Since I listen to headphones the entire time I'm on Metro, this is not something I really gave much thought to, but I get a lot of email on this topic, so I figure it's worth discussing.
From Adam:
Other items:
Anyone else think this article is strange? (Examiner)
From Adam:
The other day I was reminded why I dislike riding public transportation: having to listen to other people's extremely loud music.
It's usually people with their headphones on, which is pretty annoying, but the most annoying is people who listen to their music through their phone's speakers.
What is the etiquette on asking people to please turn down their music? Sometimes, I feel that if I sit down after them they had priority, or if there are people closer buy they should say something.
I know there are other issues WMATA has to deal with, but what can be done (I do) about this.
Other items:
Anyone else think this article is strange? (Examiner)
robgsr 117p · 626 weeks ago
dcn8v · 626 weeks ago
Or you could just sit there, quietly fuming, dreaming of the day when you will be able to drive or telecommute. Or retire.
Guest · 626 weeks ago
Cletus Jenkins · 626 weeks ago
anon · 626 weeks ago
I know for a fact that Metro has been testing a vinyl flooring for years--at least 5 by my count.
What in the hell are they waiting for?
The real answer? They're never going to do it. They're just trotting the idea out to take the focus away from the fact that when the silver line opens, metro is going to be very very short of raill cars.
Ryan · 626 weeks ago
And then in 2009, the Red Line Crash happened. The man literally did nothing but push for carpeting to be taken out all while safety fell to shit. Catoe is a scumbag and I hope he never works in transportation again.
anon · 626 weeks ago
Ryan · 626 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 626 weeks ago
@JimLCunningham · 626 weeks ago
It's just uncivilized.
Angela · 625 weeks ago
headphone · 626 weeks ago
Heather · 626 weeks ago
I totally agree it is annoying and rude, especially when played through the phone's speakers, but there sometimes are situations that warrant the extra volume through the headphones.
dddddda · 626 weeks ago
On Saturday, a group of tourists got on the train that were so loud I could hear them over my music at about 75% volume from a few seats away (I turned it up a bit and continued to hear them). My favorite was one time, a lady got on the train pushing a large stroller. Despite the train being half empty, decided to sit with me, clocking me in the knee with the stroller while parking it. She then proceeded to tickle and tease her child, causing him to squeal at what I assume was pretty close to full volume. I turned my music up and she taps me and says "I can hear your music." I just responded with "yeah, well I can hear your child, so I guess we're even." She was, um, not pleased - YET, still refused to move to one of the 20 or so open seats in the car (by this point I was penned into the interior seat by said stroller).
So, if things are quiet and you can somehow hear my music, then just say something and I'll gladly turn it down a click, if I've got it up loud (sometimes I just want to rock out). But if you're being obnoxious, the volume is intentional and expect to get snark back. If my eardrums are nearly bleeding and I can STILL hear you, you deserve it.
Hal · 626 weeks ago
Heather · 626 weeks ago
F'n JD · 626 weeks ago
At least that's what I wish I could do. Disproportionately there is only one group I ever see doing this. Thugs.
Ever n Anon · 626 weeks ago
Some people who do it are unstable. No way of knowing if they'll go physical or not from a confrontation.
Heather · 626 weeks ago
dddddda · 626 weeks ago
anon · 626 weeks ago
I heard people who work at best buy get an employee discount. They're on the same radar.
mjw703 · 625 weeks ago
@savemetro · 626 weeks ago
Carpet . . it has to go. They need a surface that can be hosed off.
But what no one is talking about is the Greyhound Bus.
OK , now a show of hands, how many of you have seen roaches on Metro? I have.
Trent · 609 weeks ago
Red Line · 626 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 626 weeks ago
karah 81p · 626 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 626 weeks ago
not a fed worker · 626 weeks ago
Guest · 626 weeks ago
TypicalUnsuckReader · 626 weeks ago
Go to hell you KKK douchebag
karah 81p · 626 weeks ago
rory · 626 weeks ago
Doctor Whom · 626 weeks ago
karah 81p · 626 weeks ago
Joeb · 626 weeks ago
Zach · 626 weeks ago
I keep some Guns n Roses on my iphone, and the second some kid with a bad attitude and no headphones begins to play their music next to me, I turn mine on without headphones. The response is priceless. I only do this if they are right next to they get the point. "Yo man, I can't hear my vulgur rap"! Hmmm...that's too bad.
F'n JD · 626 weeks ago
wouldratherdrive · 625 weeks ago
@JimLCunningham · 626 weeks ago
Matt · 625 weeks ago
I can also think of a regular Red Line rider who plays a game on her phone and each time you touch the screen, a "twinkling" sound goes off. Talk about irritating!
Erin · 625 weeks ago
@MegE_N · 625 weeks ago
I felt like such a heel for not standing up for the older white man. At one time I did try to ask the boys to stop swearing in my face, but my voice was so low that I'm pretty sure they couldn't hear me, even from less than a foot away. I wish I could tell that older man that I'm sorry I didn't stand up for him - because the rules should apply to everyone, and that includes teenagers. I think as a group we all need to support each other when someone on a train speaks up about obeying the rules, or dealing with rude or disruptive people. That's the only way we'll be able to change rider behavior on the train.
Please also note that I only point out the races of all of those involved because it was the basis for a lot of the arguing and swearing that commenced.
Guest · 625 weeks ago
wouldratherdrive · 625 weeks ago
Driver · 625 weeks ago
Guest · 625 weeks ago
Concerned · 625 weeks ago
Damon · 624 weeks ago
shaintell · 624 weeks ago