From Anonymous:
On Friday, Feb 22, at around 7 p.m., I got scammed by someone who claimed her name was Jennifer Matthews. I was just inside the L'Enfant Plaza Metro Station. She told me she got in a car accident, missed the VRE and the slug lines, and needed to get back to Stafford to pick up her kid from daycare. She was new in town, just moved from Atlanta. She was good, had tears and everything. She even had me call her number so we both had each other's numbers. I gave her $80 so she could go to the airport stop and catch a cab from there. She wanted me to get money out of the ATM machine, but I refused.
I've been here for twenty years and never been scammed. First time for everything. The one number I call, 202-727-1800 just rings and rings and rings. And the number 571-296-3544 is turned off. Just call me a sucker. My friends are going to tease me for some time about this one.
I did an internet search on the number and got these two stories from this site.
Stupid in Ballston
15 Oct 2012
The woman 'Adele' pretended that she got into a car accident, was from Atlanta, was a social worker, and needed money to go back home to her daughter. I gave her $160 for a cab ride home. I was leaving my office in Ballston when she got a hold of me. She even asked if I would go to the ATM for her. I called her today because we were going to do an exchange and the phone is turned off. I feel stupid but I was trying to do the right thing by helping a stranger out. Sucks that I was just being naive and there are some people out there who just are scammers. AVOID!!!!
Stupid in Metro Center replies to Stupid in Ballston
19 Nov 2012
Exact same thing happened to me except in person at Metro Center. Said she was pregnant and got into a car accident etc. etc. Luckily just dropped her a $20 before running away. I spent an hour with her looking for cabs and asking people at hotels how she can get back to Stafford.
robgsr 117p · 629 weeks ago
JimS · 629 weeks ago
Jason · 629 weeks ago
GridlockDoctor · 629 weeks ago
Either way this is why I just keep my head down and keep moving. Does it make me cold,heartless and a bad person? Probably. But I can't risk this person holding a knife and using the opportunity to snatch my wallet & cards and making off with my stuff.
Dr Turdlock · 629 weeks ago
ddd · 629 weeks ago
Jolly · 628 weeks ago
Liesl · 629 weeks ago
Durr · 629 weeks ago
Kim · 615 weeks ago
Kat · 629 weeks ago
I have been approached with something similar a few years ago but her story was so elaborate and didn't quite make sense. Plus when she suggested going to an ATM, that was when I walked away. She tried to play the "I am a diabetic pregnant woman" and by my walking away I was going to kill her baby because she couldn't get back to her tour group from South Carolina. It bothers me that people go to such lengths and try to play the guilt card to get money. I have learned to just walk away and let someone else deal with that person.
You learned your lesson and you can tell others to watch out. It happens.
ROYGBS · 629 weeks ago
Nope · 629 weeks ago
Adele Got Me Too · 616 weeks ago
I wondered all this time about her, if any of her story was legit and the whole discomfort of the situation has made me not trust anybody with their hand out. Probably a good thing. My money goes only to trusted charities and shelters now. But it feels sad that there's somebody who's been out there on the streets all this time working over people who just want to be compassionate to someone who appears to be in genuine need.
Jin · 629 weeks ago
Stevey Jones · 629 weeks ago
Jin · 629 weeks ago
But a downed trained Monday night, and Tuesday morning? What gives???
C.C. · 629 weeks ago
dddddda · 629 weeks ago
stupidraidersfan 80p · 629 weeks ago
corey · 625 weeks ago
Guest · 629 weeks ago
Andi · 629 weeks ago
Joolz · 629 weeks ago
Charles · 629 weeks ago
Call me cruel and heartless, or a cheapskate if you want, but it makes no sense to me at all.
Guilty Jones · 629 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 629 weeks ago
And I'd like to know what she looks like as well, but chances are, she changes her appearance regularly.
Charles · 629 weeks ago
Ep Sato · 629 weeks ago
corey · 625 weeks ago
mike · 629 weeks ago
Red · 629 weeks ago
Guest · 629 weeks ago
Guest · 629 weeks ago
Anony-moose · 629 weeks ago
One take · 629 weeks ago
This sounds familiar to a situation I experienced on the escalator at Dupont Circle. Seemingly out of place be it for his appearance and the situation; a well dressed Indian man in his 40s approached me and asked me for $250.00 so he could buy an airline ticket to India to visit his sick mother. I have been to India. It cost a teeny weeny bit more than $250.00.
Has anyone else been approached by this individual?
MsKat · 629 weeks ago
401'er · 629 weeks ago
K-anon · 629 weeks ago
1) Say, "come with me, I'll pay for your to ride metro with me and I'll drive you back home to <wherever they want to go>." He immediately insisted that he had to get a cab and needed dollars, not help. This is a BIG tip off, anyone who refused genuine offer of help because they need $$ instead obviously doesn't really need help. They are trying to SCAM.
