Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Broken, Fixed, Broken, Fixed ...

Via @ walking up dupont circle. yfrog.com/nt3iuxrj
From Cindy:
*"They don't know what they're doing."

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This makes me feel safe.
Look at the bright side--given the different texts, one can see that they aren't just copying and pasting the escalator outage tweets....
Last Week, I was exiting DuPont Cir @ Q St., and there was one operable escalator, going down. As we all know, many people either: (A) Groan, but say "I can do this," and may get winded 3/4 of the way up, or (B) Almost have a heart attack.
At the top, there were three (3) Metro transit police officers 1/2 block away. I went over to them and asked politely, "Is there anything you can do to get that escalator working?" The officer replied "Sir, as much as I hate having to say this, I need to remain here at my post (I think he and his partner were interviewing someone)."
Then he said the best part:
"The only way Metro will fix it is if (A) Someone gets hurt, or (B) Enough People Complain."

6 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Clarifying - if enough people complain to Metro, not the transit police.
Someone was hurt at the 19th St. Dupont entrance a few weeks ago. On a wet day, she slipped and fell while descending the stationary escalator (which had been turned off for two months). When I arrived, they were putting her in an ambulance and had closed the entrance down.

Additionally, I watched someone else slip and fall on the same escalator (which is still turned off) less than two weeks ago. Thankfully, he wasn't hurt.
MadAsHeck's avatar

MadAsHeck · 700 weeks ago

Yeah, but complain to who? Fare Gate attendants shrug it off ("not my problem"), and no response from emails.

Can we stage an Occupy Sarles' Office movement? I don't know what is going to get some attention over there.
Exactly. I was not about to ride the escastairs back down to tell the station manager to do their job, then huff it back up Mount Dupont again.

Ironically, when I returned after dinner, the damn thing was working going up again.
I usually walk up the escalators anyway, but for the last few months a 'working' escalator has become so rare that when I see one, I get on and try to enjoy the novelty of the ride.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 700 weeks ago

LOL! +1.

Also, one of the times one of the escalators I use was actually working, I was so shocked I thought I had gotten off at the wrong exit!
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 700 weeks ago

Wonder if it is like the New Carrollton up escalator (from faregate level)? It is off 3 out of 5 days a week. Metro told me that it is not broken. If someone's bag or something hits it just right it wil shut off automatically for safety reasons. It is then up to metro attendants to "hit the start button." Unfortunately metro attendants never walk over in that direction to see if it is working (or if there's a dead body nearby, etc.); they stay near the faregates and their wee widdle kiosk home.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
Well jeez, that streaming Netflix isn't going to watch ITSELF, now, is it?
Just gonna throw out a FIRE DAVID LACOSSE!!! for old times sakes.... :)
Well, according to "Anon" the escalator techs usually renovate an escalator in 6 weeks or less, and always do a bang up job. ON TOP OF THAT, according to Anon, they are always on the scene fixing the escalator. Apparently I'm hallucinating when I see nobody working on the out of service, blocked off escalators 60% of the time.
2 replies · active 700 weeks ago
LOL six weeks. It took them three months to renovate the Franconia-Springfield street "down" escalator. And then it didn't work. It was in "stairs mode" for 4 weeks and then they came out and repaired it again (another 2 weeks).

I love when obvious Metro employees get on here and make ridiculous claims. Highlight of my day...
Seriously, thats what the guy keeps saying! He also says people are working on those out of service escalators all the time! How many times have you walked by to see nobody even there at one of those blocked off escalators?
escalator tech's avatar

escalator tech · 700 weeks ago

The rain makes the escalators has a sad.
8 replies · active 700 weeks ago
This is what makes it so absurd that they're installing new escalators at Foggy Bottom without putting a canopy over the exit. It seems like a canopy would prevent some leaves and moisture from getting into the escalators and make the new ones last a little longer. The new ones will be just as unprotected as the old ones, and probably have just as short a life span.
I remember reading somewhere that they are planning on building a canopy after the final escalator is installed.
WHy does that sound a bit like 'we will close the barn door after the horse escapes'?
Yeah, that's sorta like saying I'm going to buy a new Ferrari, and THEN I build a garage for it. I'll just park it on the street until my garage is built.

