When we learned Metro had hired Dan Stessel to be their new chief spokesman, we reached out to him over Twitter to welcome him to DC. We also invited him to write a guest post for the blog, which he did--on the first day he was at Metro.
Here it is:
Why I’m Here
Over the past few weeks, a few of my close friends have tried to make sure I knew what I was getting myself into as I assume the role of Metro’s chief spokesperson. You can probably imagine the typical reaction: “Oh.” [pause] “Really??” [pause] “METRO?!”
For my introductory Unsuck blog post, I thought I’d take the opportunity to not only introduce myself, but also to explain why I believe being here is a unique opportunity that, for me, was impossible to pass up.
I first fell in love with DC during my college search back in 1994. I knew immediately that no other place would compare, and ultimately, I applied only to one school (GW) because I was so determined to be here.
Metro, of course, was one of the things that made the city stand out. It was safe, efficient, modern, clean and reliable.
Most readers of this blog are well aware of the changes that followed. Age, deferred maintenance and other factors all seemed to catch up with the system. When I came back to visit Washington earlier this year, I was dismayed to see how the system had deteriorated. The first very train I boarded at Union Station experienced door and brake problems and had to limp toward Judiciary Square at walking speed. It was obvious that the system was not what it used to be.
I’ve been a communicator in the transportation world for more than a decade now – first at Amtrak, then NJ TRANSIT and now Metro. One of the things I learned early on was that, in order to do this well, you must be absolutely passionate about that which you are communicating. And that’s really why I’m here. I believe that Metro is America’s transit system. I believe it deserves to be restored to what it used to be – the system I remember. I believe Metro customers deserve clear information, using a multitude of channels (including social media), to enhance their experience. I believe in the efforts by our Board and GM Rich Sarles, now underway, to return the system to a state of good repair over the next few years. And I believe that we can do it.
I am under no illusion about the challenges that lie ahead. The next several years – the “era of rebuilding” at Metro – are going to require patience, dedication and focus. I am committed not only to doing whatever I can to keep our customers informed of these efforts, but also to listen and advocate on their behalf.
Let the conversation begin.
dcn8v · 722 weeks ago
John · 722 weeks ago
1) Bus driver gets off bus, and punches an off duty cop dressed as McGruff the Crime Dog. Originally fired, metro gets his job back... WITH back pay....
2) Bus driver runs a red light, hitting a taxi carrying a family. The father dies. He was fired, but metro got his job back... with back pay.. He was arrested and charged a year later. No word on whether he is still employed by metro.
3) Employees who have been on video stealing from ticket machines somehow get to keep their jobs... really?
4) Station Managers telling riders who have been assaulted to get bent and its not their problem. No discipline taken against them.
5) Lady completely fabricates an illness to collect disability. Was supposed to mail in a form every couple of weeks, but never did, yet had the power to update her facebook page and send an email telling WMATA to leave her alone.
6) Various incidents regarding drivers texting, when there is a "no tolerance" policy
If you are serious abut your job, take the metro to work every day. Ditch your car. See what I have to see. From the station managers texting, and being rude or dismissive if you are having trouble with your smart trip, to malfunctioning escalators, PIDS display screens malfunctioning, etc. Maybe that will continue to fuel your passion.
MadAsHeck · 722 weeks ago
8) Metro Police socializing in groups outside the faregates, while assaults and theft occur inside.
Guest · 722 weeks ago
10) Employees harrassing women
Frustr8dCommuter · 721 weeks ago
krikket · 722 weeks ago
Kat · 722 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 722 weeks ago
Best wishes,
Solylent Green
F'n JD · 722 weeks ago
The system is broken and fundamentally flawed as designed. You can't spin that away either.
Nor can you spin away the poor attitude of the unionized employees, secure from attempts as discipline.
What we want from Metro is honesty...if you can give us that, we may forgive the cronyism you arrived under.
Nate · 722 weeks ago
It's great that you want to improve wmata. If the existing communications strategy consists of you sharing metro talking points with us, you'll fail. You'll see no change, the system will continue to deteriorate, and riders will further shift to other modes of transportation. But if you can implement a strategy where you encourage two-way communications between wmata and its customers, you just might get somewhere. One of the chief complaints is that metro doesn't listen to, think about, or care for its customers. This starts with station manager apathy and runs all the way up to wmata headquarters' refusal to respond to customer inquiries about safety and employee practices. If you can help us reach wmata, we'll be much more interested in trusting what wmata says to us.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 722 weeks ago
I emphatically agree with F'n JD.
Users of Metro do not need more spin.
Guest · 722 weeks ago
Advocating on behalf of the customers, indeed...
Sweet Bobby · 722 weeks ago
Guest · 722 weeks ago
They attempted to issue a citation for public drinking but he refused again, he said. They told him he would be placed under arrest, but Stessel said the man resisted arrest “which resulted in a fall.”" http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/capital-land/...
