From Steve:
False alarm evacuates McPherson Square (Examiner)
Metro workers lends helping hand (Fox)
I live in Arlington and commute to DC on Metro daily. So does my roommate.
I pay every cent of my Metro costs out of my pocket. No pretax discount, and my employer doesn't chip in a dime. My roommate, on the other hand, is a federal worker and doesn't have to pay a single cent of his own money for his daily commute on Metro.
Our levels of frustration with Metro are quite different as a result.
My question is whether or not Metro would be better if it couldn't count on 40 percent of its riders being heavily subsidized. Shouldn't Metro have to compete for all riders rather than just counting on a large chunk of riders saying "I know it sucks, but at least it's free." (Yes, I know Metro is not completely free for all federal workers.)
Another reason to question the subsidy is that it allows Metro to raise fares with very little grumbling from a huge portion of the ridership. I just don't think that's a fair system.
I ask this question in all seriousness. It's obvious that Metro needs some kind of fundamental changes at the very foundation, and I'd like to know what others out there think about this particular topic.Other items:
False alarm evacuates McPherson Square (Examiner)
Metro workers lends helping hand (Fox)
@VeggieTart · 617 weeks ago
The idea that Metro wouldn't have such a ridiculous fare structure and regular increases if it weren't for subsidized riders sounds implausible to me. It's easier to believe in a culture of waste and incompetence, and the only cure for that is cleaning house and ensuring that Metro is managed and staffed by competent people.
Red · 617 weeks ago
Kara Harkins 81p · 617 weeks ago
@MetroDerp · 617 weeks ago
Just like the pre-tax contributions, any company can offer the subsidy to their employees. All too few do.
dddd · 617 weeks ago
So in other words....there's no hope.
@Sasmit5 · 617 weeks ago
Dave Alturd · 617 weeks ago
No way this is a bad thing! We need to force people to use this system even at the threat of death!
Read my blog!:
@MetroDerp · 617 weeks ago
EconoJones · 617 weeks ago
Dave Alturd · 617 weeks ago
Blindly support anything that falls under "public mass transit". Don't ever work for improvements or scrapping anything and starting over. Because it's mass transit and we must get as many people on to it as possible we must NEVER talk ill about it.
At least, that's what my strategy is....
Read my blog!:
@MetroDerp · 617 weeks ago
EconoJones · 617 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 617 weeks ago
Appalled · 614 weeks ago
EconoJones · 617 weeks ago
Logic works like this: without the subsidy, a large percentage of those federal workers would probably drive/carpool because it would be cheaper or more convenient. With the subsidy, they say "might as well take metro." Because all of these feds do this (40% as you say), metro has this huge chunk of income they can rely on. Without that reliable income, metro would probably have to cut service or charge more for fares.
@JimLCunningham · 617 weeks ago
I think I finally found a good use for all those cantankerous Tea Party Republicans. I hate to say it, but maybe we need some rightwing tool harping about Metro on the floor of Congress for this stuff to get attention. Sure, he'll probably compare it to Hitler or something but at least it'll make the news.
UnSuck Fan · 617 weeks ago
I'm not sure my view would change if I worked for the government & they paid for my commute in it's entirety; I think I would still find it annoying & frustrating. At least when it comes to delays, I would consider myself to be in the same hot car as everyone else (I know not everyone feels the same way). While Metro can't hold themselves accountable & it shows a poor reflection on themselves, I'd like to think that my reliability was a reflection on myself.
Yes, I've had serious problems with commute, but I'm grateful I had an understanding boss. Yes, I have seen disagreements about calling the boss ALL the time when Metro causes you to be late, but with our phone system, I knew how to bypass talking with her directly and leave a message letting her know I was going to be late. This way I wouldn't interrupt her & she had some information about the delay.
Hal · 617 weeks ago
Also, they recently started discounting Capital Bikeshare to $25 (normally $75) and now many people use that as an alternative to WMATA/driving.
@MetroDerp · 617 weeks ago
Veteran Rider · 617 weeks ago
Heather · 617 weeks ago
The bonus is that he often can pick me up at Rosslyn, so I'm not using Metro very often anymore, either. We love being almost completely Metro-free!
