The reality of how the Silver Line will further screw Blue Line riders and "Rush+" Orange Line riders west of East Fall Church is starting to dawn on people.
Blue Line headways will be 12 minutes all day, and Orange Line riders west of East Falls Church will see their service cut dramatically.
You can read the rosy side of the story here on Metro's planning (bad news) blog.
Metro has also targeted Blue Line riders with yet another survey, the subtext of which is "take the bus."
Here's the intro text:
I'd give you a link to the survey but they're individualized.
Some Blue Line riders are outraged.
From Peggy:
From Albert:
Blue Line headways will be 12 minutes all day, and Orange Line riders west of East Falls Church will see their service cut dramatically.
You can read the rosy side of the story here on Metro's planning (bad news) blog.
Metro has also targeted Blue Line riders with yet another survey, the subtext of which is "take the bus."
Here's the intro text:
Dear Metro Customer:
When the Silver Line opens, in order to create more space in the Rosslyn tunnel, Blue Line trains, all day long, will run 12 minutes apart. We’ve identified you as a Metrorail customer who may be impacted by the change to the Blue Line service. Will you take a brief 5 minute survey to let us know how you will be impacted by the change?
I'd give you a link to the survey but they're individualized.
Some Blue Line riders are outraged.
From Peggy:
The questions ask whether I'd be willing to take a bus instead. There was no way to indicate in the answers that I already take a bus to Farragut and am not interested in another transfer into street traffic.
As you know, the Orange line changes last year have meant that the Blue line is already running less frequently. You can imagine how frustrating it is to look up at the board and see that 3 orange trains are due, with no mention of a Blue in sight. This happens frequently! Twelve minutes apart --that's 5 trains per hour -- is unacceptable. They shouldn't charge a rush hour fee for that kind of service.
For the first time ever, I am considering driving to work. Please tell your followers to fight this!
From Albert:
More proof that they are screwing Blue Line riders. Note the confirmation of 12 minute delays, all day.
When you take the survey, you will see that they are trying to sell bus service as a Metro substitute. Why not let people keep taking buses from Dulles, as they do now?
Please, have some hard hitting fun with this. I also think they are gaming the survey by not allowing answers that many of us would give.
guest · 626 weeks ago
Question · 626 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 626 weeks ago
BradK · 626 weeks ago
Honestly, this is a better question for Sand Box John on, but I suspect that it is a distance issue... IMO, they should immediately begin building another corssover near EFC and consider turning trains around there.
Stevey Jones · 626 weeks ago
Also, there is/was pressure from the airport authority to provide a "one seat ride" to Dulles - that is, if they ever build phase two of the silver line.
Man oh man, am I glad I moved off of the orange line. However, if you're in the East Falls-Rosslyn Corridor, things won't actually change much for you (actually you should get an extra train or two).
Jason · 626 weeks ago
Heather · 626 weeks ago
Just one more way Metro screws us over every day. IF there is a hell, and I doubt there is one, but if there is, I hope all the Metro execs will have a special place there just for them.
Stan Desselscum · 626 weeks ago
Red Line · 626 weeks ago
Jason · 626 weeks ago
I'd happily take "always arrive midway through the connection headway" if it meant never arriving just as the connecting train was pulling away.
Of course, this is Metro we're talking about...
Heather · 626 weeks ago
Mike · 625 weeks ago
Question · 626 weeks ago
Stevey Jones · 626 weeks ago
On a high frequency line, trains SHOULD be passing over the same section of track every 3 minutes, as they do on the red line. This 3 minutes is probably theoretically enough to squeeze a train in to the opposite track and turn it around before the next one comes. I doubt metro wants that, though.
See here:
This is just north of silver spring on the red line. Notice the 3 tracks in the middle (the two on the outside are for MARC). The middle track serves as a parking spot for trains that go out of service at silver spring and turn around and head back to Grosvenor.
