This fishy brakes thing has gotten ridiculous.
Why can't Metro just level with us?
First, in an effort to refute an article here, Stessel said they hadn't use the brakes in years.
Then, unbelievably, he went with the Big Lie, saying the smell was "sewer gas."
Now, when the press comes knocking, Metro won't even respond.
Yesterday, the Examiner reported:
The problem is that Metro doesn't seem to know what is causing it -- or doesn't want to tell the public. Agency officials declined to answer repeated questions about the smell last week. In the past, the agency has blamed sewer gas and the trains' brake pads.Remember the new transparency that was supposed to be ushered in by Sarles, Stessel, et al?
Now Metro can't even cop to a problem they already copped to (and apologized for) in 2006!
This regime is even more secretive and opaque than ones before it.
I asked one of my sources about the brakes.
"If it smells like rotten fish, that's the organic brake pads, period," said the source who is knowledgeable about the brake issue.
Another source at Metro calls any other story about the odor "BS," adding "they didn't use [the pads] for a period of time but started again. They never ran out of what they had to begin with."
Why Metro continues to obfuscate is really beyond me. My Metro sources don't think there's any potential health risk to the smell. It just really, really stinks.
The incompetence of the PR staff at Metro is mind blowing. Here's what appears to be a relatively simple issue to get past, but instead they've let it stew for almost a year, the whole while undermining whatever tiny bit of credibility they might have left.
It's really not that hard, Metro.
Interesting footnote: Apparently, when the brakes gets wet, they also smell like rotten fish, even if they're still in the box. A source tells me this happened once at Greenbelt, and and entire pallet had to be moved to a more aerated place because of the horrible smell.
BrianKal · 660 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 660 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 660 weeks ago
BrianKal · 660 weeks ago
betu2 · 660 weeks ago
I know for a fact if you lie for the company and lie for the union you get promoted and or re-elected. When you have managers with drug problems and criminal records leading the way what do you expect from the top but lies and cover-ups.
Sam · 660 weeks ago
Anony · 660 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 660 weeks ago
In my experience 3 weeks is the lifespan of any wmata Big New Thing. "Metro Opens Doors", "Metro Forward", "Rush Plus". Take your pick. Three weeks.
From the sounds of the Governance portion of the last Board meeting the next one will be "The Future Rides on Metro".
Sounds like the title of a Terry Prachett Discworld tale, doesn't it?
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 660 weeks ago
Lots of hype, no follow through.
John · 660 weeks ago
John · 660 weeks ago
Jason · 660 weeks ago
"Yeah it's the brake pads, no we won't order them again, but rather than throwing away money since they do succeed at stopping the trains we're going to use up our current inventory before getting new brake pads."
Then again this reminds me of the story from a week or two ago with the bus that went the wrong way for something like an hour and a half...apparently the driver thought that some BS about "safety first" was a better way to defuse the situation than just saying "Sorry, I messed up." Especially since the roads around here are SO straightforward and NONE of us has ever missed an exit on them before.
stupidraidersfan 80p · 660 weeks ago
M. Saeed al-Sahhaf · 660 weeks ago
@wmdailey · 660 weeks ago
jenster8dc · 660 weeks ago
I have a vision of people just wandering the hall of Metro HQ, just bumping into each other and not being able to find the bathroom or their desks.
Jin · 660 weeks ago
This is something I've wondered as well. Why are the stations so dark? After living abroad for years (S. Korea), when I came back to the the Metro, I honestly thought there was a power outage or something. What gives?
Kara · 660 weeks ago
I used to think they left some of them off to save electricity. Some were still being replaced so it was clearly on purpose that others were out. When the ones that were lit before started burning out and not being replaced I just decided they were being lazy.
Nony · 660 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 660 weeks ago
I think it serves them well for us to believe the smell is caused by organic brakes.
Again, I don't trust WMATA.
The very fact that they are so dodgy about the source of the smell does not make me confident that the smell isn't cancer.
It smells like cancer to me, not fish.
UnSuck Fan · 660 weeks ago
guest · 660 weeks ago
Guest · 660 weeks ago
governmentbasement 70p · 660 weeks ago
Kara · 660 weeks ago
Sam · 660 weeks ago
"Platform escalators are always reported by the station manager. Metro stands behind the integrity of its data. Safety is our number one priority."
Guest · 659 weeks ago
Guest · 659 weeks ago
"Good morning, ladies!"
Viennagal · 658 weeks ago
vienna gal · 658 weeks ago