Photo: mr_t_in_dc; shop: Andrew
From Barbara:
I'm really frustrated with the SmarTrip adding-funds-online system. I've been having problems with it for the last 6 months and was wondering if this happens regularly to other people as well.
My husband and I are infrequent Metro users. We work in the same building and commute to work in DC from Arlington together by car. But every now and then, my husband has to work longer hours, and I take the Metro home. I use the Metro about 5-6 times a month for commuting--sometimes more, sometimes less. On top of that, we both use Metro about 3 or 4 times a month when we go to the city at night or on the weekends. We both have a SmarTrip card, plus two more cards at home for guests.
I started using the online system for adding funds when WMATA introduced it and never had any difficulties. Now, however, we've had problems loading the online-added funds onto our cards for about half a year.
First, it concerned only my husband's card. I would put the funds on there and, sometimes, the period between me adding them online and him loading them onto the card (at the station) would be a week or even longer.
At first, this wasn't a problem, but after a while it turned out that the amount I added online wouldn't be preloaded at the station (although it was added a few days beforehand), so what he did was adding a bit of cash at the machine, use the card for entry, use it for exit at the destination station and only then, while exiting, would the funds be loaded onto the card.
Now, this week, both our cards had this problem. I had added funds online on March 4. I didn't use my card before March 18, and when I did, I had to realize that there was still only 20 cents on my card, and the $50 I had added at the beginning of the month were nowhere to be seen. Same for my husband's card, which I had taken with me because of said problems - I wanted to see if the problem with his card persisted.
Well, as it turned out, it did and, on top of that, my card had the same problem now as well. Now, I had two SmarTrip cards, one with 20 cents on it and one with $1.10 - both of which had preloaded funds of $50 and $20 respectively, but I couldn't use them for riding because the funds wouldn't load, and I couldn't even go through the turnstile with them.
So, what I did was use my credit card to add $20 to my card (I didn't have any cash on me), entered Foggy Bottom, exited at Ballston and: voilà! there were $68 on my card all of a sudden.
When I checked my husband's card at the vending machine, his $20 were there, too.
How does this happen?
I called SmarTrip, and they didn't have a plausible explanation: All I learned was that this could happen "with infrequent use of the card." What the heck does that mean? It shouldn't matter how frequently I use the card - it's my money on there, it's just not in my bank any longer, it's on their card!
Right now, I have the same problem with our two spare SmarTrip cards - we'll be having visitors for the next two weeks, and I filled our guest cards up for them. The funds are added to the two cards, it says online that they are not loaded yet onto the cards and are "pending" and need to be loaded by Apr 17.
Well, I added them on Monday morning and tried to load them onto the cards on Tuesday night. No such luck - the cards showed up empty. Now I'm trying again tonight (Wednesday), and if it doesn't work I need to call SmaTrip again, wait on hold, explain the situation, only to hear again that the cards haven't been used in a while and it's all my fault.
Well, my lesson learned from this is that I won't use the "add funds online" function any more and will go back to adding money at the vending machine. It's not really progress but I don't want to experience this to and fro between the turnstile and the vending machines and the constant wondering "will the money be there?" any more.
But what I'd really like to know is: Do you hear of this problem from others as well? Is this some kind of bug that is quite common? My coworkers and friends all use their cars for commuting, most of them don't even have a SmartTrip card, so I cannot ask around here.
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Hannah · 627 weeks ago
Barbara · 626 weeks ago
Davin · 627 weeks ago
@NoPants_McGee · 627 weeks ago
karah 81p · 627 weeks ago
@NoPants_McGee · 627 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 627 weeks ago
Barbara · 626 weeks ago
Anon Everly · 627 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 627 weeks ago
Anon Everly · 627 weeks ago
Annie · 626 weeks ago
John · 627 weeks ago
Barbara · 626 weeks ago
Michael · 627 weeks ago
When you process an online or remote value load, what happens is that
the fare system adds your card serial number to a table with the
amount to be loaded, and then that table has to be pushed to all the
faregate and bus farebox computers throughout the system. The money
isn't on your card yet, it's in instructions to load your card the
next time it's seen in the system. I don't know why, but it takes a
few days for this instruction to get loaded on all the faregates.
