From Zack:
Other items:
As reported here again and again, emergency intercoms don't work (NBC4)
I am writing to share a troubling experience I just had with a Metro station manager and a medical emergency. Around 3:20 I was coming down the escalator at Rosslyn and saw an elderly man face down next to the bottom of the escalator. Two people were standing by him, and he was slowly getting up.
I saw someone start to run up the other side of the escalator. When I got down, I confirmed he was already going for help from Metro employees, and I went to give a hand to the old man as the people watching him seemed overwhelmed. He managed to get up, but was stumbling. Quickly, he leaned on a trash can and spilled his bag he was carrying. I noticed he was bleeding profusely, although it was unclear from where. He couldn't explain what had happened or where he was, and his pupils were dilated.
My first aid license expired more than ten years ago, but it was profoundly obvious that he was either had a fairly severe concussion and perhaps worse. I only go into this much detail because I never had the opportunity to convey any of what I had observed to the station manager. Two employees came, asked him questions which he was incapable of answering, and, I wish I was joking when I said this, but the next thing said after "where did you fall?" was, "Let's go upstairs and do some paperwork." They then started carrying him to the elevator. I was shocked by this statement, and I said to the man, "I'm almost positive he has a bad concussion, you need to call an ambulance immediately."
What did I get for trying to convey the severity of the situation? The station manager immediately snapped back "I *KNOW* what I need to do."
Like I said, my first aid certification is expired, but I do remember this: the first step is assessment. You calm everyone down and try to figure out as much about what happened as you can, so you can relay. Common sense, instinct, and what remained of my training told me that if you suspected a serious head injury you should not move the person. This was later confirmed by two medical professionals (a nurse, and nurse practitioner). By so quickly moving the patient, the station manager both lost a chance to do a proper assessment, and quite possibly put the man at further medical risk.
I have a handful of questions based off this incident:
1) Do all station managers have first aid training?
2) If not, why is it not a requirement for every single station manager to have it?
3) If so, why was their first concern asking the man to fill out paper work instead of first aid? Why did they not spend even a minute trying to assess the nature of the injury? Why did they move someone with a high chance of a severe head injury?
Finally, I don't need to be thanked for stopping for a couple of minutes to help the man. But the fact that they rushed to move him to "do paperwork" belies the station manager's claim that he knew what he needed to do. To snap at someone who is simply trying to help is unacceptable. It'd be great if the station manager offered an apology, but I'm not holding my breath.
Other items:
As reported here again and again, emergency intercoms don't work (NBC4)
NoVA RN · 626 weeks ago
Non-medical personnel in my hospital aren't first aid/BLS trained in my hospital for many reasons, acceptance of liability being the number one explanation when we ask. They should be trained, however, to remain with the victim and call for help, instead of moving them for something as trivial as paperwork.
You did the right thing. It's shocking to nobody that WMATA was wrong again.
NoVA RN · 626 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 626 weeks ago
2) It's Metro. They have a culture of incompetence.
3) Probably to protect themselves from any possible lawsuit.
I have almost no medical training, but I've read enough to know that there are instances in which you don't move someone who has been injured like this.
And clearly this station manager did not *KNOW* what s/he needed to do.
Mariterri · 626 weeks ago
dcn8v · 626 weeks ago
Stan Desselscum · 626 weeks ago
"Yes, your honor. Here is the paper he signed to affirm that his injuries were not serious, were completely a result of his own actions, and needed no medical attention. What? Oh, just ignore those BLOOD STAINS all over the document, I mean, it's just some red ink we spilled on there while working on our latest budget."
Ever n Anon · 626 weeks ago
Heather · 626 weeks ago
zach · 626 weeks ago
Dezlboy · 626 weeks ago
dddddda · 626 weeks ago
But, man, they're lucky this wasn't me. No, I'm not a medical professional, but I have lots of (generally expired, I'm current on CPR only) training. Doesn't matter, I haven't forgotten what to do and I'm certainly no wallflower. They would have had to physically restrain me to move him (though I wouldn't necessarily put that past WMATA staff, and then I'd probably be in jail for failing to comply or something).