@MetroDerp · 617 weeks ago
James · 617 weeks ago
@MetroDerp · 617 weeks ago
It's also fairly impractical, given where I live and the areas in which I'd like to keep living (and that's before getting into my utter inability to afford one).
Heather · 617 weeks ago
EDD · 614 weeks ago
Veteran Rider · 617 weeks ago
However, the second point raised, about subsidized workers taking the train rather than driving, no matter how bad the service is, I think is much less likely to be true. I know that for me the subsidy does not make it worth my while to endure the annoyance of the 50 bus lines anymore; I have started walking to a metro station much further away rather than to the 14th st bus stop. Also, I have colleagues who have switched to driving daily, and paying for parking, rather than ride the subsidized train. So, that's anecdotal, but it suggests to me that the subsidy is not enough to counterbalance the lousy service, or at least that it only goes a short way. I think there are a lot more issues involved before people get to "I know it sucks, but at least it's free[subsidized]."
Marie · 617 weeks ago
noAnimosity · 617 weeks ago
Anonymous · 617 weeks ago
I also patently refuse to use metro on the weekends. A 20-30 minute wait, even without single tracking or bussing between stations, in unacceptable. Then you add in delays due to track work on top of that and it makes my trip unbearable. I would much rather pay to park or pay a cab the $35 to get home than deal with that mess.
6 stops · 616 weeks ago
I don't bother with Metro on the weekends.
Mike · 617 weeks ago
Jason · 617 weeks ago
But I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that a significant number of people in this area come from places with *no* public transportation. Nobody from New York City is going to be happy with the DC Metro no matter how heavily subsidized their trip is, because the Metro is a joke compared to the NYC subway. But so many people are from places where you *have* to drive, so even the DC Metro seems wonderful by comparison.
6 stops · 616 weeks ago
If you have used Tokyo's subway/JR system, then Metro is a fucking abomination.
@MetroDerp · 617 weeks ago
BMK · 617 weeks ago
Sweet Bobby · 617 weeks ago
Does the subsidy provide them with a more captive ridership? Absolutely.
Would removing the subsidy make WMATA act more responsibly with revenues? Doubtful.
I don't think the subsidies should be viewed as a deterrent to more responsive management, but should rather be used as a counter-argument against WMATA's constant cries about funding from the DC/MD/VA governments. If management is inept with the additional revenues that come from subsidized ridership, there is absolutely nothing that would suggest they'd do better with even more limited funding. I will know the WMATA leadership is serious about its sustainability when they ask that their employees contribute SOMETHING to their pension funds.
And no, I do not still believe in slavery.
consider · 617 weeks ago
I am not currently subsidized, and have little money-- metro fare is rather significant. When I was told that my hopefully soon-to-be employer would pay for my transportation, I was pleasantly surprised. Now a significant portion of my pay would go into my pocket rather than down the toilet. Granted, I am of the underemployed & underpaid generation and this job would pay double my last ( which would be a reasonable starting salary in my field)-- so any additional money is a blessing.
I cannot see the justification against the argument that federal subsidies do not affect metro operation. If you, personally, are passionate about metro service ( or lack thereof), and we see more in this thread that are as well, please consider a seemingly large proportion of passionate riders in this forum is a reflection of unsuck's audience--few of us will claim that we DGAF about metro ( we're reading this blog!)
Rather, please consider the affect money has on decision making ( which we see very often in, for example, political decisions).
Let's assume metro is a huge game of money-grab ( which you may believe already, based on actions that prove inefficient, funding from multiple jurisdictions and regular requests to increase this funding, as well as actions reflected in the work culture ( like dangerously high overtime, carelessness, union shenanigans))--what motivation is there for efficiency when money spent poorly does little too affect how much you and your employees take home? What decisions will you make if there is little ( minute!) chance that your business will fail? I can't imagine decisions would be made as carefully as in a small business, where you struggle every day to continue to hold a high standard of quality and efficiency ( if your customers are unhappy, they can easily choose another option, likely one that is cheaper).
