Thursday, December 16, 2010
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Metro's Video Promoting Bag Searches
Unsuck DC Metro
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anon · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
Just what we need more Communism. Sounds like the terrorists have won and metro is helping them win. Not to mention at night I need to take a bus from the rail, so if I miss a train, as bus service slows and I hit just the time it slows on Thursday nights that could mean an hour wait or having to walk home in the dark-so much for safety.
dunker · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
Ummmmm · 744 weeks ago
Keep hiding from those scary Christmas ornaments.
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
And please explain to me how this will make us safer, given a terrorist can simply if chosen leave and walk to a different metro station until they get through? Please cite to me where exactly it is I complained about the safety of the system from terrorists? Oh wait I didn't your just making libelous false accusation. Oh and I am grown up-I just didn't grow up to become a sheep.
Anon · 744 weeks ago
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
Sam · 744 weeks ago
Anon · 744 weeks ago
I am opposed and don't give it away to strangers. Give it to your family members who want to go to college or start a business.
Sam · 744 weeks ago
dunker · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
Ummmmm · 744 weeks ago
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
anon · 744 weeks ago
bet · 744 weeks ago
When the train blows a shoe fuse there is a loud explosion sound and it might cause sparks to fly.
The "shoe fuse" is located near the brake shoe.
Sam · 744 weeks ago
1. "Once the officers select a person to search, they limit their search as to scope, method, and duration. As to scope, officers search only those containers large enough to carry an explosive device, which means, for example, that they may not inspect wallets and small purses." This also means that they cannot open envelopes, folders, and other containers that cannot carry an explosive device. They may not search the contents of your belongings (e.g. papers, ID, etc) under MacWade v. Kelly.
2. "Further, once they identify a container of eligible size, they must limit their inspection “to what is minimally necessary to ensure that the . . . item does not contain an explosive device,” which they have been trained to recognize in various forms. They may not intentionally look for other contraband, although if officers incidentally discover such contraband, they may arrest the individual carrying it." If they open, say, a coin purse or wallet in your bag, it is an illegal search under MacWade v. Kelly.
Additionally, the search must be algorithmically decided. That is, the police can search every 5th person with a bag or every 10th person with a bag. The supervising sergeant is the one that establishes the formula and you have a right to know what it is. They cannot search someone just because they look suspicious.
Finally, MacWade v. Kelly stipulates that the searches must be in the open. At no time are you obligated to go to a private area for further screening, etc.
Matt G · 744 weeks ago
@SchuminWeb · 744 weeks ago
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
yatesc · 744 weeks ago
Ummmmm · 744 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 744 weeks ago
anon · 744 weeks ago
the public. Metro needs to hire more security and transit officers to oversee the
system but again, no money, no money. Who's got all the money. That is what I want to know.
How much money did Metro get this year 3 billion of my tax money to pay people at
metro? People in other states are irate! They don't even use Metro.
Moonwolf 58p · 744 weeks ago
The officer who does the swab is wearing his tactical gloves (Blackhawk by the looks of them, nice gear, but I digress).
It means he will cross-contaminate every single sample from every other previous sample, including himself if he's been handling his firearm recently (and most cops do, to make sure their gear is secure, by habit).
It's a nice way to push a false positive so you can really harass some hapless rider who's giving you grief about how you're "infringing upon their civil liberties/the constitution/why aren't you fighting real crime" though.
If that's their procedure instead of clean (in more ways than one) gloves for every ETD swab, then this is nothing more than a gimmick because it will false positive if you look at it funny.
HellOnWheelz · 744 weeks ago
- George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 5
Ever and Anon · 744 weeks ago
Late. All it will do is make us late. More than than normal that is. What a waste. Any intelligent terrorist will easily bypass this lame PR stunt every time.
jkuchen · 744 weeks ago
@SchuminWeb · 744 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl · 744 weeks ago
anonymous · 744 weeks ago
The former Labor Relations guy from Metro is now in Jersey. These folks don't loose their jobs they just move around, retire then go to another transit company and double dip. I fault the over-site of the whole darn system. No over-site!
@SchuminWeb · 744 weeks ago
guest · 744 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 744 weeks ago
It was a fun ride... y'know, before everything turned shit-sandwich on us. It'll cost more, take longer, and help kill the planet, pedestrians, and bicyclists, but the only way for me to fight this newest repulsive, hysterical, over-the-top turn of events is to not use your shitty, perpetually late, non-communicating (read: lying), crashy, deathy, over-priced (and rising), non-escalator-working, panhandling-ignoring, knife-brandishing, single-tracking, ceiling-tile-falling, fire-trap, brake-dust-infusing, wrong-door-opening, broken-callboxing, slavery-calling, McGruff-punching, minor-soliciting, station-manager-sleeping, off-loading, and now, random-bag-searching, service... and drive.
Fuck off and die, Metro. May you rot in hell for eternity + infinity for ever and ever and ever, amen.
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
Everyone (including metro employees) being searched at every station 24/7. (Oh yeah, THAT will cause some blow-back!)
