The digital display at East Falls Church.
I've gotten several emails about the flat-screen displays being installed at the station managers' kiosks around the system.
The only reference to them on the Metro website was this, which says there will be 75 of them installed but has no explanation about what they'll display.
I emailed Metro chief spokesman Dan Stessel, and his response was:
Here's a sample of the emails I've gotten.
From Robin:
For the past month there has been a flat-screen TV or display installed at College Park.From Stacy:
My first beef with them is that they cover up the clocks, but that's not really a big deal.
What I'm really wondering is what they are going to display that couldn't be displayed on a dry erase board like they have in London.
I also don't think they're in a very good place to attract attention. If they're going to put these in, but them where the PIDs are near the fare gates so people can see them as they swipe in.
Furthermore, why can't Metro just have the already overpaid station managers stand outside their booth and warn passengers of any delays?
I think these displays are a total waste of money and were dreamed up by someone who never once rode Metro in their life.
I've noticed this summer that all the clocks in Metro stations (at least the ones I've been at, mostly on the Green Line) have been covered up with what look like flat-screen TVs or computer monitors. But the screens aren't on.Other items:
Having clocks in the station is really useful. If a train isn't coming for a while and the fare is about to change, I like waiting to go through the fare gates. Not everyone has cell phone or watches. I wouldn't mind if the screens covered the clocks if they actually displayed something (and, ideally, showed the time) but right now there are just expensive screens serving no purpose.
What if Metro put riders first? (WaPo)
@davinpet · 655 weeks ago
knows metro · 655 weeks ago
They hear passengers are unhappy with the communications...spend thousands on digital tvs!
basically all those surveys are ways for metro to find ways to waste money under the premise they're helping riders.
@VeggieTart · 655 weeks ago
lkdjs · 655 weeks ago
SammyDC · 655 weeks ago
bet · 655 weeks ago
These screens will probably be vandalized at certain stations before they are programmed. Probably real-time on train delays etc.
The delays will never end! If you want to be on-time to an appointment or work during rush you might want to drive as I do.
John · 655 weeks ago
Was that a little tribute to our buddy Dr. Gridlock over at the Washington Post?
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 655 weeks ago
John · 655 weeks ago
Rob · 655 weeks ago
PDC · 655 weeks ago
jenster8dc · 655 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 654 weeks ago
I agree it would be a nice feature, but given Metro's many problems, let's not make the displays any more complicated than they already are.
Guest · 655 weeks ago
Yakker · 655 weeks ago
bet2 · 655 weeks ago
Anon · 655 weeks ago
Kara · 655 weeks ago
Danny Boy · 654 weeks ago
anon · 655 weeks ago
A COMPLETE overhaul of this disgusting JOBS program needs to happen RIGHT NOW.
It's not a transit system: it's a JOBS PROGRAM FOR UNEDUCATED morons at the bottom and CROOKS at the top who doo things like this- buy useless TVS that will do the same thing the current signs already do!
Meanwhile your fares keep going up idiots. Congratulations.
Anon · 655 weeks ago
You know the supervisors are former convicts and drug addicts then what do you expect?
How about cleaning up management first?!????
Have managers re-apply and look through existing records for approval.
anon · 654 weeks ago
I know this. Thats why I said all employees. This includes the criminal managers. I'm in with your plan
@ChrisHowdy · 655 weeks ago
They'll then be used solely to display the current time.
Welcome back, Unsuck.
Kara · 655 weeks ago
tayhlermade 47p · 654 weeks ago
anon · 654 weeks ago
I know there must be some white employees who want to move up but were barred because of their race or for filing EEO complaints with the all black EEO office at Metro.
jimlcunningham 80p · 655 weeks ago
But seriously, they better put screen savers on those so the word "DELAYS" doesn't get burned onto the screen.
tayhlermade 47p · 654 weeks ago
How about they properly utilize the electronic screens on the station platforms instead of showing each and every elevator outage in the system? I think we all know by now that NONE of them work. How about the have the stations managers and train operators… hmmm actually work and communicate with us. I know working for them is a foreign concept, but it’s what we crazy people do who still have to take the train daily and pay their overpriced wages every day. How about they stop wasting my damn money and use some of it to ensure our safety, because a big screen TV won’t do that. Thanks for the vent!
VeteranRider · 654 weeks ago
I guess it means they're trying, but it's hard to give even partial credit for good intentions when the effort is so poorly thought out and poorly executed.
Tottym24 · 654 weeks ago
Matt · 654 weeks ago
russell.j.coller.jr · 654 weeks ago
Also, ---"living rooms" ----hilarious.
Tottym24 · 654 weeks ago
FootballBreak · 653 weeks ago