Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bus Driver Curses Mother in Front of Child

From Dorothy:
I live in Congress Heights. My daughter goes to a charter school eight blocks away, and we try to walk unless we're running late. The M8-M9 shuttle is an option usually runs about every 15 minutes.

The M8 turns about three blocks away from her school, so I prefer the M9, which stops across the street from it. The other day, the M9 was nowhere to be seen, so we decided to catch the M8 and walk.

While boarding at the station, I asked the driver if he had a guess on when the M9 might come. All he could answer with was, "After I leave."
There are no timetables, the app I use wasn't syncing, and there was a bunch of children standing at the shelter waiting for the M9 as if they'd been there for some time.

I asked him if that was his best guess, and he said, in a surly manner, "Yeah."

I commented to my daughter that this was the state of the District as it stands. She's 11, and very bright, and we often compare Metro experiences.

 My comment meant that, we've gotten to the point where drivers can't even guess when (or if) the next bus would show up, the schedules are so out of sync.

At this point, the driver said to me, "Why did you say to me what you just said?"

I told him, "I was talking to my daughter, not you."

He replied with, "Don't give me that bull***, y'all b*****s all the same."

We got off, because I'd rather show up 20 minutes late than show my daughter that disrespect from someone you've paid to provide a service for you is unacceptable.

Another time, when I caught the 92 bus on Alabama Avenue, when my card did the "add funds" beep, before I could get out my wallet the driver said, "You welfare b******s are all the same, you get on the bus knowing you need to add money and you don't."

I have been gainfully employed since high school. Why do we have to get this attitude from Metro? And on an almost daily basis at that?

I know drivers worry about getting pelted with rocks, etc., but honestly, I'm beginning to think that sometimes they bring this type of behavior on themselves. If the drivers are disrespectful to the adults in front of their children, how do they think the children will react to them?

Other items:
So long DC Examiner (AP)
Silver Spring Transit Center unsafe, unusable (WaPo/Examiner)
15% of Metrobuses don't have arrival-app technology (Examiner)
Two insiders tapped for key management roles (Examiner)

Comments (48)

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Dorothy, How about you don't pretend other people can't hear you while you disparage their work - they're people too, and not your servants, either. You were rude first.
7 replies · active 626 weeks ago
GloverParkBobcat's avatar

GloverParkBobcat · 627 weeks ago

How was she being rude? It is true, this is the state of the metro. Station Managers have no idea what the trains are looking like, bus drivers have no idea where other buses are, the communication is abysmal. We live in the 21st century, we shouldn't be acting like it's 1970 and just hope that another bus/train will be around the next bend.
also, there is still no excuse for cussing her out, in front of a kid or not.
Your right. Bus drivers don't know where other buses are and they shouldn't know. They're busy driving their bus. That's not going to change anytime soon. She was being rude because making snide comments is the definition of being rude. Did the driver have to go off in the deep end? Certainly not. He could be written up for that very easily. I'm not defending his action, nor am i defending yours. Both are wrong.
The other story was about an angry and rude bus driver.
As always: give me a time, date and route/stop where all of this occurred. When you say the other day, that's not good enough.
Actually they may not be servants as in Old English monarchies, but they ARE SERVING the public.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

My favorite part:
"I commented to my daughter that this was the state of the District as it stands.."

I'm sure that is exactly how it went.

I love frequenting this site knowing how jaded people in this city are. Drop the word 'Metro' from the title of this blog, and let's start a new one where we aim to limit the nagging and belief in entitlement lifestyle we seem to sometimes take on.

Now I'll let all of you write a response that further exemplifies my point...
Um. I think I'd like to respond to this, but I don't understand what you're saying.

