The following was posted on the ATU 689 website in response to this post.
The Truth behind Escalator OutagesMs. Jeter claims to speak the truth, but let's look a little more closely.
By Jackie Jeter
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689 President
When angry with Metro, blame the union. That seems to be the default position or maybe even the first line of action for Metro cynics who don’t care about facts. The latest baseless rant comes from Kathryn Ciano. In a blog posted in The Washington Examiner, Unsuck DC’s Metro and on December 7, Ciano says, “WMATA unions pay employees to shirk rather than work,” and goes on to say workers with seniority can “pick” their assignments.
You and I both know there is absolutely no truth to Ciano’s silly accusations. The fact is journeymen may select their report location but Metro managers assign the work. Plain and simple! In addition, less seasoned workers always work side-by-side with experienced journeymen. An apprentice never goes it alone.
Metro’s escalators keep breaking down because they were built for indoor use only, not outdoor exposure. And years of spotty upkeep have taken a toll. It’s only been within the last few months that Metro brought the repair work back in house. Our members are devoted to doing their part to care for the escalators. WMATA needs to back Local 689’s commitment with the necessary capital resources. Now, that’s the truth!
First, the original post was here, not at the Examiner or the Atlantic, Think Progress, Marginal Revolution or Infrastructurist.
Second, the faults of the "pick" system were not just made up out of thin air. They were cited in the most recent audit of Metro's escalator woes, as a critical problem. Back in 2002, the pick system was blamed for escalator dysfunction by a blue ribbon panel analysis of Metro's escalator woes, also commissioned by Metro. (Sorry, I only have a hard copy.)
This exhaustive report recommended Metro get out of the escalator management business altogether. Metro, of course, went the opposite way.
Third, escalator experts agree that Metro escalators which are exposed to weather are more vulnerable to breakdowns, but most of Metro's escalators are underground or under canopies, shielded from the elements, yet those are often down, too.
Fourth, Metro's ATU 689 workers have had responsibility for all, or at least a majority, of Metro's escalators since 1991, when they were handed over to Metro in what was seen at the time as a cost saving move.
So, it has not just been for the "last few months" as Ms. Jeter would have you believe.
The truth is that over the years, escalator responsibility has ebbed and flowed between Metro and outside contractors. To this day, for the really complicated fixes and major remodifications, contractors not belonging to Metro are called in.
Finally, take the example of the Dupont escalators, which were among the last five stations given back to Metro on July 1 of this year. No one will argue that those are old units, and in fact, they are scheduled to be replaced, but a mere two weeks after being handed over to Metro, there was a scary smoke incident caused by a problem with the escalators, which led to the dangerous fiasco in the video clip above.
Ms. Jeter will no doubt say her workers were handed poorly maintained escalators, and those maintaining them previously will say they gave the escalators the constant maintenance that was needed to keep the old units operating.
What do you think the truth is?
Other items:
Will there finally be some meaningful oversight? (Examiner)
Did you see the carolers? (WaPo)
anon · 745 weeks ago
John · 745 weeks ago
Anon · 745 weeks ago
mr metro · 741 weeks ago
Anon · 745 weeks ago
Metro received was it 5 million to repair escalators over 4/5 years ago? Was it not encouraged when this system was built to plan for future repairs? Usually engineers put a plan together for maintenance and costs. (Planning for the future.)
I think we need to take a good look at where the money is going at Metro.
What amount of money is being spent to defend for and against Metro employees and what are the legal fees.
Due to the way Metro is managed I would think legal expenditures are great.
Sizzle · 745 weeks ago
If the workers are so great, why was there no station manager to be found at Silver Spring this morning when I found that my SmarTrip wasn't working? Stood there for about 10 minutes before I realized that there was no one there and bought a paper farecard instead.
anon · 745 weeks ago
Anon · 745 weeks ago
Only the "group" is promoted from within, mostly a certain nationality of males.
See that is the problem. Metro claims to be run like the Military which it is not.
They have hired a few military employees but Metro has no standardized equipment like the military, rules and regs are not in a simple, organized structure format and employees are not diversely promoted as they are in the military.
It is a "good 'ole boy network. (a few appointed women mostly one nationality) They protect their network by what ever means.
anon · 745 weeks ago
nothing will change, PERIOD!
Guest · 745 weeks ago
Stuck on Metro · 745 weeks ago
Or is that too much to ask? Until you do that, I'll continue to blame you (and Metro management) for the dismal state of our transit system.
Ever and Anon · 745 weeks ago
inquiry · 745 weeks ago
F'n JD · 745 weeks ago
anon · 745 weeks ago
hrh king friday13 · 745 weeks ago
You've rode the gravy train long enough, honey. We're on to you.
F'n JD · 745 weeks ago
Orange and Blue lines suffered delays and I stood at the bottom of the escalators for ten minutes as he sat, head on knees, doing no work, for the ten minutes it took my train to get there. And he slept there...alone.
Sure, someone could have been running for a necessary part...but did he really have nothing to do for those ten minutes?
It's not just your PR Ms. Jeter, it's the actual appearance and attitude of your employees, in public, that matters to riders. Your spin cannot counter your employees attitude.
fran · 745 weeks ago
Bet · 745 weeks ago
Metro will not promote qualified /educated employees unless they see eye to eye with current "buddy system" way they currently do things.
Employees get away with these issues because the supervisor is friends with the workers.
John · 745 weeks ago
Jackie Jeter is scum, plain and simple....
mr metro · 741 weeks ago
Juan Don · 745 weeks ago
Anon · 745 weeks ago
dmcindc · 745 weeks ago
@kara_h · 745 weeks ago
Heck of a job Brownie.
anonymous · 745 weeks ago
There's an indoor escalator at Union Station that's been broken down for months (and I think has already eclipsed its repair date). I'd like for her to explain why so many indoor escalators seem to have the same problems as the outdoor escalators.
hero · 745 weeks ago
Anon times is up, no more excuses!
We want an escalator contractor now as before. Enough is enough! Let someone do the job who want s to work!
anon · 745 weeks ago
anon · 745 weeks ago
@kara_h · 745 weeks ago
At least have some knowledge about what you are talking about.
anon · 744 weeks ago
anon · 744 weeks ago
Guest · 745 weeks ago
anon · 745 weeks ago
mr metro · 741 weeks ago
Guest · 745 weeks ago
J B W · 745 weeks ago
Anon · 745 weeks ago
ANON · 745 weeks ago
@kara_h · 745 weeks ago
anon · 745 weeks ago
anonymous · 745 weeks ago
The union rolled over some years ago and agreed to let Metro separate the esc/eles mechanics and give them top pay. The norm had been that, in order to increase the pay of a certain section of the union (mechs, techs, etc ), you would have to do the same for all. This would allow Metro to be competitive in the esc/elev market.
This move by the union, whose president at the time was afraid all of the work would be contracted out, angered both skilled and unskilled labor. This is how you now have the Jeeter admin.
Metro, for it's part, was never able to attract qualified mechs to join it's ranks. Who the heck wants to take a considerable pay cut, work outdoors, work holidays, and deal with drama?
The next Metro idea was to start their own escalator/elevator school, an article of which was made The Washington Post. The students would get paid to learn in exchange for a multiyear commitment to Metro. Did the school produce skilled techs?
mr metro · 743 weeks ago
anon · 742 weeks ago
mr metro · 741 weeks ago