Back in February, Metro announced there would be some major construction at the Vienna Metro. They said it would take "approximately six months."
Here we are in December, and the project is not yet done.
One rider has noticed the screw ups.
Remember it was at Vienna that Metro took nearly a year to build a staircase.
From G.:
I am curious about the Vienna project. Have you heard any news, delays, or cost over runs? I walk by there every morning, and a few things have me worried.
I'm not construction expert, but it would seem to me that when you pour concrete roads and sidewalks, its kind of expensive to tear it all up and re-pour.
I have witnessed several such events. They poured concrete side walks by south garage, even put in the mounts for the lights and started putting in the bus shelters.
Then I noticed yesterday, that they had to jack hammer around all of the light pole fixtures. Not sure, but they were jack hammering dangerously close to the brand new shiny bus shelters. Not sure if any were damaged but wouldn't be surprised.
Also, last week they tore up the new concrete in the street, and they had to repair the garage exit stairs.
Another thing is walker safety. With the new daily traffic patterns, not enough overhead lighting and unmarked crossing lines, its a bit unsafe to navigate on foot. Do they have completion target dates for this project?
G. said the temporary bus shelters are still in use some 10 months after they were moved.
· 638 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 638 weeks ago
jkuchen · 638 weeks ago
dhdf · 638 weeks ago
John · 638 weeks ago
@PaulZummo · 638 weeks ago
jkuchen · 638 weeks ago
In a potentially related issue, what's up with what looks like a traffic light standard being installed on the main road just southwest of the south entrance? Is that for bus access or for a pedestrian crossing (which might explain why I haven't seen progress on that overhead walkway)?
Mike · 638 weeks ago