Who in their right mind would do that!?!?
Veteran Rider's avatar

Veteran Rider · 700 weeks ago

I don't buy the whole escalator canopy ruse - I think it's a distraction. Sure, being exposed to the weather can't be good for the escalators, but then what is Metro's excuse for the many interior escalators that are out constantly too?
DING DING DING! We have a winner!
Most of the escalators that are down by the platform are out of use. That excuse is 100% BS!
Veteran Rider's avatar

Veteran Rider · 700 weeks ago

Is there a prize? If I get to pick, I choose a key to all the secret elevators and escalators that lead to the secret 24-hour express train platforms used by Metro Board members.
OK, I know that's a fantasy - Metro Board members don't even ride the secret trains.
You must be thinking of Moscow's "Metro 2"....
I'd be willing to bet you could make a similar story about the elevators lately. It seems more and more of those are out. Whereas escalators are more of a convenience, elevators are necessary for those who require accessibility.
In an effort to bring better workers into ELES, mgmt raided other departments for supervisors. they knew nothing about escalators, but were tempted by better money. many of them have already left in disgust at how bad that shop is run.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
Union and Mgmt. pissing contest about ELES for years. Both need to refer to the pledge "a safe and reliable service for the riding public" Stop recuriting workers for ELES classess that are taught by former ELES employees. Hire a company that know how to maintain and repair The current ELES can not perform.
One take's avatar

One take · 700 weeks ago

Maybe the reason Washington DC has been voted the fittest city in America (now 2nd apparently) – is because the bulk of its population who ride metro need to climb one of many broken down escalators every morning!
Nothing like a 180+ ft vertical climb at Dupont @ 857am. My calves? - looking good. My Mood? – have to admit is kinda sour.

Feel the burn!
4 replies · active 700 weeks ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 700 weeks ago

Now that's a good Metro slogan! "Ride Metro. Feel the burn!"
Could also be applied to hot cars in the summer.
Maybe THATS why all the metro employees are so grumpy! They have to go up and down those broken escalators every day when they come in and leave work. On top of that, they need to go up and down them on their lunch break and what not. While I don't condone them taking it out on the riders, maybe I'm beginning to understand where their frustration comes from!
Hot Metro Car, summer in the city
Back of my neck getting burnt and gritty

Why more escalators? Why does WMATA not install more stairs? The stairs are long, but stairs are easier that stepping up a broken escalator?
I'm going to try and be as impartial as I can. I know some of you will disagree (and depending what line you ride, rightfully so), but in my experience over the last year, I have definitely seen an improvement in train operation itself. Yes, it still annoys me that they pull up to the end (or I should say, 2 feet from the end, and then the remaining two feet in 3 inch increments). But as far as timeliness, I don't see as many issues as I used to (YL/BL). Not as many "we're going to hold in the middle of the tunnel" stoppages or offloading incidents due to Metro's fault (e.g. not sick customers).

But there has definitely been a major decline in station operations. From escalators and elevators to station managers. It's getting much worse (ruder SMs, more broken equipment, dirtier/darker stations).
DC denizen's avatar

DC denizen · 700 weeks ago

As an aside, I was on the Yellow Line today, and a Metro employee was standing in the car with us. After a bunch of terrible jerky starts and stops, she got on the intercom and yelled at the driver for his lack of skills, saying he was throwing the passengers all over the car. Thumbs up to her!
The 19th street down escalaters have been out for many weeks now. I know it's far better to have the only one escalator that is working to be going upward, and I don't have a problem at all with that, but they really need to get one down escalator working as well. I have had two knee surgeries, and while I am still able to walk, going down hundreds of stairs every night on my way home is pure agnony. I know most people cannot relate to this unless they are in such shoes, but once you get there... oh you'll know the pain I speak off. Just because walking down is easier than walking up, it still doesn't make it totally easy for people with any sort of leg issues or disabilities, or for seniors. I wish metro would realize this. Two months of going down hundreds of stairs every night has left my knees in almost constant pain now.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
My partner has leg issues as well and just dreads when she has to walk down. Not that walking up is any picnic, but stepping down is worse for her than stepping up.

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