Monday, March 11, 2013

Blue/Yellow Delays Open Thread

Via @kay55: @unsuckdcmetro pic of packed pentagon station. Thanks metro!! 

Riders on the Blue and Yellow Lines were treated to extensive single tracking this morning. What was your experience? 

From Anonymous:

Wow! Ride from hell on the Yellow Line this morning. Nothing like starting the work week 45 minutes late! A 21 minute ride took nearly l hour 30 minutes with no cell phone notification.


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Traffic extra heavy on inbound 14th St Bridge likely becuase even with a 40min traffic delay, it's quicker than WMATA
Boooooooo's avatar

Boooooooo · 628 weeks ago

News reports say it is due to hydraulic fluid leak ... want to all send WMATA our wet vacs? How does it take 3 hrs plus to mop up that?
2 replies · active 628 weeks ago
S. Gidley's avatar

S. Gidley · 628 weeks ago

That explains so much. When I went by on a Yellow line (after being off-loaded twice between L'Enfant and Braddock Road) there was a group spraying a bottle of solution onto the tracks while three other workers with a mop and rags wiped down the rails. Obviously, a very efficient way of cleaning up the mess!
And some people wonder about the "Metro is a jobs program not a transit system" jokes...
sArlington's avatar

sArlington · 628 weeks ago

I was able to get to work within 15 minutes of my 7am start time, only because I managed to get a bus arriving to the Pentagon with good timing.. A yellow came within a few minutes, but it was already packed. My husband left home about 30 minutes after me and took the bus to Pentagon City. They were apparently announcing what side of the tracks to go on for the next train, but he is deaf and couldn't hear where to go, so he missed the inbound yellow as he was on the other platform. His total commute was about an 30-40 minutes longer than normal.
3 replies · active 628 weeks ago
that's a great point.... during irrops, WMATA does ZERO to help companies with disabilities (sorry, not sure if right word) but it is a problem. Imagine being in a wheelchair on that platform?
oops, sorry, not companies, customers* Please fix that Mr. Unsuck
My spouse is Deaf and when they announce something important ('go on the other side', 'we will skip stop xyz', etc) will not get it at all. Yes, if we are commuting at the same time I can convey instructions but most of the time that is not the case.

I am epileptic and have to time my meds so the side effects do not hit me while I am in a normal commute. If something goes wrong I will act like I am drunk. While some may think it is funny it is actually pretty dangerous to be weaving and falling in a station, particularly a crowded one!

Actually, both weaving and falling happened this morning while in a station. Not due to the blue/yellow snafu though, something else threw my schedule off by a few minutes: the timing has to be THAT close so a metro messup guarantees that will happen. The crowds during rush hour only make it worse.
It took 25 extra minutes from Gallery Place to Crysta City this morning ... even getting on a train immediately after I arrived at GP. The single tracking took forever. Stations were packed and very hard to even exit the train.
Nothing about the red snafu in PM rush on Friday? :)

I used to live in Crystal City. That whole area from Pentagon and south is packed in the AM ... not sure why metro thinks reducing trains there (rush+, these delays, 'maintenance') are acceptable.
Huntington's avatar

Huntington · 628 weeks ago

My trip was only 15 minutes longer than normal (starting at 6:30am), but I know someone who entered a train at Huntington at 7:27am and was sitting on the same train, holding at Braddock at 8:24am.
Craziness's avatar

Craziness · 628 weeks ago

I arrived at the Huntington station at 7:05 and got on the first train (usually 7:08) that showed at 7:16. I was fortunate to grab an actual seat and waited until about 7:40 when they tried to close the doors about 5 times. They then annouced that the train had a malfunction and that we all needed to move to the train on the opposite side (which was already packed from the leftover people who couldn't get on the first train). To say we were like sardines is an understatement! Then, we finally moved to the Eisenhower station. 1 got off, 5 got on, you get the idea. We immediately went to King street where we then waited for 25 minutes before moving again. After we finally left for Braddock Road, we stayed there for 30 minutes. Total commute time today: 1hr 45 min. on the train. (not including the 15 min in the car from home to station). I understand delays and problems with equipment, but the biggest complaint I heard was the frustration over the lack of communication.
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
Surprise! Metro? Lack of communication? Alert Dr. Gridlock! Chopper in Sarles to apologize!
Groveton Resident's avatar

Groveton Resident · 628 weeks ago

I traveled from Huntingon starting at about 7:40 and it took an extra 45 mins to get to Farragut West; we sat at Braddock road for about 20min and the train didn't stop at Crystal City or Pentagon City. When issues like this arise, they should at least give us discounted fare.
Stephanie's avatar

Stephanie · 628 weeks ago

I have to give credit (for once) to the employee at Pentagon City this morning. She was being swamped by angry and annoyed passengers, and when she asked for information over her radio they apparently wouldn't give it to her. She finally stopped shy of cussing them out on the other end and demanded that they give her something to work with. So kudos to her for at least making the effort with what little info. she had.