Either Stressel said it, or the Examiner got its attribution way wrong...
@Hell_on_wheelz · 722 weeks ago
cdan · 721 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 722 weeks ago
Sweet Bobby · 722 weeks ago
PS: Please tell the people who use the twitter account that there is a character limit.
commuter · 722 weeks ago
iolaire 71p · 722 weeks ago
Thank you for taking the first step to reach out the community – one that is generally rather hostile towards metro. As a PR person I feel that you need to do a better job of telling the public how metro does function fairly well, despite the issues we read about every day.
I get outraged every time I see something like the photo of the bus driver flipping off someone from the window of the bus – but on the flip side I get on a bus every day and generally the bus drivers are professional and do their jobs well.
We need to hear more about the good things metro is doing – such as the train operators successfully operating the trains manually for what two years now?
Thank you,
Iolaire McFadden
(always commenting with my real user account name iolaire)
Metro Ryder · 722 weeks ago
KWM · 722 weeks ago
RedLineROFL · 722 weeks ago
C S · 722 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 722 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 722 weeks ago
guest · 722 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 721 weeks ago
eed017 · 721 weeks ago
@megster67 · 722 weeks ago
Guest · 722 weeks ago
But as pointed out in a comment above, a few days ago he apparently told the the Examiner that the person in the wheelchair who appeared to have been violently thrown to the ground by police "fell" while "resisting arrest." Having seen the video of the "fall," this does not exactly make me optimistic about how much candor he'll be bringing to the job.
Jeff · 722 weeks ago
Jeff · 721 weeks ago
And no, it didn't contain any swear words or personal attacks. It wasn't off topic, either.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 721 weeks ago
Jeff · 721 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 721 weeks ago
MAL · 722 weeks ago
Another Anon · 722 weeks ago
Jeff · 722 weeks ago
Since you are the "voice" of the Metro I'd like to talk to you about easy improvements at communicating with Metro's riders. I use the Wheaton Metro Station, with the longest escalators in the system (and the second longest in the world!). I see that you are slowly reconditioning each of the station's three escalators. And I applaud that. In the one finished one, the lighting is brighter and the use of escalator steps with yellow markings to indicate each step's edge is a positive safety improvement.
That being said, we are often forced to walk down (and amazingly up) these escalators when they are not working properly. And, we never have any idea why nor how long it will take to fix the problem. While certain infrastructure improvements take time and money, one easy no-brainer would be to better inform the public why escalators are down and how long they think they will be down. A little bit of old-time communication would go a long way and help to improve riders' sense of WMATA.
Please start putting signs up when escalators are not working informing us of the whys and whens. (Oh, and btw, the one elevator at Wheaton is the slowest thing I've ever encountered. You should put in high speed elevators like you have at Forest Glen.)
Jeff · 722 weeks ago
@dstessel · 722 weeks ago
Top Job · 722 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 722 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 722 weeks ago
devaldragon 59p · 722 weeks ago
Pennyworth · 722 weeks ago
1. several oled TVS embedded in the windows of every car broadcasting the news
2. free Wifi and 4g coverage throughout the entire system (tunnels and platforms)
3. cameras in every car
4. more officers
5. more 8 car trains
6. interactive touch screen system maps
7. the ability to just swipe a credit cards and get through the gates
8. gates that prevent teens from waltzing through while the manager is busy chatting someone up
guest · 722 weeks ago
Rufus · 720 weeks ago
MSMnot · 722 weeks ago
Let's hope this ushers in a new era of openness and frank acknowledgment of the problems.
MadAsHeck · 722 weeks ago
How will you commute to work everyday?
How does Sarles commute to work everyday?
How does Jeter commute to work everyday?
If the answers to these three questions are not all "Metro" or "Metrobus", then that is the first thing you need to fix.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 722 weeks ago
@dstessel · 722 weeks ago
2. Yellow.
3. Don't know.
MadAsHeck · 722 weeks ago
2 out of 3 ain't bad...
Thank you, Dan.
Metro Ryder · 722 weeks ago
@dstessel · 722 weeks ago
Patrick · 722 weeks ago
DC is part of the South and we are not showing any hospitality to our new resident. How would you feel if you were received with such negative comments on your first day of work?
Dan, as you can see we have a city full of people angry with Metro and for good reason. We have been let down for years with bad communication from Metro's CYA attitude, fearful of the safety on our trips, and gouged by increases in fares because Metro can't manage it's bottom line. I wish you luck in opening the lines of communications, clearly outlining Metro's agenda to improve, communicating benchmarked successes, and telling the truth so people can regain respect for WMATA, its staff and management.
ksu499 · 722 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 722 weeks ago
Patrick · 722 weeks ago
anony · 722 weeks ago
@dstessel · 722 weeks ago
Go back home! · 722 weeks ago
"They told him he would be placed under arrest, but Stessel said the man resisted arrest “which resulted in a fall.”"