I don't necessarily think that every WMATA staff member needs formal first aid training, but could they at least be trained not to move a sick/injured person and call for help unless there's an imminent threat to the injured's safety? That's kind of the FIRST first-aid lesson.
Kathryn_DC · 624 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 626 weeks ago
Guest · 626 weeks ago
@JimLCunningham · 626 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 626 weeks ago
You're welcome!
sbc · 626 weeks ago
dddddda · 626 weeks ago
dcn8v · 626 weeks ago
Guest · 626 weeks ago
Carl · 626 weeks ago
It looks like there are a couple stories.
dcn8v · 626 weeks ago
To be perfectly honest with you , i am a metro employee who will never touch an injured person on a train. i will try to establish communication with them and call for an ambulance when asked for or deemed necessary. we have been told in the past that we are not covered under the "good samaritan" policy. like police and fire personnel. we can be sued and Metro will not back us. i am not about to be sued for trying to do the right thing. sorry ain't happenin'! also the train operators are instructed by OCC to see if the passenger can be moved under their own power to the platform. OCC only wants their trains moving, bottom line. and as for first aid training.... i was instructed in CPR 20+ years ago. nothing since and haven't heard about any future training.
@VeggieTart · 626 weeks ago
dddddda · 626 weeks ago
KathrynDC · 624 weeks ago
Also, if Metro isn't paying for CPR training for all staff, it can be obtained at no cost through the fire department.
KathrynDC · 626 weeks ago
This is the point at which people with valid first aid training have to advocate on behalf of the victim. If I had been there, there is no way that guy would have left my care, because it's a violation of my license to turn him over to idiots.
DKB · 626 weeks ago
guest · 626 weeks ago
i'd like to think in that situation i'd whip out my phone and call 911; wonder if APD would transfer the call to transit police?
Anon · 626 weeks ago
carl · 626 weeks ago
Looks like there are a couple.
Ali · 626 weeks ago
Guest · 626 weeks ago
Hey Unsuck- can you find out how much Metro pays people to set up skits on employees? It seems it is a daily occurrence as I am hearing from other employees. If you didn't know.... a lot of these scenes are planned and set up in a particular employee.
Find out how much Metro spenda on these skits that arwe played out on employees.
dcn8v · 626 weeks ago
Anon · 626 weeks ago
Hey Unsuck can you find out through FOI who metro or the jurisdictions hire and how they go about hiring these actors to play out skits and how much they pay an hour? I bet most of the employees don't know this is going on.
Guest · 626 weeks ago
Rob · 626 weeks ago
Guest · 626 weeks ago
Joolz · 626 weeks ago
Jason · 626 weeks ago
I think the ultimate problem at Rosslyn is the lay out. The staff is too far away the main action of the station and if something happens they have to go down a 200+ foot escalator to get to one platform, even more escalators to get to another. A vigilant station manager is too far away to be of any help to customers.
MsKat · 626 weeks ago
Second, they really do get nasty in an emergency-it's like they weren't taught the first rule was to at least APPEAR calm even if they aren't. I was in a bus accident last year, and one of the teens on the bus who wasn't hurt asked the bus driver a question; the bus driver not only yelled at him, but also cursed at him! Granted the kid asked a dumb question, but people would have probably remained more calm if the bus driver had at least acted like he had his head screwed on straight. Right after he went on the teenager, some of us started panicking, one lady started crying, some folks actually got off the bus and left...I just think if he had kept his attitude at a minimum during the emergency things would have gone more smoothly.
It's like they weren't taught to take a leadership stance in an emergency, but rather to just panic like a chicken with its head cut off like the passengers. Imagine if other officials, such as police or firemen, reacted that way...
Guest · 626 weeks ago
Annie · 626 weeks ago