I'm guessing that since the faregates especially are 1980's
technology, they have limited memory and processing power to store a
large table of remote value loads. Therefore, my guess is that they
make the loading instructions expire after a certain amount of time.
It's possible that the faregate you entered with has a table with your
remote value load expired, and the faregate you left with has a less
up to date table with the remote load on it. Then again, they may
have the programming screwed up so that it only checks for remote
loads on the way out, or maybe the sequence of checks for a card is
that it checks first to see whether you have enough fare to ride, and
then checks to see whether you have a remote load available.
TLDR My guess is that the fare system checks whether you have enough
fare to ride, and since you didn't it rejects the card and doesn't
even get to the step where it checks whether there's fare value to
load on the card.
guest · 626 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 626 weeks ago
josey23 · 627 weeks ago
She blew me away by saying:
'Well, we really look for a pattern of regular use before we transfer the money. Besides, you weren't down to zero anyway.'
I only add at the farecard machines now.
Robert Smith · 627 weeks ago
Jin · 627 weeks ago
What I don't get it, what do they care how often we use it? They get the money anyway, it is just a lose to us if we don't use it. I hadn't been using a ST card long before they started charging $1 on paper cards, so I can't compared, but I wonder if they are making it difficult for guests like this to force them to use the paper cards.
This same thing happened with my $3 rebate (which applied to the card mentioned). It was pending for quite a while before I actually got it.
I'm glad to hear others are facing this, though it aggravates me we have to face it at all. Usually when I tell people (local non-Metro riders), they look at me like I'm crazy, or that I misunderstood something.
guest · 626 weeks ago
AnonAnon · 626 weeks ago
Kuba · 619 weeks ago
So what they do is they load the list of cards with value to be added to them to the gates. There's probably some serial number on the card as well that's incremented each time you load up the card - that way you won't have the balance increased twice. Since there's so many online fill-ups, they wouldn't fit on a single fare gate.
Thus they only load it into the gates that you use. It's a limitation of an old system, they possibly could relax it a bit if they got ultra-clever with software for those old devices. I have some experience in coding for "obsolete" devices with tiny memory and it requires some skill, some luck, some art, and some hardcore computer science knowledge. It's a very specific skillset.
Guest · 626 weeks ago
@cabaretic · 626 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 626 weeks ago
Anyway, I do, however, wonder if it's the "newer" cards that have all of these screwy problems. I think the card I have is older than dirt & is from when Metro first started the SmarTrip program because I rarely have problems entering/exiting the system when my funds are low. I definitely remember exiting once with a negative balance & having the amount removed once from the amount I had when I added more money to my card. And no, I'm not trying to sneak out without paying. Sometimes I'm hurrying to get on the train so when I look down at my card as I go through the gate, I realize I don't have enough money. Hearing how screwed up Metro is, I make sure I resolve all of my monetary issues before leaving the system entirely.
Stan Desselscum · 626 weeks ago
There's no way to know for sure, other than to say that they're definitely incompetent and most likely using rubbish, insanely old or crappy "technology".
Kuba · 619 weeks ago
So, the only solution they could come up with is to load the balance change requests remotely to the fare gates. There's so many of them, though, that it'd be impossible to fit them all on one fare gate. Thus the requests are loaded onto the gates you are likely to use (based on previous uses), and they have to expire them as new requests get loaded.
It's only logical that the upload request will last the longest on a least-used fare gate. So if you frequently travel between a high-traffic station downtown, and some remote station, you shouldn't be surprised that the update is less likely to happen downtown - the update requests there will be retired quickly, as way more people pass through each gate compared to remote stations.
Basically the on-line option was tacked onto a system that was never designed for such use, and it has limitations. I agree with other posters that such limitations should be disclosed. As it is, I'm merely an engineer who can deduce how it's done solely based on what people report on this blog. I might be entirely wrong, but I doubt it. It fits the reported issues too well.
fsfdsdfsd · 626 weeks ago
Sounds like they've already moved it to their slush fund as unrealized funds by customer.
@megster67 · 626 weeks ago
Guest2 · 620 weeks ago
I'll be contesting that 10$ charge with AmEX, good luck Metro!
llp · 616 weeks ago
Carol · 238 weeks ago