Jason · 629 weeks ago
dweebcentric · 628 weeks ago
corey · 625 weeks ago
anon · 629 weeks ago
Sure I can get you the money, but my ATM is a good distance away...somesuch...It's pretty fun.
anon · 629 weeks ago
Radner · 629 weeks ago
ROYGBS · 629 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 629 weeks ago
dweebcentric · 628 weeks ago
Stephanie · 629 weeks ago
Trollopian · 629 weeks ago
When panhandlers ask me "Lady, do you have a dollar?" I reply "Yes" and keep walking.
I answered their question, didn't I?
Liz · 629 weeks ago
DKB · 629 weeks ago
EP Sato · 629 weeks ago
The caveat should be for all of us to be careful. It's easy for normal, even cautious, people to get caught up in these scams. Just because we're hardened to the Nigerian Bank Scam email doesn't mean we won't fall for it in person.
In Madison, WI, where I grew up, a lady would walk up to everyone and say the same line about how she needed bus fare to go to the methadone clinic in Middleton. I don't know what the problem was with that bus, but this woman spent YEARS asking people for money to take that bus. Bus fare must have been a few million dollars for her to need to keep asking!
Bottom line is that if you give ANYONE money, you should not expect it back. Loans are for Citibank, not friends and certainly not for strangers.
Charles · 629 weeks ago
I also remember a guy at Metro Center for many years pretending to be a minister (had a lapel pin that was a cross) saying he had been visiting DC to do work for his church and had lost his bus ticket to go back home, and asking for money for a Greyhound ticket. I must have run into him three times and recall someone describing him in Dr. Gridlock's column once. He disappeared rather quickly when I said "man, you really seem to have some bad luck, this is the third time you've lost your bus ticket home!"
This thread makes for some good stories.
Kaye · 629 weeks ago
I applaud the posters' generosity of spirit. I commend them for their willingness to help a stranger in distress. I'd certainly offer to call their spouse/daycare or take them to the police department. But if you're going to give money to anyone, especially strangers, don't give more than you're comfortable not getting back. This is barely even a scam- these women asked for money, and it was freely given.
russell.j.coller.jr · 629 weeks ago
MsKat · 629 weeks ago
BCB · 629 weeks ago
On the same page, I was thinking about how you go to different stores and organizations and the people who work there will say hello, how are you and things like that. I looked a metro employee right in the eye and it seemed like the thing you would say is hello but no, he just kept on walking. Like he was another rider. It's a culture. That's what needs to be broken to change metro. Ride the VRE, you'll see a different culture and it starts with the organization.
dddddda · 628 weeks ago
John · 629 weeks ago
Guest · 629 weeks ago
rory · 629 weeks ago
MsKat · 629 weeks ago
steph · 629 weeks ago
karnakdave 36p · 629 weeks ago
JimS · 629 weeks ago
John · 629 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 629 weeks ago
Frank · 629 weeks ago
Andrew · 629 weeks ago
My rule: On the street (or the Metro), I will give strangers who approach me two things -- the time or directions. Period.
Andrew · 629 weeks ago
Cara · 629 weeks ago
arhutch · 629 weeks ago
One ripoff artist ruins it for everyone else.
j_dortmunder · 629 weeks ago
JayBee · 627 weeks ago
Jin · 629 weeks ago
dddddda · 628 weeks ago
On the other side, I once saw a car broken down in a snowstorm, and then maybe a quarter mile later, a guy walking. It was seriously blizzarding and I had a few friends in the car, so I pulled over and he ran up to the car. We rolled the window down a slit and I asked if he needed to use a phone to call for help. He said he was just going to walk to the nearest gas station and call for help, but did I know where the nearest gas station was? We all just looked at each other and shook our heads. "At least three miles up at the next exit, and it's snowing like crazy. Please, use my phone, you'll either get hit by a driver who can't see you or get hypothermia before you get there." He called a friend and then said "thanks, my wife and baby are in the car and it will really help to get someone out quicker." AAAAAND we turned around at the next exit, went back, and had his wife and kid sit in our *warm* car until said friend arrived (it was only, like, 20 minutes...not a big interruption to our day...and, of course, he tried to say he was fine on that account as well, but 4 girls in their early 20's aren't particularly threatening and his wife sure seemed to appreciate it).
Or the guy who panhandles at 13th and F and, when it's really cold, proclaims that he'll settle for a hot chocolate over money. He's gotten a few hot chocolates from me. Or the guy one time in the grocery store parking lot begging for change for food (I legitimately didn't have any cash on me), but who I bought a sandwich and bottle of water (I figured if he refused it, I could eat it), and he took it with genuine thanks. If you *really* need something, you'll take a solution, rather than insisting on cash.
corey · 625 weeks ago
Lando · 627 weeks ago
Kim · 615 weeks ago
Chi-town · 612 weeks ago