Monday, October 17, 2011

The Blind Leading the Blind

Metro reached out to get Denise's contact information. I passed theirs to Denise, and in reply, she said:
I filed a complaint with Metro and have been emailing and calling them repeatedly since the incident, with no resolution. It took this blog to get their attention.
Original Post:
Getting trapped in Metro (and here) seems to be more commonplace.

From Denise:
I am blind and travel with a guide dog.

I left work at 6:00 the other evening. At the Foggy Bottom station, where I wanted to exit Metro, I discovered that both elevators were broken.

Of the three entrance/exit escalators, one was under repair, one was going up and one was off. I am unable to ride moving escalators.

The station manager said he was afraid my guide dog would get stepped on if we tried to walk up against the massive flow of people walking down the off escalator, so he told me to go to Farragut West and request a Metro shuttle bus to bring me back to Foggy Bottom

There were announcements on the Metro loudspeaker saying that due to the broken elevators at Foggy Bottom, a shuttle bus was available upon request at Farragut West.

I went back to Farragut West, and when I arrived there, I requested a Metro shuttle bus from the station manager.

The station manager repeatedly phoned bus central. It appeared they were basically ignoring her. I asked to speak to bus central, but she said she wasn't permitted to let me do that.

A supervisor then arrived on the scene, and she also wasn't able to get a shuttle bus.

They spent almost 90 minutes trying to get me a Metro shuttle. Bus central repeatedly informed her that they did not have a shuttle to send and couldn't find one.

Finally, I was finally sent back on the Metro to Foggy Bottom at 7:45, where the station manager showed me to non-moving escalator, which I could climb to exit the station. Kind passengers moved aside so my guide dog and I could pass.

The Metro employees were helpful, but seemed powerless faced with Metro chaos.

A trip that would normally have taken me about 30 minutes took me two hours. I have experienced Metro disorganization in the past, but never anything so deplorable and pathetic as this.

Comments (49)

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So is it an ADA violation if Metro claims to provide service but is unable to follow through on it? I'd love to see them try to claim soverign immunity on this one.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
Sorry... to say they are immune. (Read your law books)
This is a good reason for a lawsuit to be filed, not because someone is permanently traumatized by the neglect but because it is the only catalyst to make change happen.
2 replies · active 701 weeks ago
Been there's avatar

Been there · 701 weeks ago

Person can only be made "whole" and good luck finding attorney who will take the case. Soverign immunity is what i was told by 3 attorneys. It is Metro way on many practice not to care. They don't have to. File a complaint with the Justice Dept. would be cheapest and don't expect a timely or favorable repsonds..
The best thing is to organize a march around the metro building with other persons wih disabilities and all write your congressmen/woman to take action for an interal investigation on ada neglect matters asap.
Absolutely and utterly disgusting. And I'm guessing she still had to pay for that ride....
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 701 weeks ago

How about Metro being blind, deaf, and dumb? (Sorry if I accidentally offend anyone!)
6 replies · active 701 weeks ago
It sure plays a mean pinball.
Sad to say the managers cannot see themselves to fix anything and they need to be replaced for everyone's safety. The system is not accomodating to persons with disabilities and will never be 100% because of the current management and the appathy towards treating all people with respect and honesty.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 701 weeks ago

Well, if you're going to be cranky about it, might as well include Helen Keller too.
Sounds to me like you're the dumb one.
Denise, sorry to hear about your commute. This is so typical of Metro, to make promises they cannot deliver on ('Shuttle buses will be available;' 'escalators are being upgraded;' 'Metro is moving forward!').

Not to make a Hitler analogy -- but I have to. Metro management is like Hitler in his last days in the bunker: directing phantom battalions that did not exist; and claiming that the battle would be won, when the war was already over. And sadly, I would be willing to bet that the mass transit system in downtown Berlin in April, 1945, was more reliable than Metro in Washington, DC in October, 2011.
6 replies · active 701 weeks ago
Wow. Just a reminder that playing the Nazi card in a discussion is NEVER acceptable.
especially when we all know Hitler eventually fell, while WMATA will probably continue sucking for the foreseeable future (and then some)
AS long as there are taxes that metro ripps off through congressional passing of our tax dollars and tax payers do not write massive letters to protest..... metro and their bloated salaries and obnoxious BOD's will live on and on and on......
"WRITE CONGRESS and say NO to no new METRO monies/tax dollars until there is an internal INVESTIGATION"
PC Police's avatar

PC Police · 701 weeks ago

Why not?
Because unless the person is talking about someone who also perpetrated genocide and tried to destroy an entire continent, it's not an apt comparison.
I'd say that this is one of the few times that the Hitler-in-the-bunker analogy seems pretty apt.
This is pretty much why most of my friends and coworkers with disabilities wind up having to deal with the Metroaccess paratranist, even though they have disabilities they COULD use the Metro if Metro wasn't such and unsafe cluster. And good luck with Metroaccess not making you late/never showing up.
MetroAccess is way too expensive to run with horrible service track record, IMO fix the problems with the Metro system and more folks with disabilities would use the train system.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
I used to have an employee who had to rely on MetroAccess. Their performance or lack thereof borders on criminal.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 701 weeks ago

Utterly disgraceful. Is there some way we could get an independent agency of some sort to start revoking the licenses of the maintence workers at these stations?
Metro employees need to be empowered to make decisions. "Gee, it seems we are having trouble finding a shuttle. Take a cab and send the receipt to me. I'll be sure you get reimbursed."