Other than that, PC was pure chaos at 7:00 this morning. People having to run from one side to the other and back, trains coming in with no known destination, etc.
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
No, she was a disaster. She announced that DC-bound trains would be on the opposite track, so everyone switched sides. Then, the next 3 trains to DC were on the track we all left, so everyone moves back. 5 southbound trains follow. She swears the next train will be on the normal track going to DC. Then says, "trust me...I don't know." Wait, what? The next train is a southbound train on the southbound side. It stops, unloads all of the southbound passengers and becomes a blue line headed right back to DC.
Took an extra 45 minutes to get from Franconia to Farragut. Held at Braddock for about 35 minutes and waited while maybe half a dozen trains came from the other direction. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they let that many trains go by before sending ours toward downtown (y'know, where most people were actually going). Held a few extra minutes at National because of an unconscious passenger. Good times!
2 replies · active 628 weeks ago
Blue Girl's avatar

Blue Girl · 628 weeks ago

I must have been on your same train....the wait at Braddock was ridiculous with trains being able to go the opposite way. And the train operator kept saying "we will be moving momentarily". Momentarily turned into 35-40 minutes. Although I didn't have a seat on my Blue line train (it was already packed at Franconia-Springfield when I got on) I was happy to be on a train at least and not standing on a platform. But they weren't forthcoming with why we were single tracking. I only found out what happened by reading this blog after I finally go into work nearly 2 hours later.
Happy Rider's avatar

Happy Rider · 628 weeks ago

hehee, I was on the same train. I got a chuckle after the operator said momentarily at the 20 minute mark. I especially love when a rider stuffs himself into the train, while blocking the door.
At Pentagon City someone kept announcing over and over that trains would be arriving on "track one." Of course, no one had any idea what that meant. Great communication, WMATA...
3 replies · active 628 weeks ago
Another Nick's avatar

Another Nick · 628 weeks ago

If you're a curious person who cares about such things, the third rail cover is actually labeled TRK1 and TRK2 (presumably TRK3 were appropriate).

That said, hell if I know which is which.

Come to think of it, aren't the NYC subway tracks labeled as Track X on signage? Maybe that's the next thing Metro can spend a lot of money on and somehow mess up. Order all Track 2 signs or something.
Track Numbers's avatar

Track Numbers · 628 weeks ago

The track numbers are also posted vertical white signs at the end of each platform.
In my experience, when there are MTA track-changes, they announce them like 'arriving on the local platform'' or 'express platform.' Because New York has express tracks, I've never personally encountered single-tracking, but platforms are referred to in signage and announcements as 'downtown,' 'uptown,' 'Brooklyn-bound,' etc. They might be numbered on signage (I've never noticed, I can check on my way to work tomorrow), but I've never heard an announcement using a number.

9 months since I moved from DC and I'm still not over how much I love MTA.
Pete Malloy's avatar

Pete Malloy · 628 weeks ago

Metro had only two workers cleaning up the fluid leak at 7:45am. Each was working with a bucket and at a snails pace. We were outraged to watch this pathetic effort by Metro to get the two lines operating normally again.
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
I don't believe it was a fluid leak. Fluid from what? Probably was lube they slop on the Interlocking and sling it around all over the place.
Believe it if you choose, I do not!
Lucky in PC's avatar

Lucky in PC · 628 weeks ago

I got lucky--when I got to Pentagon City at 8:10, the platform for DC-bound trains was so packed nobody could get down there; everyone entering the station had to wait on the upper level. After about 20 minutes a yellow line train pulled up on the opposite platform; it offloaded, then we were told it was now a blue line train to Largo. Because I was still on the upper platform I was easily able to go over and catch that train, though it was packed.

Of course, there were a bunch of people stuck on the wrong platform who had waited longer than myself and everyone else on the upper platform who had no hope of getting to that train.
Why does metro call this a track problem when it is a hazmat clean up? A bus bridge should have been established. What will the result of a major problem be if wmata should ever experience one?
2 replies · active 628 weeks ago
Everyone would die, that's what would happen.
Stan Desselscum's avatar

Stan Desselscum · 628 weeks ago

The sad truth comes out. A major disaster like that is something I'm afraid is only a matter of time. It's risking your life dealing with these clowns every day, but who can afford anything else?
I hit the pentagon at like 8:40, when I arrived they were just starting to let people through turnstiles - I guess they were trying to prevent overcrowding. Let three trains go by, felt like maybe after two more I could get on, but they were announcing buses at top of stairs to 10th & Penn.

