston in about the time it would have taken to drive.
Furthermore, I was able to enjoy several adult beverages without even thinking about driving home. That alone is worth a lot.
On the way home, I arrived in the Ballston station, and the train was only 6 minutes away.
In a relative flash, I was back home, banging out a rare positive post about Metro.
The Metro gods are usually a surly lot, but tonight they were smiling on this rider.
Well done this time, Metro. You came through in a pinch.