OR....gosh, how about those white Metro Supervisor cars? Or were they all at the supervisors' homes?
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
lets investigate
This is a perfect time for the community to step up and help out. Some sort of "buddy ride" system with volunteers who live in the area of the stations to lend assistance to a disabled person when they need it. The only good thing about the WMATA system is the thousands (no, I'm NOT counting every rider) of passengers who do care and would help a neighbor.
And this series of comments is a perfect way to describe the good/evils of our litigeous society. Earlier in the thread a comment said, "sue Metro, they are evil and should pay for their incompetence," then you have this problem, "they can't fix their incompetence, for many reasons, one being the fact that people will sue them if they do the right thing."

This is the reason for much of the nonsense in the modern age. We'd be a lot better off if we could go back to the time when, if you messed up too badly (and it wasn't an accident), you were fired and you had to go find a new occupation/boss. This mentality that sueing corporations, behamoth organizations (Metro), or even individuals is the 'right and best' way to solve things has go to stop. Let's lay the blame on the person or policy where it is due. In this case, the dispacher for shuttle busses should be held accountable. If they say, Policy XYZ is to blame, then investigate and change the policy. Don't SUE everything that moves.
Go public is what they mean
DOJ is currently suing the hell out of companies that violate the ADA. Check out to see current enforcement action. I personally am glad to see it after not much being done during the Bush years. I think Metro might need to get sued to get their act together. Just sayin'.
5 replies · active 699 weeks ago
Metro not a company's avatar

Metro not a company · 701 weeks ago

The above post "been there" is correct Soverign Immunity has got Metro out of all kinds of shit. Recently, advocate groug for the disable heated things up for Metro Access. Nothing really changed (neighbor said it is worst) Metro brought Catoe to head the Metro Access. Just when you think things could not get worst. Google ADA title 3 lawsuits against WMATA and learn how these morons get away with shit. mean cover ups?
They get away with murd__.
why the negative... It is truth. Metros cushion is the "soverign immunity" and google. how Metro is treating the victims of the June accident. Their claim
"soverign immunity" bullshitl. Metro does not want to waive the 11 amend.
Metro is scum. Metro can get away with MURDER. So do you think they give a damm about the riding public, the employees, the Govt. They don't have answer- no accountability at all

I would like Micheal Moore to do investiagative report of how this corrupt system is run.
Employees are currently suing the hell out of wmata for allegations of discrimination, retailiation. Check out the MD, DC and VA Federal Courts. I think Metro might need to get sued to get their act together and start promoting all races of qualified persons not try and eliminate them.
Would you promote a person who cannot see to a position as the "Point man for the Dulles Rail Extension" Is this a good move?
How can a person be promoted to supervise a rail system and fill the entire job duties who cannot see?
7 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Yes, I would if he could have accomadations... ---Braile. If Metro did this, yes I would want documetation of this, Metro would deserve high marks from me and the rest of the disable who would like a "chance"

Are you a disguntle employee or haterd for the disable. Either way, you need Mental Health ASAP
Maybe you need to drive a bus and then try and see not hitting the curb with cataracks. I know many employees who have cataracks and they had to do something else instead of drive. Pehaps you do not understand what DOT and a Safety Sensitive Work Enviornment has to do with being able to investigate, read, visually see problems. Good luck with "being a know it all" but no nothing about safety and DOT laws.
You may need to see the shrink/dictionary for a check up!
You said it. Bus driver had to do something else. It is called "reasonalbe accomodation" Your comment sounds like you have an ass with this person. You said you have documentation that this person can not see. Well, "appointee" could be working in another capacity and that is none of your business. Metro accomodates employees who are disable, they deserve five stars.

However, they get negative billion stars of how this "customer" was treated. And I hope she files a complaint with the DOJ.
Care you must be in a special racial group and get special perkls and priviledges I bet the manager is in the "buddy network" because if you are not in a special ___ group you are stuck out there hanging and they say they do not have light duty for those who are the wrong color. Check the record sis! They do NOT accomodate employees if they are not in the "right" group/color. You must not work there or know people that do.
Hey why not get a job driving a bus and lets see who is disgruntled! Ha!!!! The system is not what you think from the outside...humbug/scrooge! Get a grip I mean gripe!
You are a SAD case of ignorance of running a safe system!
"The blind leading the blind" may just be.
Next time get the names of the managers, thank them for trying and tell them you are going to take a cab and send Metro a bill.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
Some jobs require a hearing and eye test for a reason. I know seeing is a requirement and has nothing to do with care it is a requirment, sorry to offend but we are not all fit for every single job.
Metro managers have disabled many of there employees and get away with the illegal activities and it will be made public.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
Barabra really? The managers use employees to destroy the lives of employees who wil not cover up unsafe situations then try and distrct them to make a mistake or set them the wrong allignment to run a signal? This is just what I was told . Thanks for speaking up on this one.

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