When outside, no bus at top of stairs, but some ways down the station got on 16X, that took about 30 minutes to get to 10 & Penn. It felt like waiting for a train was a better option, but at least the bus was not busy.

Anyway it was a cluster but could be worse.
I started my morning at Crystal City and waited around for 15 minutes before walking to Pentagon City to see if things were any better. I ended up walking to Pentagon in order to try to escape the overcrowding on the platforms. I'd say between the waiting and walking, Metro added another hour to my commute. I'll give credit where it is due, and will say that the Station Managers I spoke with were courteous, understanding, and actually helpful. It is sad that this is surprising.

I'm fortunate enough that I can walk over to other stations in order to find something that kinda' works for me. It is disgusting that Metro holds those who aren't as mobile as their hostages.
Started my commute at 6:20am from Springfield. Held there till about 6:40. We eventually made it to Braddock Road and literally sat there for 30 minutes. The train operator tried his best to keep us the loop but he was getting no communication from the person above him about timing. Finally made it to McPhearson Square at 8:20. A whole hour later than usual for me.
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
I do believe we were on the same train. I felt sorry for the conductor -- you could hear the frustration and disillusionment in his voice.
Painful experience. I got to the Pentagon saw the crowd waiting there. I took the up train to National Airport and waited 40 mins for the DC bound trains which were all filled coming from Alexandria. Finally, I got on the third train which we rode like sardines until L'Enfant. Left the house at 8 am did not get to work until 10 am. There was nothing to save us from WMATA and the Blue and Yellow crush. I apologize to America for the inconvenience of this rail system.
Took me over an hour from Ballston to Crystal City this morning. The blue line arrived at Rosslyn without much of a delay (even better than typical Rush+) but then we proceeded to wait. We waited "momentarily" for about 15 minutes, before we arrived at Arlington Cemetery and were told to offload. A Metro worker was helpful in telling everyone where they needed to go. Another train showed. This time we waited "momentarily" in the tunnel between the Cemetery and Pentagon. Eventually we made it to Pentagon City, where the train was offloaded and we had to switch platforms with only one broken escalator to walk on. Fought through the crowd to get on a yellow train for one stop.

Still got charged full Rush + fare. You're welcome
Got to Huntington at 8:50, got to Metro Center at 10:55. The driver didn't tell us much except that it was a switch problem at Reagan National. And I was charged rush hour prices for the ride.
Take me down to the Pentagon City
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, take me ho-home!
It isn't so much a problem of things breaking as it is about how horrible Metro is at communicating to its customers on the ground. Tons of people stuck at Pentagon City with large swarms of people running back and forth between tracks as trains come in. Because no one is saying what is going on and of course the electronic message boards are completely wrong displaying that a train is coming in on one track...but it is actually arriving on the other.
When I left for work this morning WMATA was reporting 15 minute delays on the yellow line. In fact, it was an extra hour. Everything went smoothly until my south-bound yellow train reached Pentagon City, where the driver announced that the train was offloading and that anyone wishing to proceed south needed to go to the opposite platform, where a south-bound train would be arriving "momentarily." He used the word "momentarily" over and over again. As we all exited the train, I heard a similar announcement coming from the station manager; the platforms were apparently reversed due to track problems, and everyone needed to go to the platform opposite the one they would normally use. It was slow and difficult switching sides, because the escalators were (of course!) stopped, and both platforms were crowded with people who were trying to cross in opposite directions.

It turned out that "momentarily" meant "about 20 minutes," because that's how long it took for another train to arrive. Throughout that entire wait, WMATA employees were announcing that the platforms were reversed. The train that finally arrived was a Largo-bound train that stopped on the normal side of the platform. Of course, this meant that no one was able to get on it, because everyone had heeded the announcements that platforms were reversed. People were angry. There was a WMATA employee on the platform with a megaphone who once again announced that the platforms were revered, so everyone should continue to wait at the opposite platform. About five minute later another train arrived...once again, at the normal platform. Once again, no one was able to get on because they were all waiting on the wrong side, per WMATA instructions. At that point the crowd, which had already been pretty annoyed with the situation, began to loudly should demands to know which side the trains would actually be arriving on. The WMATA employee on the platform said "They told me on the radio that the next train will be arriving on the platform opposite the normal side. I would like to believe that it will." At that point I started to feel a little bad for her. Of course, the third train arrived and was yet again on the normal side.

