From K:
I am writing to report an extremely offensive encounter I had the other morning with one of the Metro Transit Police.Other items:
I was entering the turnstile at Greenbelt station. The first turnstile I tried was broken, so I used the one next to it, and I noticed the LED display was broken, yet the gate still worked.
My boyfriend entered after me, and we hurried to catch the train on the platform.
All of a sudden, we heard the policeman on duty repeatedly shouting, "Hey! Feel like paying your fare today?"
We turned and realized he was speaking to us.
Apparently, the gate didn't scan my boyfriend's SmartTrip card (which he couldn't have known, again, because the LED display on the gate was off).
Whether it read his card correctly or not I don't know, but if it didn't, he obviously would have had to pay once he tried to leave the system at his destination. I see that happening to people every day, and it's no big deal. The Metro employee just scans their card when they try to leave.
However, this policeman proceeded to yell at us and accuse us of stealing from the Metro system. He also lectured us like we were kids and held onto our SmarTrip cards, so we had to listen to his rant. He added that if he ever caught us doing that again he'd give us a $50 fine.
Yesterday I watched two teenagers literally squeezing themselves through a closed Metro turnstile, right in front of a Metro employee who did nothing to stop them, and this policeman yelled at us for 5 minutes when we did nothing wrong?
Is this part of some new system to crack down on people who hurry through the turnstile?
If so, at least make sure the LED displays on the gates are functioning properly.
I am really offended by this.
I pay the Metro system almost $14 a day.
If someone ever speaks to us like that again, like we're some kind of criminals, Metro will lose us as riders.
Get your transit police under control and have them start enforcing actual crimes that take place in the stations.
What to do if you're harassed on Metro (WUSA9)
70% of Metrobuses off schedule (WaPo)
Metro legal fees hit $1.3 million in union fight (Examiner)
Corresponding Toads · 745 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 745 weeks ago
So did this *exact* same thing happen to two different couples weeks apart at the same Metro station, or is this the same story published again for our disapproval?
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 745 weeks ago
Sizzle · 745 weeks ago
James · 745 weeks ago
Alex · 745 weeks ago
@kara_h · 745 weeks ago
hrh king friday13 · 745 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 745 weeks ago
What makes better sense is for them to catch you at the time and place that you attempt to cheat the system - whether upon entrance or exit.
anon · 745 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 745 weeks ago
I think this is all a moot point if you have no card at all or are just pretending to use it. Looking for people sneaking in as well as sneaking out theoretically doubles your chance of catching fare evaders, right?
anon · 745 weeks ago
hrh king friday13 · 745 weeks ago
And yes, they do charge you the max unless you have a sympathetic booth operator (you can guess how often that happens). I've had that happened to me before. Metro actually make more money if you don't get read the first time... seems to me that's a pretty damn good reason not to get yelled at for "not paying your fare today.:
No Name Given · 745 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 745 weeks ago
I think your store analogy is wrong. As I pointed out, assessing and paying your fare is a two-step process (entering and exiting); intentionally skip either one and the only conclusion can be that you are trying to not pay your fare. Unlike a store, there is no "browsing" on metro, once you're in, you're buying something.
Anonymous · 745 weeks ago
ZZinDC · 745 weeks ago
Anon · 745 weeks ago
Matt G · 745 weeks ago
Bet · 745 weeks ago
Guest · 745 weeks ago
@kara_h · 745 weeks ago
I do think they should charge for those *(&(*&() strollers though as they take up more than the space an adult uses.
@VeggieTart · 745 weeks ago
ess · 745 weeks ago
Sam · 745 weeks ago
Also, two children 4 and under are allowed to enter for free with each paying adult.
Didi · 745 weeks ago
For the poster above - I think children under 5 ride for free. So, if her 3 kids were all under 5, then it was legal.
michael · 727 weeks ago