Are you saying we are not entitled to decent public transit?
Of course we are. Our perception of 'decent' is what I am referring to, and what I meant by inferring that people in this city are jaded. I expected more of an outburst of responses, but either this post is old, people agree with me, or they can't understand it.... perhaps even a mix of all three.
I am guessing you do not have much experience with the local jobs program, um, 'transit service'?
I think the word that is missing is 'valid'. Oh wait, no, you don't need a 'valid' driver's license to work for Metro. It's even ok to have a history of DUI, vehicular manslaughter/homicide, and experience driving the getaway car for robberies. I do feel obligated to say that the bus drivers that I've encountered on Metro ranged from good to bad, so I can't say this bad behavior is the norm.
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 627 weeks ago

Sorry, Veg, but that is not how assignment of operators to routes works.

Periodically there is a pick, or markup, where the operators select their desired routes. The operator with the most seniority gets first choice, and the selections then proceed down to the most junior operators.

Both the union and transit company are bound by and follow this process.

I believe it works this way in all cities whre there are ATU contracts.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 627 weeks ago

My sister-in-law cussed me out in front of my children. And it didn't even stop after I left. My daughters, who stayed behind with their mom, went into the bathroom and hide for 45 minutes, crying, until the tirade was over.

There is no excuse for behavior like that. Everyone is entitled to their anger. But NO ONE is entitled to spew it on someone else indiscriminately.
They're all rude because they're upset they're driving a bus for a living. It's like talking to people who work at McDonalds. They're all rude because they're upset they're working at McDonalds.
5 replies · active 627 weeks ago
bullsumner's avatar

bullsumner · 627 weeks ago

Maybe so (tho I believe the Metro bus drivers get paid pretty well, esp. compared to McD workers), but just about any public service worker whomever they may be, from a cashier to a bus driver, or a police officer to a librarian all have to sometimes deal with angry, rude, socially inept, hostile, and sometimes mentally ill people. That said, in my experience the majority of interactions with members of the public are at least neutral in nature, and often even pleasant. I speak from over 25 years experience in busy daily public service interactions. There's no professional excuse for a public servant to be rude. There are plenty of personal excuses, but if a professional can't separate the professional from the personal, either that person needs a job change or needs to retire. Members of the public also need to remember how stressful it is to work on a daily basis with the public. There's hardly a day goes by in my job that I don't see or hear of a nasty interaction. I try my best to rise above being nasty back.
McDonalds employees, in my experience, have been nicer than most metrobus drivers and if they aren't I can't exactly blame them, plus I don't ever have to endure them for much more than a minute. Metrobus drivers, on the other hand, should be a lot happier considering how much they earn after a certain number of years with Metro, the health benefits they get and the union protections they enjoy. Driving for Metrobus is far better than the other suburban bus lines (i.e. Dash, Fairfax Connector, Ride-On) when you look at it from a salary and benefits standpoint. Plus I've seen more than one story in the Post about some drivers racking up close to six figures after overtime. So why are they so bitter?
There is already an Anon5 here, and its me.
who cares dude. SMH
The people who work at the McDonald's closest to me are not rude. But they almost always get my order wrong and most don't speak english.
I really don't know how to behave with Metro employees...
I had so many bad experiences in the last years, from sleeping station managers (Cleveland Park 6:30am) to xenophobic insults (One of the Medical Center Station manager is a total ***) and reckless bus drivers...
I would say the best option is just to ignore them and consider them as part of the landscape... Don't talk to them, don't look at them, don't ask them anything (anyway, they don't know more than you).
We must not be insulting and disrespectful, but we don't have to be be extra nice and polite.
On the other hand, I feel bad for the few employees who are doing a great job.
re: the examiner. sorry about the job losses, but at least this means less trash left on the trains.
1 reply · active 627 weeks ago
I'll miss it. It was a nice alternative to the liberal press that dominates this area. At least that means more time reading books and less time reading the paper (the only thing worth reading in the Express is Pearls Before Swine, and I can read that online.)