Please consider those of us who are part of the working poor or unemployed. We don't have the option to drive or take a cab, and, for many, carpooling/ biking is not an efficient option. When a significant amount of metro's income is almost guaranteed, it's not the less wealthy that " talk with their wallets". Metro is reactionary by nature ( much like Washington), and a guaranteed reward for substandard performance is not a motivator for improvement.
That said, delays would still piss me off if I was subsidized-- BUT that is not the argument. It would piss me off that I am inconvenienced, but it would not be a significant part of my salary-- which, when there's not much, becomes a source of daily(constant) anxiety.
Simply consider: if employees were paid whether or not they showed up at work on time, how many would be punctual every day? I am NOT saying this is the mentality of metro workers, but it reflects what I perceive to be metro's attitude, as reflected in its poor decision-making ( cheap parts, poor management, bad choices regarding contracted work, ( and to perhaps a smaller extent due to the union's influence) retaining employees who perform poorly).
Consider the hypothetical: would metro perform better if its income were based purely on performance.
Feel free to opine, but that is the heart of this post.
Stan Dessel · 617 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 617 weeks ago
Joe · 617 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 617 weeks ago
So the subsidies have resulted in essentially a transfer of the burden from the jurisdictions (i.e., local property taxes and other local taxes) to the federal government and to riders that do not get the subsidy.
Jimbo · 617 weeks ago
Kara Harkins 81p · 617 weeks ago
Guest · 617 weeks ago
guest · 617 weeks ago
less OT:
so in order to retain the subsidy/pre-tax, we have to retain our smarttrips....
jay · 617 weeks ago
@Sasmit5 · 617 weeks ago
poopmaster · 617 weeks ago
Jon Visa · 616 weeks ago
Recently, I decided to purchase a car and give up the government subsidy. I now pay an extra $300 per month out of my pocket that I can't really afford, but life couldn't be better. I have an extra hour per day and feel MUCH safer on the highways around the city than I ever did on the train.
My point is this - we all have choices, and those choices have costs and benefits associated. Complain about service, reliability, safety, and the general crappy way that Metro treats this whole city, but please don't complain about my employer's choice to try to do something positive to influence everyone's lives for the better. You can chose to find another way to work if Metro is disappointing you. If you're paying enough on Metro to compare to the subsidy federal employees get, then you can afford a payment on an older used car. If that doesn't work, you might want to find employment in a suburb.
Matt · 616 weeks ago
6 stops · 616 weeks ago
I'm a Fed with the subsidy.
Yes, Metro is garbage. Yes, I've almost been hit by a bus (along with 3 others) when I had the light/signal. Yes, I filed a complaint. No, nobody cared.
The subsidy is part of a "package" that offsets not making what my private sector counterpart makes.
It is in the regions best interest to keep Feds on the rails and off of the road. Consider what will happen to a road commute when the Govt shuts down (weather).
WMATA's ills can be tracked to [mis]management and lack of a dedicated source of funding (in which all participants see this as regional need and contribute accordingly).
Metro foolishness keeps us from making meetings, makes us late for kids/dinner and annoys us too. Blaming the evil gummint (especially since some were furloughed Friday) is cheap and lazy.
Change won't occur if you take your eye off of the ball.
sarah · 616 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 615 weeks ago
I started using Metro before I had wheelz and have watched it go downhill. I missed being in the 2009 train wreck by 1 train. I have testified at public hearings, been on TV, talked to print journalists, sent emails, posted on blogs, and attended numerous meetings (RAC, AAC, etc). My subsidy hasn't influenced my participation - but then I am aware that as a local/federal taxpayer AND a rider I am paying for this mass transit THREE TIMES.
It astounds me how docile and compliant the general ridership is - this is PUBLIC transportation and unless the PUBLIC gets involved, stays involved, and continues to push... WMATA will do nothing.
The federal subsidy is their cash cow. If you listen to the Board meetings, there seems to be a bit of nervousness at the drop in riders and revenue. Staff are running out of "reasons". Numbers and projections can only be massaged for so long.... and no amount of facelifting the Bethesda station is going to fix it.