Almost every day, there are complaints about Metro operators not allowing enough time for riders to get off and on the trains. This sometimes leads to potentially dangerous situations.
I asked a few Metro sources, and apparently, the reason is manual mode.
In manual control, everything runs more slowly. There's more stopping in the tunnels, and when the trains often inch up to the end of the platform, each stop can require more time, sometimes 10, 15, or even more seconds before the doors are even opened. Over an entire run, it adds up to minutes.
Here's the incredible part: After the trains went to manual operation--well over two years ago--the geniuses at Metro management never adjusted the run times, the time it takes the trains to go from one end of a line to the other.
This pinches the operators like this, wrote a Metro source:
I talked to several operators, and all have said that they are allotted the same amount of time to complete their crosstown runs. The differences have been taken out of their break time at each end. Some meal and bathroom breaks have been whittled down to 5 minutes. If you look at the schedules where it tells you how long it takes to get from one end to the other, they have not changed in many, many years.No wonder the operators are in a hurry, aggressively trying to get the doors shut and the train moving as quickly as possible.
Another source said "the managers who come up with these run times probably haven't even been on Metro for years. They hide in the Jackson Graham building thinking everything is hunky dory."
Other items:
Bus driver stabbed (NBC4)
Metro's parking pinch (Examiner)
KnowsAboutWMATA · 702 weeks ago
But we're stuck with manual operation until ATC can check every one of those boxes (on every line) that was faulted with the Red Line crash. And given Metro's rules about when significant work can be done (due to absurd occupational safety rules) and a portion of Metro's workers (that may or may not be unionized). It'll take a long long time.
Smooth Operator · 702 weeks ago
Matt G · 702 weeks ago
n2deep · 702 weeks ago
no one · 702 weeks ago
"n2deep" also has a point. manual provides many sticks for management to punish workers.
John · 702 weeks ago
Read that article about the bus driver getting stabbed, crazy stuff.
Also, if I wait for 8 mins for an orange line train during rush hour, should I assume its a delay or just normal metro suckage?
Stephen Kosciesza · 702 weeks ago
Another Metro solution, when the scrutiny gets to be too much. Just define what actually happens as being acceptable.
guest · 702 weeks ago
John · 702 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 702 weeks ago
The little town hall meetings are nice but they are by no means a subsitute for actually getting out there and seeing what happens in day-to-day commuting.
John · 702 weeks ago
Emily · 702 weeks ago
former employee · 702 weeks ago
ndub · 702 weeks ago
former employee · 702 weeks ago
John · 702 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 702 weeks ago
n2deep · 702 weeks ago
now the issue is a lot of the supervisors will not answer their radios when they know that they have to relieve an operator. they will usually answer once the train has past them. one of the main problems as i see it now are these transportation supervisors. most have been "appointed " their positions and have ZERO qualifications for the job. they are there for the pay and the title but most do not want the responsibility. most can not do their jobs. so the few who can actually do the jobs are forced to pick up the slack by their peers. in my estimations i figure 75%-80% of the supervisors are worthless. and not to start a racial or gender flame war i will not say who we are dealing with.
Metro Ryder · 702 weeks ago
anon · 702 weeks ago
The thing that surprised me about this was Jeter's silence. As I found out later talking to other union members, she's certainly not seen as a reliable ally.
John · 702 weeks ago
former employee · 702 weeks ago
wondering · 702 weeks ago
exoperator · 702 weeks ago
And you gotta ask about OCC. They to blame too. Who hire them? I don't think they ever drove a train.
Ashley · 702 weeks ago
Stephen Kosciesza · 702 weeks ago
I've heard one driver at Metro Center literally shouting into the PA, Stand back to let the doors close, this train is FULL--while people were trying to get out.
The other day, I saw a METRO EMPLOYEE grab the doors and press them back open to squeeze herself through. (And then the very next train, I had to do the same thing.)
And then they keep making announcements blaming us. While someone is trying to get the corner of his coat or bag into the car, the driver is lecturing us to stop holding the doors so people can get to work. And when someone calls to say someone's stuck, the driver just repeats the announcement; I've seen that happen twice.
And they keep playing that hateful, dangerous announcement about "Let me tell you about the train doors." Let me tell THEM. If they close on your arm or leg or purse, it's because the driver closed it on your arm or leg or purse.
And Metro will always tell you there's another train right after this one. (That just means that between this train and the next, there won't be another.) That doesn't do you much good if that next train is 20 minutes away; it doesn't do you much good if the next train isn't going where you need to go. And it doesn't do you much good if you're going to miss your bus. And it SURELY does you no good if you run into the same problem with the next train.
The Metro Board is convinced (and this makes it Metro policy) that people who ride Metro don't really have to get anywhere.
We had one (Graham, now thankfully gone, I understand) who famously said he doesn't ride because it's too inconvenient for evening meetings. That is, if you've got somewhere you have to be, you're surely not going to take Metro.
We had another, some years back, who groused that we're all convinced that we'll never get home if we don't get THAT train.
As usual, when Metro creates a dangerous situation, their solution is to tell the passengers what to do. THEY never ride, but THEY know better than we do what we need. We're not paying passengers, for whom they work; we're sheep to be herded. If we all just wait quietly and do as we're told, everything will be all right!
Stephen Kosciesza · 702 weeks ago
A week ago, I stood and held the doors open so a sport team could all get off; I didn't notice if they were out of town or not.
There might very well be out-of-town groups who need to stay with someone who knows where they're going. There might be parents and small children--separated by that slamming door.
And Metro's answer is just to keep playing more and more announcements.
J83 · 701 weeks ago
It surprises me the operators don't really care. And this is even after the huge accident of June 2009. The morons will continue breaking the rules until management actually listens and lays down the law.