Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Metro's Censored Momentum 'Conversation'

Via Matt L. on Facebook

While Metro is touting its "succesful" progress by taking out full-page ads that haven't been proofread, it sounds like their Momentum "conversation" is exactly what we all thought it would be.

From Thomas:
So, yesterday I received an email from Metro's Mindmixer campaign. I had forgotten that I signed up for it when I read about it on Unsuck a few weeks back.  Anyway, the email was soliciting Metro riders for ideas for future Metro improvements. The email also said something to the effect that, "with 1.2 million riders everyday, we must be doing something right!"
This humble-brag infuriated me. Of course they have 1.2 million riders everyday, many people have to take the Metro each day, several for free. It's basically a monopoly.

I took the bait. I went to the website, and spent about 60 seconds typing up the following post:

1.) Don't claim you're doing something right because you serve 1.2 million people each day. Most of us are basically forced to take this shoddy service. I only ride because it's free for me, and I still contemplate driving instead even though it would cost me over $2,000 extra each year.
2.) Maybe purchase trains that don't force crowding and have those terrible seats where you have to ask people to get up to leave. Where have you ever ridden on public trains like that?
3.) How about invest in more transportation nodes so there aren't various types of single points of failure? It's ridiculous.
4.) Stop reducing bus routes that serve areas that are Metrorail is inaccessible.
5.) Your PR person is awful. You blame passengers for accidents and don't communicate well at all. Fire whoever is responsible.
6.) Where the escalators are only 10 feet or so, just make them stairs that way people are constantly moving versus the lazy who just sit there and block people in rush hour.
7.) Turn on some lights in the dark Metro stations. It's hard to read.
8.) If I enter a station, see that there's a 15-minute wait and decide to leave and walk, STOP CHARGING ME. I DIDN'T RIDE A TRAIN. I HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS. IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.
9.) Make it so the bus drivers actually charge everyone for riding. The system is losing money, I see people ride for free every time I ride a bus. I want to pay. I want more money and more services, not a free bus ride every once in a while.
10.) Make a pedestrian tunnel between Metro Center and Gallery Place. It shouldn't be difficult and would probably help with congestion.

Sure, I could have spent some time refining a few of the points, and maybe the caps lock in #8 is not the best form (but that really does infuriate me), but I thought most of my points were actually rather reasonable. I support the idea of a good public transit system.

By the end of the night, I had a few people post responses to my post. They were all positive. One said "I couldn't agree more with all of your points."
I felt good and thought maybe there'd be an ongoing conversation about some of the easier ideas to address. 
I woke up the next day, and my post was flagged for removal three times and ultimately taken down from the website.
Do you think other actual Metro riders were so taken aback by my ten points that three of them actually flagged this post for removal, or do you think staff at Mindmixer got involved because I took a shot at WMATA's PR guru? Did I offend their Omaha ways?

I guess I'll never know....
From Jacob:
In case anyone actually believes that Metro Momentum/Mindmixer was actually about WMATA listening to ideas as opposed to just being yet another high-priced PR scheme, I thought you might be interested to know that I responded to their Thanksgiving "What are you thankful for" thing by saying "I'm thankful for independent news sources like Unsuck DC Metro which actually report on WMATA's myriad failings instead of credulously republishing press releases" and was promptly banned from the site for "inappropriate behavior" in form of posting "obscene, hateful, or derogatory" content.

Mindmixer's CEO did not respond to an opportunity to comment.

Other items:
Metro legal fees mount (Examiner)

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Count me among the banned. I suggested ceasing the PR campaigns.
How can you comment on Metro and not be derogatory?
Vienna Bound's avatar

Vienna Bound · 638 weeks ago

Share the link to the "ideas for the future" site. We can cut and paste Thomas' 10-point recommendations, or add to them, and flood the page with multiple posts from different sources. For the most part, I think Unsuck readers would agree with those statements.
5 replies · active 637 weeks ago
The only thing I can see in the points that might even conceivably get flagged is the comment in #8, "I HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS". Someone might try to submit the 10 points but soften or eliminate this language. If they get banned, then metro's intentions are clearly those of censorship.

I tried a minute ago, but I could not do so because my employer's security software prevented me - it prevents access to a lot of message boards and the like.
anony-moose's avatar

anony-moose · 638 weeks ago

Well there's what I get for thinking a raid would work. I suppose it falls under the old saying "there's no point in humping a brick wall". I wish there was something more we could do to send a message, but unfortuantely things like DDoS and black-faxing are stepping over the line.
1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
Actually, WMATA is pretty lucky that they haven't ticked off Anonymous. Just imagine if The Powers That Be ended up getting the same treatment that Westboro is currently getting from Anonymous!
But we got one tile! Surely they have earned a raise!
"I responded to their Thanksgiving "What are you thankful for" thing by saying "I'm thankful for independent news sources like Unsuck DC Metro which actually report on WMATA's myriad failings instead of credulously republishing press releases" and was promptly banned from the site for "inappropriate behavior" in form of posting "obscene, hateful, or derogatory" content."

