Friday, May 10, 2013

See Something? Wake Someone Up!


I wonder if Metro will be able to identify this guy so he can be awarded a two-week paid vacay.

Unsuck will be off Monday and Tuesday.

Other items:
Metro orders wrong parts for escalators (WaPo)
Metro won't pay Jim Graham's legal bills (Examiner)
Those in Purple Pine path put on notice (WaPo)

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According to metro, that picture has not been taken in the DC Metro System:
There is no "West Jackson" Street Metro Station in Washington DC...
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
This is funny. Mr. Jackson must need to work fewer hours or change his shift.
That takes real courage, sleeping in the booth in front of all humanity. The should award him a meritorious citation.
2 replies · active 619 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 619 weeks ago

You just know somewhere in WMATA headquaters there's a long hallway filled with Employee of the Month plaques and every picture look just like this.
Look at the picture again. He's not sleeping; he's just getting a beej.
That picture is racist!!!
2 replies · active 619 weeks ago
No, it isn't!
I have always said blowing zzzzzzzzzzs is more fun than work.
An opportunistic customer caught this station manager belting out a high note. When you get into the upper octaves, you've got to close your eyes and give it your all.
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
Or maybe he was getting a nice hummer at the time.
I hate metro as much as the next guy, but seriously, how many of you have taken a nap while you're supposed to be working? Or watched TV/did laundry/whatever else while working from home? Even though sleeping while at work is totally wrong (yes, i think this guy is in the wrong), don't pretend that you've never done something against the rules at work yourself. You're just lucky enough to never have been caught by a coworker walking down the hall with a camera. I'm tired of these pictures being posted on unsuck like metro employees are the only people that do bad things at work. Whoever posted the picture, I'm sure, has done their fair share as well. And, I don't think you'd appreciate a photo being plastered all over the internet as evidence that could get you fired.
10 replies · active 619 weeks ago
This guy works for metro.
There is littl chance he will get fired.
HAHAHA! Great reply.
You don't get fired for this and when you are a part of the union and a 'favorite' to the union you get First Class representation to 'boot'. I like those good 'ole boy unions don't you.
You know, I would totally agree with you because we're all human and all of us look to bend the rules a little bit for our own comfort. The problem here is that employee negligence has gotten people killed on Metro. There are certain occupations where it is important to be awake, and I would say Station Manager is one of them.
Another Nick's avatar

Another Nick · 619 weeks ago

When I'm teleworking and get watching something on Netflix for a bit, take a few minutes to throw something in the laundry, or take longer to make lunch, I work later into the evening to make up for it. I'm certain this guy did no such thing.
if i nod off in front of the monitor, i do not put anyone's life at risk...
When a person is in a position crucial to public safety, sleeping on the job is a much more serious offense. I don't know how its so hard for you Metro apologists to understand.
Hay! You have people harassing people driving buses while they are driving people on the bus are harassing them. Don't you think this harassment should stop before a terrible accident occurs?

Riders need to respect and stop and think about what harm they are doing to the driver when they have the riders life in their hands and one wrong move or turn could cost people their lives and the drivers life.

Unsuck, what could you do to stop the harassment of bus drivers? This is a problem that I am observing more frequently while I am riding the bus.
annoyed back's avatar

annoyed back · 619 weeks ago

The difference is whether people are in the public eye and/or whether their not following the rulebook has safety implications. For a station manager, both things apply.

Let us not forget that we the riders are paying through the nose for his nap too. I would LOVE to have his job and I have multiple degrees!!!
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 619 weeks ago

Please don't use flash. It's upsetting.

You're welcome!
Dave Alturd's avatar

Dave Alturd · 619 weeks ago

This is something to give thanks for! A person asleep is breathing less therefore polluting the earth at a slower rate with their deadly carbon emissions!

Read my blog!: www.idontknowwhatimtalkingaboutbutilllobbyforitan...
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
I like to think of David Alpert as a character from Game of Thrones: Sperg'-Lord of the Yuppie Lands, Former Clown Prince of the RAC.
I wonder what genius at Metro decided that 30 minute headways on the Yellow line were a good idea starting at 10 PM this weekend. Especially consdering that there's an excellent chance the Nats AND the Caps games end at about the same time this evening. Can't they wait til midnight to start the single tracking and the station closures on the other lines tonight?
LMVall, FNP's avatar

LMVall, FNP · 619 weeks ago

In a place such as a subway station, there should be a zero tolerance for sleep. However, METRO should not have employees that work 60, 70, 80+ hours a week either. After so long any human will fatigue! At some point, common sense needs to kick in. I'm sure this guy was worn out to fall asleep in such a place. I've been in advanced healthcare for years and seen a lot. The amount of overtime places like METRO makes people work is inhumane. I'm not saying it's ok to sleep on the job either.
4 replies · active 619 weeks ago
But without those long shifts, how could they justify paying overtime?!
These people aren't FORCED to work overtime, they do it gladly b/c it grossly inflates their salary, conveying both immediate benefits (more money now) and long-term ones (retirement pension will be based on annual income inflated by overtime pay).
Good point Durr, it sounds like you want to apply to Metro and drive a bus or station manager , train and put up with working holidays and weekends for five or more years while you wife does all the errands and you sleep all day long while you do not see or take your kids to games PTA, events or practices on weekends. (Not really important.)

That durn Metro and over-time and working weekends and holidays sounds like it is something I want to do. (Sarcasm)

No wait, how about working a split shift and buying 8 tanks of gas a months going back and forth from work to home. I bet all that over-time really can make someone wealthy. Not to mention it is a thankless job and monotonous. I don't mind monotonous but I think I would like to be respected on a day to day basis and not cursed, spit on or harassed.
Maybe there should be a 'nap-time' for workers like in other countries. Even corporate American in integrating naps in the work day.
Metro Train on fire in Silver Spring, Takoma's closed, I'm told Takoma is currently "a zoo"
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
With all of the dirty hippies living in Takoma Park, it probably smells like a zoo! :)
Dammit unsuck, you go on vacay and there's a charlie foxtrot at SS. ;)
I'm looking forward to what the Sources have to say about tonight's events.

But seriously, though, doesn't anyone find it a bit strange that Unsuck is "away" when Metro deteriorates in a special way?
Twitter is blocked now.
i think he was just "resting" his eyes. it wasn't sleep. give that man a raise!

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