By this time people were really angry, and the platform was getting dangerously overcrowded. I noticed there appeared to be a policeman at the top of the platform escalators who was blocking anyone else from coming down, which was probably a good idea given the crowding on the platform. After the third train arrived on a platform opposite the one we had been told to expect, the station manager began announcing that all southbound trains would be arriving on "track one." He announced this many times in an overly-patient, condescending tone. The problem, of course, was that no one had any idea which track was "track one." People milled around in dangerously over-crowded conditions, trying to figure out which platform they should be on and asking each other if anyone knew which track was "track one." At that point I had no idea which side I should be on, but I decided to wait on my current platform, mostly because it was so crowded that I didn't think I had much change of reaching the other side. A forth train arrived, again on the normal side, contrary to what had been announced (unless that's what "track one" meant; I still have no idea).

About 40 minutes after I offloaded, a south-bound train finally arrived on my platform as promised, which I was able to board. Even though the platform was absolutely packed with people wanting to board, the train driver began attempting to close the doors after just a few seconds, resulting in people holding the doors open to board until the train was full. After the doors closed and the train was moving, the driver announced that the train would not be stopping at Crystal City or the Airport, much to the dismay of the many passengers who intended to stop at one of those stations. Fortunately I was headed to King Street and so was not affected. Shortly after leaving the station, the train lost power and we began coasting in the dark. Luckily the train was only dead for about 10 seconds before power was restored, and we continued on our way. The train proceeded to lose power for about 5-10 seconds about 4-5 more times before reaching King Street, where I exited along with many other angry people who were, I assume, trying to figure out how to get to the airport or Crystal City.

It was painfully obvious throughout the whole ordeal that WMATA wasn't able to communicate with passengers, or even with itself. Someone apparently kept radioing incorrect platform information to the employee who was down on the platform trying to direct riders. With everyone desperate for information about which side the trains would be arriving on, it was infuriating to hear announcements about "track one" when no one had any idea which track that was. And although I wasn't directly affected by it, I have to imagine it was pretty upsetting to the people bound for Crystal City or the airport to not be told that the train wouldn't be stopping there until after it had departed the station. Of course, I was charged full price when I exited.
2 replies · active 628 weeks ago
It's amazing what a simple task it is, and that they can't accomplish it. And are you using track jargon to sound knowledgeable? "Oh, the fritzenator hybrid device used to exterminate rats is at the end of the South-Southwest corner of the platform adjacent to track two." Give me a f'n break. [LARGO/FT TOTTEN PLATFORM or HUNTINGTON/FRANCONIA PLATFORM] Not hard. Sarles has gotten great at apologizing for disasters. What the hell is going on in there to prevent them? According to his recent award, he "gets it" when it comes to safety. How is allowing a metric shit ton of people to crowd on a platform safe? Why are there so few metro police there for crowd control when there is a meltdown? Why do we have to keep asking questions only to get no answers? I know there are a lot of metro employees that take pride in their jobs. It's tragic that the management doesn't seem to.
It's good he's great at apologize for disasters. He has to be good at something, and justify his pay.
I passed through the fare gates at Crystal City at 8:15 this morning, and my usage history shows that I exited Farragut West at 9:40. I arrived at work at 9:55, and luckily will be allowed to stay an equal amount of time to make up the work that I missed this morning rather than face any other penalty. In the hour and a half I stood on the platform at Crystal City, 1 train towards Largo arrived (too crowded to enter, and I was too far back/too small and easily pushed away). Two or three yellow line trains towards Mt. Vernon or Ft. Totten arrived, but were also too crowded. I was lucky to get on the second blue line train to arrive around 9:25. While I was waiting, the platform was overcrowded, but what can you expect when everyone's been waiting for more than half an hour for any kind of train, and it's single-tracking? Even worse, they didn't close the other platform or put up any signs that I saw indicating that there were no trains arriving on that platform. The notices on the screens said it, but if you were at the opposite end of the platform it's likely you might not see the screen. The announcements in the station came infrequently and only let us know there were "delays" but little information on when we might actually expect a train. As usual, Metro is not worth the money, and if I could afford it I would drive instead. I've let friends considering moving to the DC area know of this, and look forward to being able to leave the area myself solely because of this. It's too bad the museums and some other stuff is great, the transportation's awful! Maybe if I made twice what I make now.
All told, it took over an hour to go from Mt. Vernon Sq to Crystal City, arriving at the station at 8:40. There were lots of sighs coming from the train car I was in. Lots and lots of sighing.
Froggerty's avatar

