From John:
My bus the other morning (the 7W into Pentagon) got in a fender-bender out on the 395 HOV lane—as far as I can tell we rear-ended a car. It wasn't terrible—a big jolt and my neck's a bit stiff, but I didn't see any damage on the other car.
The issue is how our driver handled this.
He did not say or do anything after the accident—he simply sat there.
He didn't ask if everyone was okay, didn't tell us what had happened, didn't tell us what would happen next or how long we'd be waiting, didn't check on the driver we rear-ended.
We just sat there for 10-15 minutes in silence.
The driver also didn't move out of traffic (which was not helped by the vehicle we hit, which didn't pull up much at all). The rear of the bus was sticking way out into the right lane, forcing rush-hour traffic to go into the left lane to get around us.
I was seated at the right rear of the bus and I was directly over the edge of the lane, so the whole left side of the bus was out in traffic.
I was really disappointed by all this—I have a much higher opinion of MetroBus than MetroRail, because the bus drivers seem to be so polite, there is some customer service, and things are much more efficient and clean. It really surprised me to see something potentially serious like this handled with such nonchalance.
@VeggieTart · 638 weeks ago
But I'm glad nobody is seriously hurt.
Stan Dessel · 638 weeks ago
You're welcome!
@FixWMATA · 638 weeks ago
@ConGrpThink · 638 weeks ago
Aruba Maybe · 638 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 638 weeks ago
Anon · 638 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 638 weeks ago
I didn't witness this accident - I do know about another where the bus driver, though not at fault, had to go through hell because a car ran a 4-way stop. People claim (and make up) all sorts of nonsense in hopes of getting some financial advantage (including a couple of people who weren't even on the bus - but thought maybe they could say they were).
Seniority in the system tends to over-ride the fear of reprimand. More seasoned bus drivers are less fearful of "coloring outside the lines". However, having seen (and been part of testifying about) a bus accident, I can at least understand why a Metro bus driver would register a non-reaction until a more senior person arrived on scene.
efroh · 638 weeks ago
guest · 638 weeks ago
Actually, one thing I am surprised he didn't do was take a count of all of the passengers on the bus. There have been instances in the past of people claiming there were on a bus that got into an accident just to file a claim and recover some money.
guest · 638 weeks ago
guest · 638 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 638 weeks ago
Another Nick · 638 weeks ago
I can completely believe that procedure says to do nothing because its less likely to get you into trouble for things that an unscrupulous person would do. Unfortunate, but that's reality.
guest · 638 weeks ago
Scenario 1:
A passenger says he's okay, the driver does nothing, gets sued anyway.
Scenario 2:
The driver never even checks on passenger, does nothing, gets sued.
Which of those scenarios do you think will look worse in court? Not even bothering to check the status of your passengers after an accident sounds like a FANTASTIC way to open yourself up to a lawsuit.
Another Nick · 638 weeks ago
Its all moot anyhow, because it happened in VA and you can't be sued for rendering aid. But I can totally see it being Metro's SOP to skirt as far away from extra liability as possible.
guest · 638 weeks ago
I can also guarantee you that when you call 911, one of the first questions will be "Is anyone hurt?" I suggest answering with something other than "I don't know Mr. Dispatcher, our SOP is to not check because then we might get sued!!!"
hrh king friday 13 · 638 weeks ago
Matt · 638 weeks ago
Cletus Jenkins · 638 weeks ago
One take · 638 weeks ago
Oh, the bus driver was just making sure he didn't drop his half smoke, chips and soda.
n2deep · 638 weeks ago
The truth · 638 weeks ago
transitizen 78p · 638 weeks ago
dezlboy 76p · 638 weeks ago
YTK · 635 weeks ago
SBr · 638 weeks ago
YTK · 635 weeks ago