These were the most viewed posts of the year:
- Rider Alleges Terrifying Incident
- Bye Metro
- Riders Reportedly Injured as Escalator Breaks
- Band-Aid Approach
- What's that Foul Smell?
- Doors Open on Moving Train
- Stuck in the Middle
- Where's the Dupont Escalator Party Now?
- GM Sarles, Jackie Jeter Respond to Washington Times article
- Riders Report Early Metro Shutdown
Thanks to everyone who contributed as well as all the readers, tweeps and friends on Facebook. Also thanks to all the Metro people who've come forward and shared their stories!
Happy holidays, and see you in 2013, barring some major Metro news.
Keep your stories coming!
Other items:
Metro ridership, revenue continue to fall (WAMTA/PDF)
Metro police chief stepping down (WaPo)
Visually impaired call for better lighting (Examiner)
@VeggieTart · 638 weeks ago
Anon · 638 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 638 weeks ago
NoNo · 638 weeks ago
BrianKal · 638 weeks ago
@savemetro · 638 weeks ago
And I would also like to thank Mr Unsuck for all of his hard work and dedication. Lets hope Metro doesn't suck as much next year . . .but just enough to have a good video.
drew · 638 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 638 weeks ago
May the new year bring less delays, less cracked rails, less funky smelling brakes, less rate hikes, less broken escalators, and less Stessel.
Jin · 638 weeks ago
BCB · 638 weeks ago
BrianKal · 638 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 638 weeks ago
@bflosenrab · 638 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 638 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 638 weeks ago
Have a safe and happy holiday break!
John · 638 weeks ago
John · 638 weeks ago
The Anti-TB Guy · 638 weeks ago
Sarah · 638 weeks ago
Jin · 638 weeks ago
Unsuck, I'm so, so very glad you've created this blog, not only to allow to vent, but to also call Metro on the lies and BS. Of course, many people who work there do their best, and do it in a broken system, and kudos for giving them credit when it is deserved.
After I moved back here from Korea, I was astounded at how poor the Metro system is. I used it when I was a kid, but that was so long ago (and not often at that), that I barely remember it. It was such a shock to come here and see the broken PIDS, underground stations that were so dark, I wasn't sure if they were even open, the broken fare machines, and the expense.
What has frustrated me the most in adjusting to live in the area, was how no one seemed to care at how bad Metro is. I'd complain about the lighting, and they'd tell me it is too expensive or to just deal with it. I'd tell them how the signage in Korean subways is so good (and always in English) that only a hamster with the IQ of 60 would get lost, whereas here, exits aren't labeled clearly and even transferring can be a challenge (it is truly like the system was built by locals who never use the system for people who would only have a recreational use for it! Boy how off is that!).
So, I'm very grateful that you work so hard on this blog, and that other people here see the system for what it is. Sometimes it is just nice to be around like-minded folk, even if it is just on the internetz.
Enjoy your holiday, everyone!
Anon · 638 weeks ago
-Quack Flack