Monday, December 20, 2010

More on Random Bag Searches

Metro says the implementation of random bag searches was not in response to any specific threat or event. Metro does confirm the below, which is making the email rounds and landed in Unsuck's inbox. They said it's a "suspicious activity report (SAR). These are compiled from and redistributed daily to law enforcement agencies across the National Capitol Region."

Recent suspicious activity reporting raises concerns regarding the DC Metro. The redacted reports below discuss three different occurrences of suspicious activity at NCR Metro stations.

1) On 30 Nov 10, at Rosslyn Metro, a Middle Eastern Male (PERS1) was observed leaving a black leather duffel bag next to the exit fare machine. He was then advised that he left his bag. PERS1 returned and picked up his bag left the building and commented to the person "You are lucky" (NFI). PERS1 is described as a male in his 50's, 5'6", 210 lbs with black hair, wearing a black sport coat with black pants. A second Middle Eastern Male (PERS2) who may have been in PERS1's company is described as being in his 50's, 5'10", 190 lbs with black and white hair, wearing a light colored jacket with beige pants. PERS1 boarded the 5A bus to Dulles Airport.

2) On 24 Nov 10, a suspected Black Male (PERS1) around the escalator pretended to drop an item, PERS1 used a tape measure to measure the base of the escalator. Once PERS1 became aware of being observed, PERS1 retracted the tape measure and entered the Metro Center Station.

3) On 04 Nov 10, an identified Middle Eastern Male (PERS1) was observed conducting active surveillance of the lower level platforms of the Metro Station. PERS1 missed several trains while remaining on the platform.

Any one of these events raise concern. Such concerns are elevated, however, based on the three events occurring within a one month timeframe. These events could be those 'dots' we read about in post-attack reports--you know, the ones that intelligence analysts, law enforcement, and security professionals are accused of not connecting.

Please share this information with your facility ATOs and POCs. Many of our facility tenants and DoD personnel use Metro either for work or in off time and should be aware of such potential pre-operational activity. Our facility tenants serve as invaluable sources of information and force multipliers regarding suspicious activity reporting. Such reporting could identify the 'dots' and facilitate the connections that prevent an attack.


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Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 744 weeks ago

I look really suspicious because I look constipated all the time.
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 744 weeks ago

I can clear up the second suspicious incident. That was an escalator repairman. I know it's been a while since they have been seen working anywhere. Come to think of it, anyone working on escalators IS suspicious these days.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
When I got out, they were both working but one of them was still blocked off anyway. Go figure.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 744 weeks ago

Had a 10+ minute wait this morning at McPherson for a "schedule adjustment." Schedule adjustment takes 10 minutes now?
Metro isn't exactly bright when it comes to escalator theory. Franconia-Springfield, for example, has two street escalators and one flight of stairs. One escalator is being replaced so there is one escalator and one flight of stairs. At 5pm last week, they had the escalator running upwards. No Caps game or anything major going on. Not a single person coming into the station and several hundred leaving. Of course, they use the fastest means of exit for the customers coming in and have the hundreds leaving pack down the tight stairwell.
VeggieTart's avatar

VeggieTart · 744 weeks ago

It's easier to walk down stairs than up--gravity works wtih you.
When there are 200+ people exiting and 1 entering, it doesn't matter what's easiest. It matters what is more efficient. 200+ people, many of whom are elderly, trying to squeeze down one spiraling staircase is not more efficient than 200+ people flowing down an escalator.
Let's assume the reports being circulated are entirely true (which I'm not sure I buy, in any case). But even if true, what would random bag searching accomplish, given that anyone is free to walk away? Seems proof positive this is security theater.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
GDopplerXT's avatar

GDopplerXT · 744 weeks ago

Well, you're assuming that the point of it is to apprehend the wrongdoers. In that case you're probably right, this does nothing.

But if the point is to prevent dangerous substances or devices from being brought into the system, then it's not just security theater. So let's say someone wants to bring an explosive device into a station: if there are inspections and they turn around and walk away, then that's not just theater, that's an explosive device that didn't make it onto the metro. That's what we want, isn't it?

Of course, they could just go to a different station. But if the incidents in the reports are true, then we have reason to believe that a person with a large bag who enters a station, sees security, and then turns around and exits might actually draw some attention.

I don't know if these random checks actually do anything; I'm not a security expert and I have no experience or research to know what works and what doesn't. I get that most people find this really inconvenient and intrusive, but I don't know that there's "proof positive" that it's security theater.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 744 weeks ago

Dat's it! No more men allowed on da subway! ;-D

What will the construction workers and painters do now considering they carry their tools with them to work on the train?

If airplanes do not allow liquids over an ounce or so, will the checkers confiscate Starbucks coffee from riders?

Does this mean briefcases are no longer allowed on the subway? Does using tote bags work better?

Do I has to take me shoes off now? Do I need to worry about dem seein' da holes in my panties too?

Will they think I'm suspicious because I get cold and wear 2 sweaters under my winter coat, along with 2 pairs of gloves and a hat and a scarf...?

Wonder if they will glare mean like when they see me with an umbrella? agh! Worse! Will they swab my burger I plan to eat on the train? What if they take my pickles away?!

Hello Orwell. Goodbye common sense.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 744 weeks ago

If Metro logic prevails, they'll let me keep the burger and take away the bag it came in. ;D
I was suspicious on Sunday. I arrived 30 minutes prior to meeting a friend at U street so I sat and missed 5 trains before my friend showed up and we went to our movie. During that time I played Angry Birds on my Droid X...which is suspicious in it's own right. Metro Police never arrived to question me and I went on my way unscathed.

The suspicious group of 10-15 rowdy black teenagers that were in Metro Center at Orange/Blue platform and throwing the plastic "Caution Wet Surface" pylon at each other at 9:55am this morning were similarly not approached by Metro Transit Police.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
HAHAHAHA - Angry Birds, love it
This is all bull. I saw 2 white people at Bethesda on Sunday afternoon who were 'lurking' on the upper platform. They could easily have been militia members, the woman looked _rough_ and the man was old and had a beard. Why aren't they on some hokum report?

I looked at them as I walked into the station and they were obviously taking pictures of the platform, perfectly fine, safe, and legal. But still, they were 'observing the platform for an extended period of time.'
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
It's easy to observe for an extended period of time when the trains just never show up...
As long as Metro's searching for chemical and biological weapons - could you please ask them to start checking for ingested beans? I was very nearly gassed to death on the way in this morning.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
VeggieTart's avatar

VeggieTart · 744 weeks ago

Or people who think dousing themselves with cologne is an accpetable substitute for bathing.
Now it's suspicious to not get on one of Metro's cattle cars?
Shorter version: Metro has seen middle eastern people and wants to get everyone paranoid and worried.
Way to similar to an old Urban Legend to me:
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