Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pee on the Tracks

A couple of years ago, it was revealed that Metro employees had been using pocket tracks as lavatories.

Now, a source has revealed the mystery about why there are so many water bottles scattered around Metro that are filled with a yellowish fluid that resembles urine.

Turns out they are what the source called "operator droppings" and are indeed bottles filled with pee.

The source said operators usually wait until they're in the tunnels before they dump their "gifts."

"You'd think they would just take it with them to dispose, but they just litter the tunnels," said the source, who found three bottles near one platform the other day.

The source added that there are preferred places, like the pocket track in Grosvenor, where "they just open the doors and piss."

"There are quite a few piss bottles there," said the source, adding that the older operators are generally more considerate, while the "new ones think they are piloting the space shuttle and have a weird sense of entitlement."

Not only is dumping bottles filled with urine disrespectful to the many Metro employees who work daily along the tracks, but another source said it shows the tension between operators and management regarding the tight schedules that, according to operators, often leave no time for bathroom breaks.

"Dumping the piss like that is sort of a middle finger to management," said the source.

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Fixed Tiles's avatar

Fixed Tiles · 626 weeks ago

Now that's getting the job done right!
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
Anyone with 1/2 a brain would understand that there is a root cause for this and there needs to be sufficient time for bathroom breaks. This scandalous story shows me that there must not be sufficient time or a location dedicated to bathroom breaks. It shows me that management has not solved this problem given the story is resurfacing.

How about give the human body it's just due and allow sufficient time for these employees without punishing them.
These parents seem to be on to something... If it works for a toddler, why not WMATA?

Sooprise, sooprise, a train operator being rude and disrespectful. Shocker.....
Where oh where do you propose to put these port a pottys? Is there room in the tunnels? The real solution is to give operators time between shifts....
You would trust Metro to handle cleaning these daily? Because you know if it's on the platform everyone...especially drunks...will come knocking. Not to mention if somebody sees it at one station they'll probably want them at more...

Seems more trouble than it's worth.
Dr Turdlock's avatar

Dr Turdlock · 626 weeks ago

Give me a break. Porto potties on the platforms is disgusting.
Stan Desselscum's avatar

Stan Desselscum · 626 weeks ago

To HELL with that! Maybe YOU would enjoy that stinking, festering pile of Metro feces and piss. That is not a fix (although I would not put it past them!)

The fix is to FIRE all the worthless idiots not doing their job, BAN the union involvement and pay people the MARKET wages that everyone else earns in other industries. That will leave more money to hire more workers, and loosen up schedules. As usual, it all comes down to money and the union - they are simply paid far, FAR too much for the level of work they do.
U Suck, Unsuck!!'s avatar

U Suck, Unsuck!! · 592 weeks ago

Hahahahahaha... My 115k is well earned sir! Perhaps you should have picked a better vocation than you
Not to mention, how do you get the 'pump' truck hoses to them to pump them out?
Please - plenty of people obviously pee under the steps already - and its obvious that the cleaning mop doesn't reach under there either! Actually adding a place to go on purpose - ick!
Totally Eeewed Out's avatar

Totally Eeewed Out · 626 weeks ago

Respectfully disagreeing here. Can we say disease? Talk about a health concern to the max. Did they not learn in school to plan ahead for potty breaks? This is nothing more than laziness and complete disregard for health concerns of their own coworkers as well as the public and the environment.
I am not at all surprised by this. Which really says sad things about WMATA.
At least they do something consistently at WMATA
I don't object to this at all, so long as management actually comes into contact with the urine bottles. I don't mean to sound sadistic, but the thought of Richard Sarles in his Burberry raincoat, drenched with piss gives me a case of the chuckles.
Caligula's avatar

Caligula · 626 weeks ago

What do the train operators do with a deuce? A Big Mac box?
4 replies · active 626 weeks ago
What a joke Heeee!

I bet most of you writing about this can step right into your hallway and go pee in a civilized bathroom.