Full searches, they had a minimal search to look for bomb residue.
Outdoor rail sections locked down ... potential terrorists can either throw something over the fence or drop from a bridge. Even themselves if they want.
Locking down the rail yards.
Controlling access to the busses.
Establishing security perimeters before you even get to the escalators. Which is really interesting the places (like Crystal City) where that is on private property.
etc ...
This is security theatre. It will just annoy people and accomplish nothing.
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
Somehow I doubt this will last long once employers start getting fed up with always hearing 'sorry I was an hour late and missed the meeting, I was in a security line'. Either that situation or having employees always idling an hour extra at work in the morning to avoid having that problem (which means lost money).
Ever and Anon · 744 weeks ago
Ummmmm · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
annoyed · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
@SchuminWeb · 744 weeks ago
· 744 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 744 weeks ago
anon · 744 weeks ago
@deafinthecity · 744 weeks ago
How about patrolling certain stations that are prone to fights? How about taking down complaints of harassment? How about responding to calls when someone ipod get stolen?
I await the news of riders getting pissed about the searches making them late for work and such on UNSUCK.
@SchuminWeb · 744 weeks ago
Matt G · 744 weeks ago
anon · 744 weeks ago
The gov could offer tax incentives for 4 in a car carpooling.
TFUNK · 744 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 744 weeks ago
HellOnWheelz · 744 weeks ago
Additionally we have to carry gear to weather proof the chair (in a rainstorm MY getting wet is the LEAST of my worries) & tools/parts to make emergency road repairs (no AAA for chairs) - so make it 3.
Now if I stop at the grocery store on the way home - add another 3 cloth grocery bags. So now we're up to 6 bags to swab and process.
And if I were inclined to sneak contraband in to Metro? The hiding places on a power chair that could be utilized are endless.
anon · 744 weeks ago
Mike · 744 weeks ago
capitalspirit 62p · 744 weeks ago
This can't work. WON'T work. Unless Metro searches a healthy majority of bags going into the system, the odds are against them catching something. Even if they do search 1 bag out of every 3 system-wide, at all times, that's still a 66% chance that somebody could get something into the system. And that's just assuming the bad guy relies on dumb luck to get in. Any measure of sophistication only means that the odds against catching a bad guy get worse.
How many checkpoints will there be? There is simply no way Metro can check every ingress and egress in the entire system, all the time. They can't afford it. (If they could, they might be able to keep their escalators running.)
And if MacWade means that the bag searches must be based on blind numbers, and not visibly suspicious behavior, then it's worse than useless. If the search algorithm is 1 in 3, then a terrorist has a 2 out of 3 chance of getting through, purely on dumb luck.
This may, in the end, deter an amateur. Fair enough. But any professional terrorist who's serious enough, is GOING to find a way through security. And WHEN--not if--they do, all this security theater is only going to be the worse for being shown up as ultimately ineffective.
This ain't no way to run a railroad, Metro.
Terry · 744 weeks ago
@SchuminWeb · 744 weeks ago
Anon · 744 weeks ago
Check the bag man!
That is why Metro has canines! All that money paid for training canines where are they?
phanie · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
capitalspirit 62p · 744 weeks ago
To elaborate, Metro lists 115 entrances for the entire system. Yes, I really did go through and count them all. And I also suspect that number is off, because I seem to recall Reagan Airport having one entrance at each end of the platform, even though Metro only lists one entrance. And some stations have several entry points that are only counted once. For instance, there are actually two entrances to Glenmont, but only one set of gates, and Metro only counts it as one entrance.
Even then, we still can't take that 115 listed entrances at face value, because of, correct, street-to-platform elevators. And in most of those, you're right, there's no room to set up a checkpoint between the elevator and the fare gate. Theoretically, they could set the checkpoints up at street level, but that would tip their hand.
And EVEN IF Metro could inspect every third bag in the system at all times--which seems like a logistical impossibility during high-traffic times--they're still looking at 2 chances in 3 that they'll miss something, right off the bat. And even THAT assumes the inspecting officers are perfect, and don't get bored or burned out, missing something they DO check.
Worse, what if a bomber doesn't even try to get past the checkpoint, and simply blows something up right in front of it? What if multiple attackers do exactly that, at every entrance of a major station?
Random bag checks WILL NOT SUCCEED against anyone determined enough to try something deadly. The only thing they WILL succeed at, is getting more riders furious at Metro, and giving them one more reason to get back in their cars.
insider · 744 weeks ago
Metro wanted to give the riding public and the media a show. Metro is just making a jackass of themselves. Want the public, politicans, and the media to know they are on top of security.
Where in the hell is the FBI? Homeland Security?
dunker · 744 weeks ago
@kara_h · 744 weeks ago
Metro is essentially a utility which we pay for (you can use the argument 'have to pay for' since they hold pretty much a monopoly on public transit in DC). As such we should get good value for our money because we can not go elsewhere.
annoyed · 744 weeks ago