Thursday, May 9, 2013

Metro Pooper

From Wes:
This past Friday, at 1:15 p.m., I encountered an unusual sight on the Farragut North Metro escalator.

As I was descending the second set of escalators to head down toward the trains, I noticed a station manager standing at the bottom of the escalator directing everyone to stay to the right. At the bottom of the moving escalator was what appeared to be human feces. It was moving.

The poo was caught between the steps and the comb plate, the poo was actually spinning due to the escalator's motion! It was strange looking, hilarious and stinky!! Anyway, I had to take a few photos of the spinning poo.

A few moments later the station manger stopped the escalator and placed an orange cone, marking the poo for any unaware travelers.

My train arrived shortly thereafter, so I do not know outcome of any of this crap!
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Station attendant probably refused to open the bathroom for a customer.
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
That or someone has been denied access to the bathroom in the Metro enough times that they didn't even bother trying to get let into the bathroom.
Looks like someone decided to express their feelings about Metro in the most uninhibited way. Can't say that I blame them.
What's poop to some is chocolate to others! You're welcome!
This metro is literally full of shit.
That is what happens when your station manager is not on duty for giving the bathrooms key to customers.
8 replies · active 619 weeks ago
Even if the station manager is on duty, they're quite likely to refuse to give you the bathroom keys.
I wonder what is up with that? They seem to be the arbiter at times of whether or not you 'really' need to go.
AnonerRelieved's avatar

AnonerRelieved · 619 weeks ago

Actually one time I was heading home with a bad fever. When I hit the station I realized I might not be able to last until I got home. I asked the station manager if I could use their restroom and explained why. He let me in. He did mention it wasn't allowed but he understood my situation. I was quite grateful.
Hello!!!!'s avatar

Hello!!!! · 619 weeks ago

What is wrong with you people?!

Just because a station manager is rude and doesn't give you access to this one bathroom, does not mean you defecate on public property!

Something tells me that anyone who did something like this probably didn't even bother asking for the key.
If it's an emergency, and the station manager won't let you in, then what are you supposed to do? What if you literally cannot make it to another bathroom?
Hello!!!!'s avatar

Hello!!!! · 619 weeks ago

You go outside in a bush.
For 20+ years there was no public access to restrooms. The system was designed NOT to have public facilities. No one was screaming and crying then. Funny now how since the policy has been changed POST 9/11 we now have those who need to use the facilities everyday. They should not allow public access anymore.
I am guessing it was a homeless person.
Why is mouthing off to a cop justification for said cop to beat you?
imagine...'s avatar

imagine... · 619 weeks ago

Rights, a code of conduct, general hospitality as a public servant... these should be real things.
What is your evidence that

1) these were "badly behaved teenager[s]"
2) "with bad parenting"
3) that the mothers were "clueless"
4) that "the cop didn't rough up these kids for no reason"
Anon Ouch's avatar

Anon Ouch · 619 weeks ago

True. I heard one child bit the attendant. I do not advocate harsh treatment of kids but if I were bit I'd probably push that kid hard away out of instinctive pain reaction.
Roughing up someone "for no reason" with witnesses around seems pretty unlikely. i seriously doubt their story.
Exactly! These urban youth think they can get away with anything. I have no problem with the police cracking a few of their skulls once in a while as a reminder that they cannot.
"Urban" meaning" black"?
That'll learn 'em!
Dave Alturd's avatar

Dave Alturd · 619 weeks ago

Sorry guys, sometimes my vegan hi fiber all natural organic diet means that I can't control myself

Ready my blog!:
One evening a few years ago I was riding the escalator down into Woodley Park station. Some guy about halfway down unzipped and proceeded to empty his bladder onto the escalator steps. At least he was facing away from me so I was spared the intimate details.
well as long as the cone is there it's all good, right? problem solved.
A few years ago, I saw a used tampon on the escalator at Vienna.
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
You spin my poo right round right round, like a record baby, right round......
Think dropping a deuce takes time and cannot be done on a short escalor ride? Check out this fast pooper:
Looks like Mr. Hankey fell while riding the escalator!
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
Howdy Ho!
poopmaster's avatar

poopmaster · 619 weeks ago

I almost set my bag down in poop this AM in the Dupont Station next to the plywood construction shelter. I've noticed poop/puke many times when I make the mistake of walking to the end of single-exit platforms, lots of poop/puke at Bethesda and College Park. Metro is shitty!
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
I once saw human feces next to a bench at the College Park station. And the parking garage stairs always smell like urine!
Mr. Hankey!
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 619 weeks ago

Smell something, say something.
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
"Excuse me, is that your poop?" Such small words can make a big difference.....
Who does Number Two work for?!!
Mr. Hankey's avatar

Mr. Hankey · 619 weeks ago

Brownout on the Metro!! Brown-Trout on the Metro! Howdy Ho! I'm going fishin!!
I'll bet it was Jimmy Willoughby, the bum that lives on the Nat'l Mall and washes his balls in the drinking fountains... He likes to take dumps where tourists can step in them...
Its probably from a homeless person
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 619 weeks ago

You didn't step in this time. You're welcome.
Milk, milk, lemonade
Around the corner fudge is made
I heard that Metro has pretty crappy escalators, but this is ridiculous!
Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 619 weeks ago

It is at times like these I do feel sorry for the attendants.
The funny thing is if you google "unsuck dc metro" one of the hits you get is "Pee on the tracks."
not telling's avatar

not telling · 619 weeks ago

I would like to know how a passerby determines the difference between HUMAN feces and animal feces.

Sure this situation could be the result of some grotesquely disgusting person. Or it could be the byproduct of a transit rider's service animal.
1 reply · active 613 weeks ago
The smell.
No. No. No. No.

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