Well Chris.. not all jobs have the luxury of stepping outside their office into a bathroom and sometimes it is not a question of a few feet.
Try and think outside the realm of your own jobs.
Stan Desselscum's avatar

Stan Desselscum · 626 weeks ago

Is that you, Richard Sarles?
Sir Richard's avatar

Sir Richard · 626 weeks ago

No, I have a private bathroom in my office. What do you take me for? I never mingle with the unwashed masses, whether it be in our HQ or out in the cesspool of DC public transport. It's in my contract. Egads!
VeteranRider's avatar

VeteranRider · 626 weeks ago

" sort of a middle finger to management..."

Well, as long as everyone is being adult about it....
"Pee on the Tracks" is my favorite Bob Dylan album!
Concerned's avatar

Concerned · 626 weeks ago

Silver lining: at least they are not throwing them at customers as they enter the station!
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
You're welcome!
Laughingman's avatar

Laughingman · 626 weeks ago

Someone's pissed
So that smell I often smell at Rosslyn, is not the brakes, but burnt pee? Hmmmm.....
Is that what is happening when the train stops in a tunnel and the lights go out?
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
Stan Desselscum's avatar

Stan Desselscum · 626 weeks ago

Hahahaha! It makes sense now!
Meg it took a woman to explain or question these results. H-E-L-L-OOOOO-W!
If you ask these drivers I bet they don't have the time to do their business in a location convenient for them to keep their schedules and continue on time.

Why not have someone ask!
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 626 weeks ago

The bottles are indeed gifts and are excellent alternative sources of hydration when you're trapped in a tunnel for hours.

You're welcome!
This is the number one problem at Metro!
7 replies · active 625 weeks ago
Urine trouble!
The stream of hijinks at Metro is never ending.
These puns are just golden! Keep showering this thread with them!
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 625 weeks ago

Finalyy a thread where bathroom humor is not OT.

Sounds like a bunch of pissed off operators.

Operator: "Please sir, may we have a bathroom break?"
Management: "Piss off!!"
Operator: "Very well, sir."
People are complaining about this issue, but I think it's just water under the bridge.
It would be hard to see the bottles being tossed as the trains whiz by.
Now that Easter is just around the corner, I'm sure we'll see lots of people eating PEEps on the trains.
eh. I can see that side of it, but also the planning ahead side as mentioned above. If you ever get a window seat on a long flight, do you chug big gulps? I don't.
No matter what seat I'm in on the plane (and I'm sure I could run circles around you on the "long flights" longest continuous flight was 16.5 hours and including connections I've topped 27 hours), I can always get up and go if I need to, except for a few minutes at take-off and landing (have you heard? There's even a LAW requiring that passengers in the US be allowed access to bathrooms if they're delayed onboard!). Even the pilots can get out of the cockpit and piss, with a few minutes' notice, if they need to and don't have en-suite facilities (long-haulers have bathrooms in the cockpit).

Sure, if I'm going to be sitting in a LOOONG meeting (2-3 hours), I use the facilities beforehand and do what I can to avoid needing to sneak out, but, if I excuse myself to use the restroom, no one will mind terribly. But NO ONE should be expected to just "hold it" for 8+ hours, either for lack of adequate breaks or adequate facilities on those breaks. I don't even expect my DOG to go that long without an opportunity to appropriately relieve himself!
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 626 weeks ago

Of our thousands of employees, on a small percentage urinate on other employees and occasionally on customers. So as you can see, we are doing a great job.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
Not a Phony's avatar

Not a Phony · 626 weeks ago

The real Stan is better...
DC Resident's avatar

DC Resident · 626 weeks ago

Seeing a bottle filled with pee, of which I see many on DC streets, isn't as bad as seeing someone take a shit in the middle of a crowded sidewalk not 5 feet from you. You literally can't make that shit up!!
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
yep, i've seen that too. :P
Straight from the office of Stan Dessel: Metro's new initiative to tackle the problem of "self evacuating" riders - Pee Bombs on the tracks.
Flush Plus?
Those aren't bottles of urine - they are bottles of organic brake pads.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
How about installing bathrooms in the back of the trains and buses with your tax dollars and raise the fares! I bet you shut up then in urine in bottles! Ha!
Anony-moose's avatar

Anony-moose · 625 weeks ago

From the color of that bottle in the picture, the operator needs to drink more water, not less. Definitely not healthy.

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