The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689, which represents 10,000 current and retired Metro rail, bus, maintenance and clerical workers, publishes sporadic newsletters, which are posted for all to see on the union's Web site.
In addition to the standard "message from the president" and event information, the newsletters also feature a section called "Grievance Updates" in which there is a list on the latest wins (W) and losses (L) the union has had with employees who've found themselves in hot WMATA.
If you count up the Ws versus the Ls, you've got a Super Bowl team in the making! Carla Proctor may be back behind the wheel before you know it!
These are taken straight from the newsletters.
June, 2009
Settled: 37
Dropped: 6
Arbitrated: 11
Stipulated Settlements:
William Page - W - Termination reduced to 15 day suspension
Vincent Lawrence - W - 16 hours overtime at double rate
Gilbert Giuliani & Dwayne Wright - W - Four hours overtime for each day shift worked under
altered schedule
June/July 2009
Settled: 37
Dropped: 13
Arbitrated: 11
Stipulated Settlements:
Paul Cousins - W - 10 Day Suspension Reduced to 5
Billy Wright - W - Grievant Made Whole
Tim Hoepful - W - 5 Day Suspension Made Whole
Gregory Johnson - W - 7 Hours Overtime
Andres Acosta - W - 1 Day Suspension Reduced to Reprimand, 1 Day Back-pay
Terry Bradley - W - 5 Day Suspension Reduced to 2 Day Suspension, 3 Days Back Pay
Katrina Johnson - W - Suspension reduced, Charge Reduced, 3 Days Back Pay
Zachary Coleman - W - Run Pay for Train Run 501 and Run 21 - Glenmont
Robert Winston - W - Reprimand Reduced to Interview - Reinstruction
John Whitaker - W - Reinstated, No Back Pay
Belynda Bowman - L - Promotion Issue
Vernice Headen - L - Termination
John Pfiefer - L - Sec. 104G IME Issue
April/May 2009
Settled Grievances for March : 30
Arbitrated Grievances for March : 5
ASE Award -W- No demotions, less ASE’s required Stipulated Awards
Sharon Dennis -W- Reinstated position as interlocking operator
Tonya Beatty -W- 2 days back pay
Patricia Ramdass -W- 10 days back pay, suspension removed
Allen White -W- Reinstated, no back pay
Walter Maddox -W- Reinstated, no back pay
Karen Bryant -W- Reinstated
James White -W- Suspension reduced, 1 day back pay
Kendrick Oyola -W- 20 days back pay
Arbitrated Grievances
Donta Fiddermon -W- 5 day suspension reduced to written warning, 5 days back pay
Alexis Bobo -W- 9 hours back pay
Boyd Way -W- Reinstated to ELES apprentice program
Eugene Garritt -W- Reinstated
Tobius Henderson -W- Changed to an interview
Aaron Hood -W- 4 hours of back pay
Charles Cofer -W- 5 days back pay, removed from record
Stanley Simmons -W- 1 day back pay, removed from record
December/January 2009
For the Month of December
Settled: 45
Dropped: 34
W-DeMarkus Henry– Settlement Agreement- Reinstated with back pay from 9
W-Roderick Marsh –Settlement Agreement Suspension Removed-back pay
W-Clark Darden-Settlement Agreement preventable major reduced to minor-3 days back pay
L-Luis Salazar-Arbitrator ruled against the union-Authority had legitimate right to assign
escort assignment.
Other items:
Graham aide arrested (WaPo)
Riders say they were locked in station last night (NBC4)

is that the same demarkus henry who killed a woman a while back while riding a motorcycle?
It's truly a shame to see what was once a good union come to this.
I worked at WMATA for many years in the 80s and early 90s. Back then people had pride. Today, they have only a sense of entitlement.
Front page article in the Washington Post this morning (Saturday) on a metro station manager who locked up the station before the last train of the night had arrived, trapping 8 passengers inside.
Yesterday morning (Friday) during rush hour there was yet another major "signal malfunction" f*uck up outside Ballston station that had us single tracking from Vienna on the orange line. Got to work an hour late. At one point there were TWO out of service trains standing idly at the Vienna station, which was choked with passengers. Not a single announcement was made about the reason for the delay or how long we could expect to wait.
And yet John Catoe continues to have a job ... even gets an extension for 3 years. Pathetic. Metro is absolutley the worst run mass public transit system in the United States if not the world.
Public sector unions should be banned!! The Metro union is a disgrace to hardworking Americans everywhere!!
There really is no accountability for Metro. I originally thought that the only way a metro employee (or the system) received any punishment was when they killed someone. This does not appear to be the case.
Along the lines of accountability, I'd like to see a partial refund on my Metrotrip card when Metro fails to fulfill its service level. Let's say that Metro advertises my trip will take 45 minutes. For every five minutes over the 45 minutes my trip was supposed to have taken, Metro should refund my $.25. Thus, Metro would have a financial incentive to meet its schedule. Of course, if this really happened, we would see the advertised trip lengths double...
I wonder if the union has considered suing the parents of "Ramdass" for passing down such an unfortunate family name to one of its members
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