From Scott:
On the local area map on the Green Line platform at Ft. Totten, there's a label for the "Megadeath Alchemy Congregation" on 13th St., NW north of Sheridan. I haven't actually been there, and the map is probably way outdated (maybe original from when the platform opened in '97?), but since I'm a huge metalhead, the idea of a church devoted to Megadeth in DC is intriguing!
Wondering what WMATA knows that I don't!
Scott is not the only one who has noticed.
Other items:
- Congrats to reader Susan. A couple of weeks ago, she had her iPhone snatched on the Metro. As she investigated the prevalence of these crimes, she noticed Metro's "weekly" crime reports hadn't been updated in nearly two months. After a lot of persistence and emailing, she finally got them to bring it somewhat more up to date. It's a pretty interesting scan. Furthermore, three days after Susan's post, Metro communicated more about the problem and their plans to stem it. Nice Unsucking.
All the local area maps at stations right now do, in fact, date to the opening of the station. WMATA is currently working on updating them.
lmfao, what?!
If there is a church for Megadeth I am so there
there's another post about this from jan '08 on another blog.. hmm
Google Maps shows the church in that area as "St John United Baptist Church." Maybe someone over at wmata had a personal vendetta against them or something
Anyone else notice how in the crime reports they call it "Suitlandland"? Maybe they're opening a theme park there!!
the map at DCA labels one of the bridges crossing the Potomac the Rochambeau Bridge.
ain't that a kick in the nuts.
@ 11:21
That's the correct name for one of the bridges....
According to Wikipedia one of the bridges is the Rochambeau Bridge.
"The northbound span, which opened in 1950, was originally named the Rochambeau Bridge, and was renamed the Arland D. Williams Jr. Memorial Bridge in 1983 for a passenger of Air Florida Flight 90 who died while saving others from the freezing water the previous year.
At that time, the Rochambeau Bridge name was moved to the previously unnamed center bridge, which opened in 1972 and carries traffic in both directions."
Now we just need Our Lady of Iron Maiden Congregational and the Twisted Sister of the Immaculate Conception.
And to be ecumenical and open to all faiths. Temple Beth Beastie Boyz
Let there be Rock.
Anyone else see the arrests for "No Drivers License"? These weren't Metrobus operators, were they?
Just a little nitpick: The lower level (Green/Yellow) of Fort Totten opened December 11, 1993 (not in 1997).
How about The Doors Denominational Hallucinogenic Church of the Faithfully High? Or the Guns N Roses Gunnin' for On High Church of the Determinationals?
And regards that crime report. Why are there so many that read "Fail to pay fare" and so few relating to actual snatch-n-grab robberies that are so prevalent in the system? That report seems rather slipshod at best.
They also misspelled the name of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Metro's maps are stuck in the 1980s in any number of ways. This is epic, though.
Actually, hockeypuck. its not St. John, its St. James "Jimmy" Paige United Baptist Church.
And to our Jewish friends on this board, remember the Black Sabbath tomorrow, and keep it unholy.
I took a picture a while ago of a Metro map that listed "Sidewalk Friends School."
Black Sabbath
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