From Steve:
Other items:
Metro "fires" two workers for stealing (Examiner)
I experienced something alarming on my Metro train the morning of May 9 that I'd like to report.
I was traveling on the Red Line between Union Station and Silver Spring. Silver Spring was the final stop of this train, as it was reversing and going back into the District. I was in car number 4088, and it was the train the arrived at Silver Spring at 8:38 a.m.
Around Ft. Totten, a Metro employee who appeared to be some sort of an inspector entered the rear of my car from the last car and contacted the train operator on his radio.
He told the operator the last car had brake problems and that he needed to keep his braking "below B3." Further down the line, as we approached Silver Spring, the inspector contacted the operator again and told him, "Come on, man, I need you to hold that braking to below B3. I want to try to get this train back over the line."
The operator apologized and said something about "overspeeding." The inspector said, "Then keep your speed 5 miles below the limit to keep from overspeeding." The operator responds that "it just changed by itself."
The fact that the train was having some sort of braking problems that warranted the operator to drive below the listed speed, and that when talking about the train's speed the operator said "it just changed by itself," and that despite all this the train continued to carry passengers, are alarming to say the least.
Other items:
Metro "fires" two workers for stealing (Examiner)
Stevey Bones · 618 weeks ago
The mechanic didn't seem to fear for his life, so I stayed on and made it home alive.
@VeggieTart · 618 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 618 weeks ago
You're welcome!
@JimLCunningham · 618 weeks ago
Reminds me of my crazy aunt who drives with one foot on the gas and one foot on the break; she makes us all carsick.
Stevey Grammer · 618 weeks ago
Brake = car brake
Break = take a break, break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar
@JimLCunningham · 618 weeks ago
But you're the kind of person who corrects peoples' [ahem] grammar. I'd rather be me.
Joe T. · 618 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 618 weeks ago
6 stops · 618 weeks ago
"These are the breaks, break it up, break it up, break it uuup!"
~Kurtis Blow
Mike · 616 weeks ago
Jason · 618 weeks ago
Dave Alturd · 618 weeks ago
Metro is getting people OFF the read people. Gosh you guys just don't get it yet do you. Are you all white conservative men who vote Republican and watch Fox news? Maybe you cyclophobes and mass transitphobes should ease it up on the metro.
Good lord, you guys probably want segregation back too. Get it in your heads: cars = evil; mass transit = good. A few deaths are more than worth getting rid of all cars (except mine)
Read my blog!:
dcv · 618 weeks ago
Ryan · 617 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 618 weeks ago
Guest · 618 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 618 weeks ago
Guest · 618 weeks ago
Twenty years ago I had a harrowing experience on a Metrobus barreling along Michigan Ave. To be fair, the driver did warn us when we got on at the Brookland Station that "I pretty much have no brakes, now I can baby it and get you where you need to go, but its gonna be a tough ride."
Michael · 618 weeks ago
braking systems and about Metro's brakes.
"Train brakes work by springs that hold the brake pads against the
discs. Air pressure is used to push the brake pads away from the
discs, allowing the train to move. A failure of the air pressure
system will allow the springs to lock up the brakes, stopping the
train. Additionally, a failure of the brake control system will
prevent the operator from being able to release the brakes and get the
train moving again. This typically results in offloading a train, from
what I understand.
"Metro brakes can be applied at different levels from B1 to B5, with
an emergency braking level above B4. In this case the mechanic was
concerned about applying brakes above B3. I don't know why. I think
based on the number of trains that are offloaded due to brake problems
he was probably concerned that he would not be able to get the brakes
to open again, hence his comment about getting the train "back over
the line".
"Metro's control systems have a maximum allowed speed and then a
control speed which is set by a computer system that is up to the
maximum allowed. In automatic action, the train drives itself up to
the control speed. In manual, the operator drives the train to the
control speed. Sometimes problems with the track circuits can cause a
loss of signal that suddenly changes the control speed. If that
happens, the train will be traveling faster than the control speed and
the brakes are applied automatically. I've had this happen several
times while the mic was hot coming out of the Rosslyn station. The
signal sounds like three short beeps and the train abruptly brakes.
"I know there's a lot of understandable skepticism out there regarding
Metro. Based on my understanding it looks like the workers concern was
about being able to keep the train in service rather than a doubt
about whether there might be a risk of collision due to brake failure.
"This is all quite speculative, though."
@perkinsms · 618 weeks ago
Stevey Orange Line · 618 weeks ago
Heather · 618 weeks ago
guest · 617 weeks ago
so sorry about your hip. :(
All · 618 weeks ago
brokenBreaksBrakeBro · 617 weeks ago
This would also constitute loss of brakes, and, I assume, with only one car out the train could stop (assuming this, it's possible that this was the case—and I assume after maintaining a slower speed the brakes would cool).
I don't know if this is possible or plausible, just wondering if it is.
I wonder if overheating would explain the catastrophic brake failure.
brokenBrakeBrain · 617 weeks ago
mark · 618 weeks ago
Guest · 618 weeks ago
khroe · 618 weeks ago
Matt · 618 weeks ago
n2deep · 618 weeks ago
Dave Alturd · 618 weeks ago
Just remember kids, its astonishing that we let all these stupid people drive those steel boxes of death every day. I can't wait for the future when all those crazy death traps are no longer with us. How insane that we ever as a society let people choose where they wanted to go for themselves. No, society should be told how to live by people smarter than them (like me).
Mass transit is worth the human cost in making that dream a reality.
Read my blog!:
Doug · 618 weeks ago
khroe · 618 weeks ago
Doug · 617 weeks ago
Guest · 617 weeks ago
There's a little screwdriver there, just put it in and turn it one quarter. Now listen Billy, we're going into a tunnel don't stand up because the clearance is only four foot, uhh! ... I'm o.k., I was protected by the bill of my Engineer Fred cap!"
-Navin Johnson