Tuesday, September 25, 2012

VRE Apology Shames Metro

Last week both the VRE and Metro had meltdowns.

Metro's public response, delivered via Dan Stessel, was:
"There's no question this was a very, very difficult morning for Red Line customers. But people could still get where they needed to go." 
VRE's response, delivered by its director of rail operations, was quite a bit better:
First of all, let me apologize to all of you who were caught up in last night's delays on the Manassas Line. It turned into a very long commute for many, and we regret the inconvenience this incident certainly caused. Secondly, I would like to thank all of the passengers, families of passengers, and local law enforcement officers, who offered assistance at both Burke Centre and in Clifton as we were transferring passengers to buses. This was greatly appreciated. 
They then gave quite a few details about what went wrong, named actual people at the organization, and explained what measures were taken to get things moving again.

Finally, and most amazingly, they said they'd reimburse customers who'd taken cabs because of the incident.

Metro, on the other hand, said they'd "rectify" the situation to riders on the Red Line that morning, but I called for a refund and no one from Metro called back as they said they would.  It has been several days.

I've yet to hear from anyone who has gotten any sort of rectification.

Other items: 
Metro still denies fishy brakes (Examiner)
Getting around NOVA in 30 years (WTOP)

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Or you might get a $5 farecard (while supplies last and if it's not a religious holiday).
And NYC Subway will write you a note if you are late due to their delays. Seriously. They Tweet about it anytime there is a delay.
Metro will too, but it will end with "Signed, Epstein's Mother."
russell.j.coller.jr's avatar

russell.j.coller.jr · 652 weeks ago

ohhhhh SNAP. [1970's bad TV reference, luv it, baby.]
The Tro is DC-based, VRE is VA-based. No need to say anymore.
3 replies · active 652 weeks ago
To give DC a bit of slack where it's due, the biggest problem is actually that it's DC's responsibility...AND VA's responsibility...AND MD's responsibility. Therefore, the governments in Baltimore and Richmond don't give a fuck about Metro because most of their populations will never set foot on the Metro.
Metro is awful's avatar

Metro is awful · 652 weeks ago

FYI - Annapolis is the captial of MD. I still agree with your point.
Stephanie's avatar

Stephanie · 652 weeks ago

This. Also, if you read those chats, you will see the changes they say they will make immediately are actually made, well, as immediately as possible. Example: SOmeone asked that the overhead signs in train cars reminded people not to put their bags in open seats. VRE said okay, and within 1-2 weeks, the signs were updated.

Also, any time VRE has been delayed, my phone blows up with alerts and they provide as much information as possible as to what is going on. And I'd rather be stuck on a train with power and restrooms then on a metro car, any day.

VRE is light years ahead of metro.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 652 weeks ago

The problem VRE (and MARC) are both accountable to state governments. Until/unless someone in DC govt (or even MD and VA) start making these guys accountable - ie firing people - nothing will happen.
5 replies · active 652 weeks ago
Part of the problem is DC is not an entity unto itself like a state is. We answer to the feds and since all of them have their own agendas it is impossible to get much done.
No kidding. I moved to DC twelve years ago, the sheer volume of corruption in the DC govt is staggering. Seems like every week we learn of some large amount of theft or waste that with the simplest of oversight would never happen. It's as if all public jobs in DC are a jobs program.
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 652 weeks ago

FIRE STESSEL for brutal lies
FIRE ANDERSON for incredible sazz on twitter
FIRE SARLES for gross incompetence
Seriously...Why is Stessel seriously still around? Having a dodgy, dishonest, insensitive, bag-o-wind represent Metro simply strengthens my boycott.
If only we could fire EVERYBODY and replace them by military, like Reagan did in 1981 with the air traffic controllers... OK... maybe not that extreme... But it is more than time to stir up the hornets' nest called Metro...
2 replies · active 652 weeks ago
When Metro started it was made up of two groups; Ex- Military and Ex- Railroad people. But the higher ups did not like the Military style which Metro was adopting. The parts system, the maintenance schedules, manpower assignments etc. were severely altered or even discontinued. Seemed the higher ups did not have the managerial skills like the supervision in the rail system, which for the most part were CSX, PRR people and ex navy chiefs, airforce chief master sgts etc. In other words men who ran the military and men who ran the railroads. Management did not and still does not like being shown up. They would rather destroy a well oiled machine than admit someone below them knows their job inside and out.
Stephanie's avatar

Stephanie · 652 weeks ago

The thing here is that transit subsidy also covers VRE/MARC, and, I believe, commuter buses and qualified vanpools. So, there are other options out there. Im sure people in the inner suburbs (alexandria, arlington, bethesda, etc) dont see these as options themselves, which is understandable, but there are other options. I would be curious to see what happened if people started using these options. I used to take Metro from Vienna, but when I went Fed and got transit, I switched to VRE at Burke Center. My drive is about equal (but less traffic to/from VRE) and so much more pleasant, though I still metro between L'Enfant and Gallery Place. I actually don't think the cost between the two is much, if anything, depending on your commute distance, as VRE parking is free.
It worked for me's avatar

It worked for me · 652 weeks ago

... though I still metro between L'Enfant and Gallery Place.

For a Metro-free commute, try the bikeshare for that segment.
Stephanie's avatar

Stephanie · 652 weeks ago

That would be a great idea, but I don't bike. Have considered the walk, though. Should be a straight shot down 7th. I can also take the 74 bus, I think, but that's still WMATA.
It worked for me 's avatar

It worked for me · 651 weeks ago

Coming from the other way, MARC+bikeshare has given me a Metro-free commute that's actually enjoyable. If not comfortable with biking, check out adult ed classes offered in DC and VA by WABA http://www.waba.org/education
Nothing Stessel could ever say now will ever make up for his "one person's harassment is another person's flirting" for which he still has not had the guts/humility to make an apology. WMATA communication is at its suckiest in years.

On a totally unrelated matter: Could someone explain why WMATA would offload a totally packed in-bound Orange line train at Foggy Bottom during rush hour, then turn the same now-empty train around and start picking up passengers on the other side of the platform and head outbound to Vienna followed a mere two minutes later by a second Vienna-bound train?
Hey Stessel. Take note.
regarding the Fish smells

Is it possible that the people at Metro really have no idea where it is coming from?

Some think it is the brake pads, others don't, but no one really knows?

As bad as that would be, I'm not sure if it worse than them deliberating lying instead of just coming clean (which would be fine, it's not a huge deal just level with us)
3 replies · active 652 weeks ago
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is should shed some truth on brake pads. It should be available for view. It is required by law to be available for employees.
I highly doubt it. They know from numerous reports that it comes from certain cars so all they have to do is examine those cars for anomalies (assuming it is not smelling when they examine it).
Nice work, Unsuck.

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