From Joseph:
Two new Metro entrances coming to Pentagon City (Examiner)
Riders ask for better refund policy (GGW)
I was riding my bike home on May 17 at 5:50 p.m. I was on M St. going straight near the Key Bridge. The D5 bus #2387 merged left and almost hit me.
The driver then looked out his window and began yelling. He used a lot of profanity.
He stated that bikes belong on the sidewalk and that I better get out of the road and on the sidewalk or he was going to hit me. This was while he was still driving.Other items:
Two new Metro entrances coming to Pentagon City (Examiner)
Riders ask for better refund policy (GGW)
karah 81p · 618 weeks ago
Since Key Bridge is not part of the core (which ends at 22nd or so) TECHNICALLY they could probably be on the sidewalk in Georgetown but would cause even more issues there. Given how many pedestrians are in the area I would be shocked if there was not an accident. On balance it is probably better to be in the street where *most* drivers obey traffic laws so bicyclists can anticipate what will happen.
NoNo · 618 weeks ago
When metro started to suck very hard on weekends, I started biking on Wisconsin Av to go to work on the weekend.
Then I realized that buses were the greatest danger there... so I decided to use the crescent trail (and an extra 3 miles every commute) just to avoid buses.
And finally I just decided to move out and found a place closer to my work. Now I bike everyday, by chance doesn't cross any bus line, and Metro just lost my $150+ every months.
I wish everybody could have the chance I had to move to a place that doesn't rely on Metro to go to work/dining/shopping.
@PaulZummo · 618 weeks ago
Ryan · 618 weeks ago
John · 618 weeks ago
Dave Alturd · 618 weeks ago
Clearly this is a rogue driver that has not been given the Public transportation manifesto that we should all work together in destroying anything that is smart.
I will (with my Metro influence) write a letter immediately to the Metro board informing them that they have an undercover AAA rep driving one of their public miracles. It is imperitive that he is removed as soon as possible before he infects Metro culture with his pro driver, AAA, anti-bike bullshit. No bike rider should ever get cursed at no matter what they are doing (even if they are driving slowly in front of a bus or cars holding up tons of traffic). This is just WRONG!
If he is not removed I will protest by going on a fast for 1 month= I will not eat any veggie burgers during that time. That's how you know I'm very serious about this.
Read my blog!:
sdf · 618 weeks ago
@MikeLastort · 618 weeks ago
@miacane86 · 618 weeks ago
ggs77 · 618 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 618 weeks ago
You're welcome!
Bitter Brew · 618 weeks ago
Except to the extent that nothing will make a difference.
BMK · 618 weeks ago
Charles · 618 weeks ago
For the record, I don't have a bike anymore but I think riding on sidewalks is a bad idea. I think most bicyclists follow the rules in DC and a few idiots spoil it for everyone else - the ones who expect pedestrians to get out of their way AND then ride right through the red lights.
joseph · 618 weeks ago
I wasn't running a red light, stop sign, or violating any other laws. Traffic was moving very slow at the time so it wasn't a big deal at first. I simply moved left so the bus didn't hit me. Then he saw me because I was right next to his window and started opining on how bikes should be on the sidewalk.
For all those complaining about cyclists on the sidewalk... this doesn't make them want to be on the road.
dcn8v · 618 weeks ago
blue · 618 weeks ago
John · 618 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 618 weeks ago
Taj · 618 weeks ago
@MikeLastort · 618 weeks ago
Wow, just wow.
@MikeLastort · 618 weeks ago
@MetroDerp · 618 weeks ago
I don't bike, but I support those who do. I support those who walk. I support those who take Metro or buses and who don't occupy an entire lane just to park their deathboxes.
Come one, guys: we're all vulnerable and we're all in this together. Everyone I listed above is one less car on the road and that cannot be a bad thing.
@MikeLastort · 618 weeks ago
2202.10A person driving a motor vehicle shall exercise due care by leaving a safe distance, but in no case less than 3 feet, when overtaking and passing a bicycle.