Question · 626 weeks ago
Stevey Jones · 626 weeks ago
However, I think the actual issue is Metro doesn't want to bring a train in to east falls, dump off about 600 people onto the platform (full train holds 1k), then have those people wait with the EFC commuters for an inbound orange. This would be coupled with people coming from Arlington (and elsewhere), who would be dumped off at EFC to get on a Silver to go to Tysons or Reston. That would be a lot of people on that platform.
Of course, if the Silver terminated at EFC, you would have more room for orange trains Vienna - NC, so those people could be moved quickly, I guess.
@dcjanes · 626 weeks ago
guest · 626 weeks ago
karah 81p · 626 weeks ago
Mike D. · 625 weeks ago
The fact of the matter is that the Silver Line, for many of us potential riders (Herndon and Reston especially), actually makes our commutes worse too. Right now we have straight shot buses to West Falls. Now we'll have to be on a Metro line (instantly subject to far more dealys) AND have to divert 10 minutes through Tyson's Corner.
Alex B. · 626 weeks ago
If the goal would be to reduce the number of Orange line trains so that more Blue trains would fit through the Rosslyn portal, then you'd be back to the same 'ol Orange Crush problems again.
Question · 626 weeks ago
The silver line trains that continue into DC are NOT just like orange line trains to the people who live at the west end of the orange line.
SarlesSucks · 626 weeks ago
Stan Desselscum · 626 weeks ago
bet · 626 weeks ago
Better rethink the Fairfax connector doing the Dulles Airport bus work.
drew · 626 weeks ago
I can see not only blue liners pissed but people on the other side of EFC equally mad at WMATA
Stevey Jones · 626 weeks ago
However drew, don't forget that most people drive to Vienna solo. You can't proceed inside the beltway on 66 unless you are HOV-2 or more during AM rush. Using other roads like 50 or route 7 to get all the way in to east falls would take forever. I have to agree with WMATA that more people parking at east falls is probably a non-issue.
Veracity · 626 weeks ago
Jason · 626 weeks ago
That said, I mostly agree with you, but they should have made EFC the turnaround, not Rosslyn. This way the Silver Line would basically have nothing to do with the Orange/Blue Lines. Best way to do the Silver Line absent another tunnel or bridge over the river for Orange/Blue.
guest · 626 weeks ago
Jason · 626 weeks ago
Suburban Guy · 626 weeks ago
anon · 626 weeks ago
Mary · 626 weeks ago
knows metro · 626 weeks ago
That they don't tells you a lot about management's confidence in the quality of the workforce --->and the maintenance of the equipment.
totallyfailed 81p · 626 weeks ago
Future SL Rider · 626 weeks ago
karah 81p · 626 weeks ago
mike · 626 weeks ago
Blue Line riders should fill out the survey indicating something to the effect of, "I'm planning on coping with the reduced frequency of trains by buying a used Hummer that barely passes emissions tests, and driving it, alone, to 18th and K at 8:30am each and every workday."
Amy · 626 weeks ago
mike · 626 weeks ago
Metro riders need to speak out against proposals to expand the system that don't address the basic overcrowding problem in the core.
Stan Dessel · 626 weeks ago
You're welcome!
MsKat · 626 weeks ago
Jason · 626 weeks ago
Unfortunately, they chose to promote it as the second coming of Transit Jesus...probably because noone at Metro knows how to just be honest.
WordWrestleStessel · 626 weeks ago
jkuchen · 626 weeks ago
The perfect non-tunnel solution probably won't happen, but anyone who looks at a subway map of Manhattan could look at the segment from Rosslyn to the Pentagon and put a big S on it. Build new platforms on that rail section away from the Orange and Yellow lines respectively and just run it like the Shuttle train. Then run the Blue/Silver Line from Dulles to Largo and a split Yellow Line covering Virginia a la Rush+.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 626 weeks ago
guest · 626 weeks ago
seriously, they're that worried about what color to paint the buses??!
Doctor Whom · 626 weeks ago
karah 81p · 626 weeks ago
Willy · 626 weeks ago
Alice · 622 weeks ago
Orange Line Rider · 616 weeks ago