Speech which does not recognize the greatness of Dear Leaders Sarles and Stessel cannot, by definition, be constructive criticism.
Ok, what's the deal with yellow trains not stopping at Eisenhower Ave? Today was the second morning in a row in which my yellow line train skipped stopping at the station for no apparent reason. The station was open, there were people waiting on the platform, but the train just rolled through. There was no mention of any problems or reduced service related to the station on WMATA's webpage. The same thing happened yesterday; at King Street the conductor just announced that (surprise!) we would not be stopping at the next station. Today the conductor *might* have made such an announcement, but the only thing that came out of the speaker was a series of staticky screeches, and I ended up having to ride to Huntington and come back to get off at Eisenhower. Yesterday I just shrugged it off as "well, it's metro, random inconveniences happen," but two days in a row is disturbing. It is NOT COOL for trains to just randomly skip stops with no warning or explanation! Is metro reducing service to Eisenhower and forgot to tell anyone? Should I not count on being able to ride the yellow line south to Eisenhower any more???
5 replies · active 638 weeks ago
Dan Stessel's avatar

Dan Stessel · 638 weeks ago

But at the end of the day, Metro still got you where you were going, right?

You're welcome. You ungrateful twat.
That was their new express service. You're welcome.
Operator error?
I know a girl who would skip Rosslyn but she was a favorite employee because she worked over-time and nothing happened to her.
The driver is supposed to make that announcement before passing the station. ROCC or Central Control can see what is happening.
But WHY would they just skip over an open station like that? Two days in a row?
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 638 weeks ago

What's that George Orwell saying? War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Metro is Good Public Transit.
MindMixer is basically government propaganda, and WE'RE paying for it. If we're paying for a public conversation, I think a little free speech may be in order.

BTW, it appears that Unsuck doesn't delete comments.
Dan Stessel: single-handedly working to destroy the cruel stereotype that gay men are witty, articulent, and sensitive to the feelings of others.
I saw the same email and was pissed. I emailed them back with ofcourse no response. I agree with every one of the points that was made above. They are each really good ideas too. I don't understand why they want PUBLIC forum but then want to ignore and remove negative feedback. Negative feedback is waht you use to get better but i've come to realize, you can judge a company/agency/organization based on their customer service. Good companies have good customer service.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 638 weeks ago

Thank you for all your comments. Our planning department is busy searching for the most expensive and least useful to implement in 2047.

You're welcome!
1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
Why Not Me's avatar

Why Not Me · 638 weeks ago

If you need a consulting company to throw some of that money at, I don't have a company but could probably put one together that would specialize in cashing Metro's checks. I am available - let me know.
Just thought I'd let you know I got caught up in the security theater of the "random bag check" this morning. First, when I got to the table, I looked down to see a whole stack of swabs just lying there, and asked "shouldn't those be wrapped up, or at least in a plastic baggie or something?" Which elicited a blank stare. Then, I asked the guy if there was anything on the swab he was intending to use, such as oil or alcohol. He just shrugged and said he didn't know, and I walked out, hopped a bus to the next station, and arrived at work late and pissed (my handbag is a treasured vintage leather piece, and I wasn't about to let any oil or alcohol possibly come in contact with it - yes, I'm one of *those* people who has that little hook to hang my bag off the bar/table...sue me, I own ONE nice-but-unnecessary thing, and I'm not going to let Metro ruin it over security theater).
1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
Not metro but I annoy people by balking at security theater too instead of being a good little sheep. I have avoided flying since they put in the new scanners but relented one time because someone else was paying (my spouse going no matter what I did may have had something to do with it). Anyway, at an airport I refused to walk through a scanner, told them 'I opt out', and made them feel me up, oop, 'manually check me'. My party was *not* amused because they had to wait for me.
When reading the "What Do You Appreciate About Metro" topic, all I can think is that they're compiling a list of stuff they can ruin in the future.
I ████ love █████████████████ Metro ███████████ .
You wrote all that in 60 seconds? I wish I had your typing skills.
PR stunt is just that. Change at metro? Huh? No way! Employees give ideas and suggestions all the time and they are snubbed.

They do not want change. This is rhetorical theater.
That's when you can always get WUSA 9 or even Fox involved and expose the PR disservice campaign. Even better is that Stessel, or heaven forbid, Sarles, may have to make their way down from their office perch where they keep their feet up on their desk all day long and pretend nothing is wrong.
"2.) Maybe purchase trains that don't force crowding and have those terrible seats where you have to ask people to get up to leave."

Oh no! You have to politely talk to strangers on the train! That must be sooooo traumatic!
2 replies · active 638 weeks ago
It's funny, the difference between Metro and MARC in terms of passengers. People will literally grunt at you on Metro, or yell at you, or snarl, or any number of antisocial behaviors, when you ask if they'll move. This never happens on MARC. It's just a happier place.
I've never had that happen to me on Metro and I've never used MARC.

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