So is that your way to introduce yourself to the DC community? By a blatant lie to cover up the Metro PD's violence against those who are defenseless and have disabilities?
How about you take your precious Amtrak back to New Jersey. It's not like we are going to hear from a hand puppet like you again on this blog anyway.
guest · 722 weeks ago
He's just out of the faregates, give him a little time before judging.
Be Practical · 722 weeks ago
Most other transit systems have loud, clear, pre-recorded messages announcing the next station, which side the doors will open on and what the connections are.
In DC, you're really dependent on seeing the signs in the station, but it's dark and hard to see.
Steve · 722 weeks ago
Top Job · 722 weeks ago
Anyway, we only ask that you tell us the truth. Let us know what Metro is actually doing to address the problems. If they are doing nothing, let us know that too. Don't worry about trying to manipulate us with careful language. We are too smart for that. We've been toyed with for years now, like a ball of yarn at the mercy of a giant cat.
For Metro, I have only a few expectations:
1. Safe well-maintained trains that run on time - a few minutes late is ok, but more than 10 minutes is hell. If there are problems, let me know.
2. Accountable employees that recognize they are serving customers and that are held to expectations.
3. Security that worries more about the robbers, murders, rapists, molesters, and thugs riding among us and worries less about my bagel. (True story: I reported an assualt that was shrugged off. Two weeks later, I was surrounded by 3 officers when I walked into a station with a bagel in my hand).
SDR · 722 weeks ago
guest+8 · 722 weeks ago
SLAM · 722 weeks ago
n2deep · 722 weeks ago
Ted · 722 weeks ago
I hope you can make the needed changes to Metro. Unfortunately, The Metro culture is a world onto itself, resistant to change and immune from scrutiny and repercussions.
I hope you can restore the faith that has been lost amongst passengers over the years. Additionally, Metro needs to be what it once was, which is a clean, reliable, safe and efficient system of transportation staffed by professional, motivated and helpful employees.
keurig 0p · 722 weeks ago
I'm sure this was meant as a patriotic throw-away line, but let's be clear that Metro is DC, MD, and VA's transit system and used predominately by daily commuters. So long as Congress continues to be stingy with funding, "rebuilding" Metro is about providing quality and reliable service to the paying customers - not some vanity project. Metro's failings cause real disruptions in people's lives.
Also, since you're working in communications, it would be a good idea for your department to look into launching a public education campaign discouraging suicide-by-Metro.
Adam · 720 weeks ago
anon · 722 weeks ago
Jennifer Conger · 722 weeks ago
Anon E Mouse · 722 weeks ago
spoonsterous · 722 weeks ago
"Stessel said he looks forward to helping create “a climate of openness and transparency.” http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/capital-land/...
May 23rd Examiner:
"Metro has been saying the man was injured when he fell from his wheelchair while resisting arrest. But the video, posted on YouTube, appears to show the officers tackling the man in his wheelchair and pushing him to the ground.
They attempted to issue a citation for public drinking but he refused again, he said. They told him he would be placed under arrest, but Stessel said the man resisted arrest “which resulted in a fall.” http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/capital-land/...
And note that according to the May 16 article, the 23 was his first day on the job. I see he didn't waste any time creating that climate of openness and transparency!
Top Job · 721 weeks ago
Please let me know what Metro will do TODAY to start addressing the problems identified ad naseum in this forum. I'd like you to report everyday on what specific actions Metro is doing for that day. Don't give me a plan, give me specific actions taken each day that moves towards solving the problems. Thanks.
eed017 · 721 weeks ago
How will you commute to work everyday?
How does Sarles commute to work everyday?
How does Jeter commute to work everyday?
If the answers to these three questions are not all "Metro" or "Metrobus", then that is the first thing you need to fix.
Additionally, pick the three longest escalators. You, Sarles, and Jeter decide amonst yourselves which one to climb, and each of you climb one, preferably in high heels. You don't even have to have them turned off. Once you have accomplished that, I will be willing to believe that "Metro regrets the inconvenience"
mkelm44 · 721 weeks ago
Mr. Metro CMNT · 721 weeks ago
You as a PR person are PURPOSELY left in the dark by Metro mgmt.
I admire you for coming to this forum to talk, but you will be gone from Metro LONG before anything changes for the better.
i don't know what snakeoil Sarles sold you, but your now the spokesman for the worst run mass trans there is. Sarles is a nice guy who I've met /hears speak on a couple of occasions. I think he means well, but he's oblivious to the powers working here.
Best of luck!