First of all, hats off to readers for calling this one out:
The Washington Post is reporting that moving the 1000-series cars to the middle of trains was nothing but a PR move. According to a poll we ran a while back, most of you already knew Metro was full of it. Here are the results:
Putting the 1000-series cars in the middle of trains...
Makes us safer 10%
Is nothing but a PR stunt 67%
I don't know 22%
Votes: 504
Perhaps, without realizing it, Metro did come clean on the issue of the non-working intercoms, about which we've reported previously on this blog. In the Metro press release "refuting" many points in the Post article about the 1000-series cars is the admission by Metro that by mixing trains with various car types "sometimes the intercoms used by customers to communicate with the train operators also do not always function, and officials are seeking to identify a fix to that situation."
But Metro told us that "checking intercoms is part of the daily train inspection. If one is found to be inoperative, the cars are not released until the intercom is fixed."
So which is it Metro?

They lie ALL THE TIME. Is anything shocking any more? Corrupt to the core.
I wouldn't say corrupt. I think it's more that the employees are just lazy and not doing their inspections properly.
They usually respond if they have something to say. guess not, Metro.
Yet Catoe makes $315,000 / year. What the hell? How is this guy worth that kind of salary???
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