Via @urbanbohemian
Another spectacular Metro commute. This time, it was reportedly a cracked third rail north of the NOMA station.
Scarily, Metro was working on the third rail in this area this past weekend. It's starting to seem like the more "rebuilding" Metro does, the more Metro breaks.
What was your experience this morning?
Another spectacular Metro commute. This time, it was reportedly a cracked third rail north of the NOMA station.
Scarily, Metro was working on the third rail in this area this past weekend. It's starting to seem like the more "rebuilding" Metro does, the more Metro breaks.
What was your experience this morning?
Matt G · 620 weeks ago
Chris · 620 weeks ago
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
Wfrom Cleveland-Park · 620 weeks ago
phan · 620 weeks ago
KayKay · 620 weeks ago
Jason · 620 weeks ago
Dudebro · 620 weeks ago
ani · 620 weeks ago
Mariterri · 620 weeks ago
Guest · 620 weeks ago
Ani · 620 weeks ago
dddddda · 620 weeks ago
Syrian Red Line · 620 weeks ago
Avocado · 620 weeks ago
deedub · 620 weeks ago
I'll take hearing the same message over the normal silence.
Anony-moose · 620 weeks ago
(wiki Symbiosis)
A. Mutualistic
B. Commensal
C. Parasitic
D. Amensal
E. Symnecrotic
I am going to go with C, like most people probably will, but I would love to hear arguments for the other letters. Metro is a parasite that is suckling off of Uncle Sam's Man-titties. Why did I add that last bit there? Because now you will never get that picture out of your head.
Radner · 620 weeks ago
dddd · 620 weeks ago
NoNo · 620 weeks ago
Incompetent idiots!
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
NoNo · 620 weeks ago
Be prepared for some Metro bullshit "Heat related metro disfunction".
Metro keeps talking, but I'm speechless more and more...
guest · 620 weeks ago
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
guest · 620 weeks ago
Guest · 620 weeks ago
Dave Alturd · 620 weeks ago
You people do know that Cars require maintenance and break down all the time right? That's one of the many reasons the beltway is backed up all the time. In addition to breakdowns, there is the invisible cost maintenance and tax strain put out by subsidized cars in our car culture.
Metro's repairs are transparent and anyone can look up how much money they put toward all facets of their budet. Just look at how easy it has been for Unsuck to get information from Metro.
Don't twist the news by "presenting it" Unsuck. You have to go to the Source. Open,honest and informative (just like me): Dan Stessel. The fact that you avoid the Metro spokesperson shows you have a clear agenda.
As a lead member of the Rider's Advisory Council I will do my best to make sure the Metro Board knows that this breakdown was 100 percent the fault of the riders as per Dan Stessel.
Read my blog!:
Bitter Brew · 620 weeks ago
Taylor · 620 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 620 weeks ago
SMH, it's come to this... #facepalm
Dave Alturd · 620 weeks ago
I'm ashamed to say that I was fired for failing to do my job correctly. I was just embarrassed to admit it. And can you blame me for hiding it? Who wants the entire internet know that I couldn't even hack it at a Metro Council (even if it's for the Riders).
But that's okay. Despite your exposure of my status, as you can see I still attend every meeting (because I have no shame):
I will continue to attend and offer my input and advocacy for the riders and the public. I will do this by further Metro's agenda because I love Public transportation no matter what. I also know how people should live and know what's best for them.
Wish me luck! And nominate me if I get a chance to get back on !
Read my blog!:
@FixWMATA · 620 weeks ago
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
His name is pretty much mud on this blog.
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
Guest · 620 weeks ago
Second worse was it took about ten minutes to get out of Union Station. The escalator lines stretched almost the length of the platform!
Andrew · 620 weeks ago
Nope, 30 minutes later, the first train rolled in. I'm not the kind of guy who does well in crowded trains, so I decided to let another 2 go by before I boarded a full, but not packed train. I got off at Grosvenor in the hope of boarding a train that had just turned around, only to find out from an employee pacing up and down the platform that trains were not turning around at Grosvenor due to the delays. I have to give credit to WMATA for actually having someone on the platform letting people know what was going on, and she even went as far as to tell people how many cars would be on the next train and where they should stand etc. In the many Fubar's i've encountered on Metro this was a first. Either way, I had to let another 2 or 3 trains pass before I could comfortably board, and got to work around 09:00.
Concerned · 620 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 620 weeks ago
@savemetro · 620 weeks ago
guest · 620 weeks ago
unlike, monday, where i was half hour late...
as i said, lucky lucky lucky. thank you, train deity.
@kwbarrett · 620 weeks ago
Jason · 620 weeks ago
Well for starters a lot of people have bosses who will fire them if they are late, period.
@kwbarrett · 620 weeks ago
Guest · 620 weeks ago
CS2 · 620 weeks ago
When I used to drive, I would try to figure out different routes to take just in case there was an accident. The same thing applies here. Figure out other ways to get from point A to point B and it will save you time.
dcn8v · 620 weeks ago
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
Metro encourages people to have backup plans and that should say something right there. My 'backup' for getting to the office is to call in sick. To get home it is walking (if it is not overly hot or cold) while cursing metro.
dvn8v · 620 weeks ago
@kwbarrett · 620 weeks ago
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
Does it say anything that most people in this area can walk in to their office, swear at metro, and not get questioned as to why they are late? Unfortunately many others risk losing their jobs for being late *once*.
Ani · 620 weeks ago
And then I spent my first half hour of work (my boss lives on the red line...) scrolling through Craigslist apartments, trying to find a place closer to my job so I can just walk all the time.
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
Piereau · 620 weeks ago
Sweetness · 620 weeks ago
Corbett · 620 weeks ago
Now I'm sure the explanation is something along the lines of: there are not enough third tracks/turn-around locations/whatever-they-are-called for Metro to easily reverse trains... but, as I said, any excuse is just a sad state of affairs.
n2deep · 620 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 620 weeks ago
El Perro Sato · 620 weeks ago
The red line platforms don't fill up at Metro Center until after 8 AM. But 2-3 blue/orange trains passed while I waited for the red line, meaning lots of transfers filled up the platform. The train was back to "normal" capacity around Cleveland Park or so.
Actually, as far as Metro delays/overcrowding goes, today was barely a blip. I've gotten stuck at platforms for a half hour on weekdays before...
Nick (NOT FROM GGW) · 620 weeks ago
Today was a bit different - I had a dentist appt in Tenleytown at 9:15, but I planned to just ride the red line all the way over there, instead of getting off at Metro Center as I usually do.
Needless to say, I opted to drive. Military road was backed up 2 da max.
Melinda · 620 weeks ago
Unsuck Fan · 620 weeks ago
For me, I was at the beginning of the RL meltdown, Ft. Totten, when it first began. The operator on our train let us know about a broken down train in front of us. Not surprisingly, I think the train that was supposed to rescue it broken down as well because we were informed that we had to offload because Metro wanted to use our train to move the other two off of the tracks.
Thanks to FIXWMATA, I remember he had told us about the GL workaround so I was able to transfer & get around most of the RL mess. (If you are reading this, FIXWMATA, THANK YOU SO MUCH for informing us of this workaround. Yeah, I saw WMATA mentioning it, but I saw it here first from you & Unsuck. Thank you both so very much!).
I actually made it to my destination on time and before my boss did. He was caught in the RL mess heading in the other direction.
dddddda · 620 weeks ago
karah 81p · 620 weeks ago
Of course, by the time there is a problem it is too late anyway.