Thursday, December 16, 2010
Mystery Worker Removed Barrier at Tenleytown
So much for taking some time off for the holidays.
On Nov. 16, several Metro riders were greeted with a scary sight at Tenleytown.
As they climbed what appeared to be a run of the mill broken escalator, they arrived near the top to see a gaping hole where some steps were missing because the escalator was under repair.
You can read about the incident here, but the really amazing facts emerged today during a Metro meeting.
Seems someone "appearing" to be a Metro worker removed one of the accordion barriers that seem to adorn every other escalator in the system from in front of the Tenleytown unit.
The reason the word "appearing" was used is that despite the culprit having a radio and a key to turn off and on escalators, the film from the video surveillance camera was "grainy," so they can't be 99 percent sure it really was a Metro worker.
Worse still, they have no way of tracking down who it was, and more than a month later, they still don't seem to know who did this and why
So what are the brainiacs at Metro going to do to solve the problem?
They're now looking into some way to make the barriers clamp down to the escalator units so they're not as easy to remove.
They're also going to upgrade the video surveillance system.
Those will no doubt cost money, probably not a lot, but still.
Sounds just like the screaming bus solution: find a technological or physical "solution" to try to fix a culture that is all too often irresponsible and unsafe.
Instead, Metro, why don't you have some kind of system in place, so that you know who tinkers with your escalators and who might have been "on duty" that day?
How about finding out who did this, and firing them for endangering the lives of riders because that's exactly what they did.
In the end, this dangerous situation was remedied by, you guessed it, a rider who was able to find a cone (not hard) and put it in front of the broken escalator to prevent more people from climbing up.
What did that rider get for his or her initiative?
A fare increase and a cracked rail.
Photo: afagen
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Mystery Worker Removed Barrier at Tenleytown
Unsuck DC Metro
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Unhappy Holiday · 744 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 744 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 744 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 744 weeks ago
And don't get me started on the posts where you just randomly post some unverified rant letter that you get via email from readers. They often ring true, but all it does is provide everyone a chance to (yet again) stand around and scream stuff like our eloquent friend "Unhappy Holiday" a few posts up. I know it's satisfying to vent, but I don't rate it very highly as the theme of a blog.
Ummmmm · 744 weeks ago
· 744 weeks ago
And now they want to search my purse?
anonymoust · 744 weeks ago
i hear what you're saying about this blog, but overall, i think it has been a great benefit, both as a place to vent, but also as a breaking new site that has affected some real change.
Unhappy Holiday · 744 weeks ago
@deafinthecity · 744 weeks ago
"Commenter: there was a explosive on the orange line and I almost went blind
GGW: Metro future's So Bright, you Gotta Wear Shades. "
John · 744 weeks ago
Not to say metro does at all, but this department is a complete joke...
We shouldn't even know who Lacosse is....
Ummmmm · 744 weeks ago
John · 744 weeks ago
Good thing thats where our fare increases went....
VeggieTart · 744 weeks ago
That this happened is just appalling. And that Metro does use band-aid fixes (just wait until they can't get the barrier off the escalator!). But i will say it's possible some miscreant removed the barrier, well aware that the surveillance cameras produce poor-quality images. Or that he would get away with it.
anon · 744 weeks ago
anon · 744 weeks ago
And that's the flaw of this blog right there. Something happens, Metro does something proactive to make sure it doesn't happen, and the posts generally ignore the solutions to preventing the situation from happening again in favor of complaining about the situation itself. I mean, it's not as if Metro can just wish that it never happened - so they try to make sure that it doesn't.
Granted, their track record is pretty bad. But it's the height of cynicism if we just assume nothing will ever change in any way, for all time, because that makes this blog itself completely pointless.
Justa Rider · 742 weeks ago
It is unfortunate that situations like these arise, many depts work in the same location. Some work together and others...not so much. I am sure the "metro worker" thought he was helping by opening up the esc. so that some bitching customer could use it.
Just remember your outside looking in, join metro if you would like to make a difference instead of bitching about it...then you can try to unsuck it yourself.
Also...quit complaining about fair increases, despite them these union workers haven't had an increase in over 3 years, yet healthcare, gas, food, etc. has substantially increased.
Canemaker · 744 weeks ago
Wayne · 742 weeks ago
To aggregate my expereince with metro, and maybe gather others, I started a website, which has a challenge for metro where you can show how many broken escalators, wait times, etc. there are.