And it's just a matter of time before the Post goes bankrupt.
Meanwhile, while I don't care for the editorial side of the publication, the loss of the Examiner is terrible for us because we lose Kytja and Liz. I'd love for Kytja to shake things up at the Post, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.
When will Sarles or Stessel do something to improve customer service?
Jackie Jeets's avatar

Jackie Jeets · 627 weeks ago

You believe in slavery
Danny 'Social Guru''s avatar

Danny 'Social Guru' · 627 weeks ago

This was your fault and I will hire a PR firm to make a campaign to show that
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 627 weeks ago

Hey, he didn't drop the F-bomb.

You're welcome!
I just hope you reported the driver on their website and not just here with us. They need to be overwhelmed with complaints on a daily basis.
"Video or it didn't happen!" - Metro
2 replies · active 627 weeks ago
"Video AND it didn't happen"- Metro
Don't forget GPS coordinates, a picture of the license plate of the bus, and a blood sample from the driver.
One persons vulgarity is anothers everyday language.
The loss of the Examiner is huge. Along with Unsuck, this is one of the few outlets that reports honestly about WMATA and all it's problems. I wish Katja and Liz all the best and hope they continue to keep turning the screws on Metro wherever their future may be.
The driver's behavior was rude to start with and the follow-on swearing unacceptable. But sorry Dorothy, you need to not ask questions like that of the driver in the first place. He's driving HIS bus and is not omniscient as to the locations of other buses. His initial rudeness could be just frustration at being asked a stupid question.
4 replies · active 626 weeks ago
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 627 weeks ago

It would be wise to realize that the operator probably does not know where the other bus is.

However, there is no excuse for the operator to go beyond something like "Sorry Ma'am, i don't know."
Fully agree, which is why I led off with "The driver's behavior was rude to start with..."
Don't the bus drivers have radios? They could easily have heard something about the other bus being delayed (held up by traffic, it got in an accident...).

I'm not saying it's LIKELY that the bus driver would know where the other bus is, but it's likely enough that they have some kind of useful information that it seems worth asking.
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 626 weeks ago

Agreed; it should never hurt to ask.
Ever Offended's avatar

Ever Offended · 627 weeks ago

Drivers worried about being pelted with rocks usually have reason to get pelted with said rocks.
Professionalism is not always an easy standard to maintain. We all encounter individuals in our work lives that compromise this in ourselves. But unlike WMATA, in my work and in whatever situation, I know that I would be dismissed for such behavior. It is my experience that while I have come across some great station managers and bus drivers; I've also been on the receiving end of some awful unprofessional behavior from other WMATA employees. Since there doesn't seem to be any consequences for when bus drivers or station managers act this way; even when said individuals are reported, the likelihood of anything changing remains somewhat unlikely.
I've had very rude drivers before, but usually I'd just wait until my stop and say something like, "Wow, have a better day dude, jeez" under my breath as I get off, or just give the stink eye. That driver was absolutely wrong to curse and be nasty in front of the little girl, but OP, sorry, you kind of opened that can of worms. As my Dad would say, "Don't write checks with your mouth, that your butt can't cash."
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I am guessing he is not a poker player? I have gone right up until the point of risking jail (not a good idea for several reasons) on a bluff.
A portion of this blog was in the Wash Post Express today although they left out the original comment.
The bottom line is that bus drivers have to be above the fray. They're in a service industry. It can suck and mean dealing with all walks of life, but we all have bosses/customers somewhere. I've had great drivers and wretched drivers, I just wish the great ones would be promoted to oversee all of them. But, like most things semi-governmental, it usuallly involves a failing upward model.
The bus driver on the bus I was on today reprimanded two passengers for getting on the bus after the stop (how do you do that unless the driver stops for you?). One of the passengers said "But you didn't stop at the bus stop." The bus driver yelled loudly after the passenger was seated, "I DIDN'T SEE YOU!! IF I SEE YOU, I STOP...IF I DON'T SEE YOU, I DON'T STOP!!!" There were a few more words from the driver but her voice was much lower. The driver had blown her horn at almost every one during the entire bus ride and even stopped her bus beside another bus, opened her doors to complain to another bus driver about the bus driver ahead of them. Whew!

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