Friday, October 26, 2012

Stalin would be Proud

From CNN last January

Looks like NBC wanted to obtain videos of Metrobuses involved in accidents. The request was made by the same reporter, Adam Tuss, who used to work at WTOP and obtained similar videos less than a year ago while there.

Now, Metro has changed their policy and won't let the public see video taken on taxpayer-funded buses by taxpayer-funded cameras.

According to the story, Metro now says:
WMATA does not release its DriveCam videos because WMATA installed the DriveCam system for internal training purposes and to assist in the evaluation of Metrobus operators.
Worse yet, Metro board member Mort Downey, one of the people who is supposed to watch Metro for us told NBC "I don't think there is anything to hide."

It's laughable.

The GM, Richard Sarles and his board are making Metro more and more secretive and opaque every day.

I wonder if people are able to subpoena the videos if they're hit by a rogue Metrobus. Metro's new policy would lead one to believe not.

Take, for example, hit and run.

From A.R.:
I was hit, while driving, by the 54 bus on 14th St. NW in the southbound lane Wednesday morning and didn’t get the bus number.  I am hoping that someone who reads this was on that bus and could possibly help me out.

The accident occurred at about 7:57 near 14th and Fairmont. The driver was African American with long braids (she looked small) and didn't appear to have one of the sweaters on that I've seen most bus drivers wearing recently.

I attempted to stop the bus at the stop at 14th and Euclid by banging on the door, but the driver looked away and drove off.

The passenger side mirror of my car was pulled off the car from the driver drifting from the right lane to the left (where I was). There was nowhere for me to go because there was oncoming traffic.

So, if anyone remembers a semi-crazed looking blonde girl banging on their bus door this morning or a loud noise from the bus hitting a gray Dodge Avenger and happens to know the bus number or ANY information that could be helpful to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

I know that I should have seen and remembered the bus number, but it all happened so fast that I totally blanked. Again, I would really appreciate any help that people can give me as far as a more detailed description of the driver or the bus number.

I called the police and a Metro representative showed up but, the Metro rep refused to help because I did not get the bus number.
I feel as though they should be able to identify the bus by the time, route number, driver description and location but they say they need the actual bus number.
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You're doing a great job, but when I read stuff like this, I realize Metro will never be unsucked.

The whole leadership should be ashamed, but they're not. They're deluded in the best case scenario, corrupt in the worst case.
3 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Because they are paid their inflated salaries no matter what
Thanks for the kind words.
I'm afraid I think you're right. One would think that the death of nine people in an avoidable tragedy would have forced some major reform at Metro. It has not, and as you can see with the covering up, it is actually worse now.
russell.j.coller.jr's avatar

russell.j.coller.jr · 646 weeks ago

to ASDF: you're just the can-do go-getter i need to assist me at the Ocean City 1st Annual "everybody get a broom and sweep the sand into the Atlantic" Day I'm organizing. Please give generously. You're Welcome.
A.R. - that's total bollocks. Every time I think it can't get worse, it does.
Not to say that they aren't ever at fault, or that what they're doing with these videos is good, but I have to say that a good deal of the crash videos in that clip aren't the driver's fault. People pulling out in front of the bus, people jaywalking, people making illegal turns at the last minute in front of the bus...So, is Metro only giving those videos to the media, and keeping the more egregious ones?
1 reply · active 647 weeks ago
No. They used to give the videos out, which is where this one came from. It included any incident or near incident in that 2 month period, regardless of who was at fault.

Now they are not releasing any of the videos.
“Anybody who wants to see what’s going on (on) the buses, could be out riding the buses.” - WMATA Board Member Downey.

Basically he said "if you want to see what a MetroBus accident looks like go ride a MetroBus". That's just great.
The hit and run response from Metro is atrocious. Need the bus number? Whoa...
Bus schedules, in bus video, etc. Gosh, ask the bus drivers in that area at the time. If they are found to be lying, fire em. Period. Oh, nevermind........
ChrisHowdy's avatar

ChrisHowdy · 647 weeks ago

Stalin'd be proud of the obfuscation, but Mussolini would have heads rolling over the train schedules. Hitler declined comment through his representatives.
2 replies · active 647 weeks ago
Intresting fact: The trains actually did not run on time under Mussolini, but his propaganda department did!
ChrisHowdy's avatar

ChrisHowdy · 647 weeks ago

The parallels are manifest!
"The driver was African American with long braids"

That's racist!!!
2 replies · active 647 weeks ago
So if they had said the driver was white with short hair, would that be racist?

I fail to see how a basic description can be anything but that, a description.
You're right; it's not if it's relevant information.

But I think "Guest" was just being sarcastic.
They really look out for their own, don't they?
The sad part of that is that a bunch of these are not the driver's fault: e.g., woman pulling out in front of bus from school, guy doing u-turn in front of bus, woman running across the street to j walk, etc. Sure, a bunch of them are their fault: e.g., hitting pedestrians in crosswalks, slamming into the Porsche at a stop sign (lol), etc.

These videos could be useful to remind the public that large bus isn't nimble and doesn't stop quickly, so drive accordingly near them. But oh no, some of them were the metro driver's fault? Ok, then, poof, there is no video.
Obama would also be proud. Look at how "transparent" his administration has been on Fast and Furious and the Libya consulate attack!
2 replies · active 647 weeks ago
PracticeMakesShhhh's avatar

PracticeMakesShhhh · 647 weeks ago

OB's opacity is amateur compared to WMATA.
What does thus even have to do with...oh, forget it.
Don't you know you have to collect video, photographic and DNA evidence for Metro to put a bus driver on paid vacation for a felony like hit and run?
So what I heard at the end of the video:

543,000 trips per regular weekday
2 injuries per 1,000,000 trips
1 injury per day...

This doesnt sound very good... and if the numbers are trending down, what were they before?

2 replies · active 647 weeks ago
Probably at least 75% of those "injuries" are people looking to be "gettin' paid". Falling down on buses etc. Statistics are a funny thing! Seen it more than once in my time here.
Agreed, wording is funny too... one could wager that there are more injury free accidents which were not included in those statistics.

It's a BS numbers game, I agree... but it was said with the tone that it was acceptable.
These videos are subject to freedom of information requests.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 647 weeks ago

All rise for the Sovi-- er, I mean, Metro National Anthem:

"An unbreakable union of tansit workers,
The Sarles joined together forever to stand.
Long live the contepmt of the customer base,
The united, mighty Metro!"

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