Froggerty · 628 weeks ago

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and didn't get to the Huntington train station until after 10am. I figured I had lucked out and avoided the mess.... WRONG!! We sat on the platform for over 30 minutes without a single announcement. Thanks for keeping us informed Metro! It wound up taking about 1 hour 15 minutes for what is normally a 25 minute ride for me.
Oddly, my biggest problems this morning were with the red line- getting from Rosslyn to Metro Center was extremely crowded (jam packed orange train even after the usual exodus at Farragut, since no blue trains were coming through) but since the orange line wasn't delayed, it was still running. Also found it odd that no one at Rosslyn was saying anything about the blue line delays- station manager was absent, and there was a Metro cop down on the platform but she said nothing about the situation/did nothing to manage the crowds. I knew what was going on thanks to twitter, but WMATA should be updating people on these situations. Not everyone has a smart phone.
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
"Not everyone has a smart phone."

I agree. I don't have one - can't afford one. Metro needs to make their announcement truly public - that is, accessible to everyone, not just those with certain gadgets.
I arrived at the Pentagon by bus at 8am, got down to the platform and waited 15 minutes when I thought it might be better to find another way downtown. Took the 16X which got me to 14th & Independence to McPherson by around 8:40 and decided to just walk the rest of the way to McPherson Square and was at my desk by 9. Glad I decided not to wait for the trains.
My wife was stuck for over an hour at Huntington. She ended up driving to Pentagon City and getting on there.____WMATA provied almost no information about he problem or its likely duration.
A two hour trip from Franconia to Farragut this morning - tying my all time worst commute for which I still get to pay rush hour fare! Metro communications inaudible or "moving momentarily" mantra. So much for Metro alert of 15 minute delays, which turned into 30-40 and which were even longer! Can't wait for the Silver line to open because we all know what will happen then on a good day without "track" issues or a train "malfunction".
Mariterri's avatar

Mariterri · 628 weeks ago

Thank you EVERYONE who posted on Twitter this morning. I decided to drive in because of your posts and was able to get to work on time. I really appreciate the heads up!! I will do my best to return the favor.
Catherine Maddux's avatar

Catherine Maddux · 628 weeks ago

Nearly two hour wait at Pentagon to get a Yellow Line train to go ONE STOP. I'll be biking to work from here on out. Metro is unreliable and unsafe.
Does WMATA *ever* give honest information in their "alerts"? They were saying 15 minute delays on the yellow line this morning when people had already been stuck waiting for far longer than that at the Hunthington end of the yellow line. The local news stations were all saying "15 minute delays" early this morning when they should have been saying "people have already been waiting for 30+ minutes and there's no sign of it getting better any time soon." The official WMATA alerts seem more like a propaganda tool for lieing about how bad the situation is than any sort of attempt at a useful alert system. Although I guess having to constantly announce "it's super bad and we have no idea when or even how we're going to fix it" would get pretty embarassing.
heck of a job WMATA!
I went through the faregates at Huntington at 8:33 and finally exited at Mt. Vernon Square at 10:25.

That's nearly two hours for what would normally be a 30 minute trip. Ridiculous. I contemplated getting off at one of our layovers at Eisenhower/King Street/Braddock but there were no trains headed outbound so I didn't want to get doubly stranded. And to top it off, I was charged the rush hour fare. I just sent my refund request to Metro. We'll see where that goes.
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
Add me to the group who has decided to end this madness. Sure driving to work is more expensive but at least while I'm stuck in traffic I have my own seat.
... and who got fired or disciplined for this? one!
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
Butter Brew's avatar

Butter Brew · 628 weeks ago

Bonuses all around!
Dan Stessel's avatar

Dan Stessel · 628 weeks ago

We were experimenting with a new form of Rush+ and are glad it is so well received.

You're welcome!
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
Stan Desselscum's avatar

Stan Desselscum · 628 weeks ago

Great job!
Dan Stessel's avatar

Dan Stessel · 628 weeks ago

We were experimenting with a new form of Rush+ and are glad it is so well received.
Metro Fail's avatar

Metro Fail · 628 weeks ago

Started commute at Georgia Ave metro headed to Crystal City at around 7:30 AM. Switch to the yellow at Mt. Vernon took about 15 - 20 minutes of waiting, then when we got to L'Enfant we were told to get off the train so he could go back and pick up more passengers at some previous stop. There was an insane amount of people packed onto the platform at L'Enfant after that. Then the train came back and we all packed on like sardines. Held forever at Pentagon. Made it to Crystal City a little after 9 AM.

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