From James:
Where's Metro?Other items:
I work for a PR firm in town, and my specialty is reputation management. I know. It's a horrible name, but we can talk about that on another blog.
I'm writing because I really can't believe Metro's communications team doesn't engage the readers of this blog.
I'm a long-time reader, and I remember when they'd pop up here and there to defend themselves or clarify an issue. I thought that was a good job on their part. Respect!
I haven't seen that since PR chief Dan Stessel's horrible performance insulting the curator of Unsuck.
Since then, it's as if Metro is just pulling the ol' see-no-evil stunt and hoping it all goes away.
It's not. Just ride the Metro any rush hour.
I mean seriously. Are the radios that screwed up, for example? Metro's silence is deafening.
Perception change won't without some real work. Puff pieces in the Washington Post convince no one because the paper's influence is questionable. Ossified slogans like Metroforward don't really do much these days to sway riders. Maybe in the '70s. And painting the under construction escalator barriers green moves the needle zero with regard to the public's take on the escalator disaster that is Metro.
The real work of bettering your reputation is a lot more difficult and the results are incremental. I see Metro taking no steps in the right direction.
Honestly, I don't know how Metro is going to turn the conversation if they don't engage with its most vociferous critics.
And to be completely candid, I think there are a lot of people who read this blog who would really like to see Metro unsucked (Count me among them), not appear to be fiddling while Rome burns--which is exactly the perception that's dominating the conversation.
Just what is the total salaries of the comms team over at Metro? In my opinion, that money is being squandered.
Cash-strapped Board dines on salmon, steak (Examiner)
@FixWMATA · 703 weeks ago
Second, one of WMATA's problems is that when they DO open their mouth about something they tend to only make a matter worse or make themselves appear inept.
For instance, the other day there was a delay on the Orange/Blue lines, @wmata tweeted there was a "slight switch malfunction". What's "slight"? I'm no engineer but it would seem the switch is either working right or it's not. You're either heading in the right direction or you're heading head-on into oncoming trains, right?
It's one thing to have a communications team, it's another for them to know what they're talking about.
Trainguy · 703 weeks ago
former employee · 703 weeks ago
· 703 weeks ago
Now, they've got their head in the sand.
Antoinette · 703 weeks ago
Kara · 703 weeks ago
former employee · 703 weeks ago
former employee · 703 weeks ago
FYI · 703 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 703 weeks ago
F'n JD · 703 weeks ago
@unsuck - Foolowing up on my tweet. There's a section of lights on the edge of the platform at the west end of Gallery Place Chinatown which has white lights and yellow reflective paint instead of the bumpy tiles and red lights. I could even read inside one of the lens covers "white light" written in it. #Metroforward improvement? And how will blind folks feel the edge of the platform if no bumpy tiles? I see an ADA lawsuit inherent in that "trial" design.
anon · 703 weeks ago
Nothing ever changes.
@VeggieTart · 703 weeks ago
drbubbles · 703 weeks ago
So it's one thing for commenters to be insulting, but when Unsuck himself called Stessel a flack in the body of a post not long ago, it didn't seem like the most effective way to encourage him to engage. It might be true and everyone might know it, but one doesn't actually say it, at least not publicly.
Not to defend Stessel's history with unsuckdcmetro, but just throw him a bone. We could be the bigger party.
No One · 703 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 703 weeks ago
Um, is he a volunteer? I could have sworn he (and others) were hired using OUR money to do nothing BUT communicate. I assumed that meant communicate with people that don't always agree or hold a press-pass but that seems to not be the case.
Joolz · 703 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 703 weeks ago
drbubbles · 703 weeks ago
Sure they're often unprofessional. But they don't want anything from us, either.
crucible · 703 weeks ago
It's much more expensive, but it's also the best thing I've ever done commuting-wise: the employees are friendly, people who ride are respectful to one another and the service itself, it's reliable and there aren't issues every single day (and when there is one, they actually text and/or email you to say "X bus is five minutes late", or whatever is the case-beforehand, not while you sit there wondering after it doesn't show up unlike Metro). There's no broken escalators and related crowding, there's no "slavery" charges aimed at those asking questions to the union running the show, there's no...a whole lot of things, including regularly raising prices for declining services.
crucible · 703 weeks ago
I have to say too that I'm surprised at the level of stress that's now gone in my commuting-it makes my entire day better, not to mention it's saving me about 45 minutes per day in overall commuting time-that's 45 minutes per day I get back to spend with my family and that's irreplaceable.
Buhbye Metro.
calvinbhai · 703 weeks ago
I wouldn't mind the commute if it wasn't for the reliability of wmata. finally had to buy a car after 5 yrs in this area. Now my total commute time is 40 - 60 mins a day! 3 hrs a day I have for myself! (although, I miss all the forced exercise due to the broken escalators =)
my daily gas costs are way cheaper than the close $11+ expense on the metro!
Anonymous · 703 weeks ago
John · 703 weeks ago
Ask the Union Leader why people who punch off duty police officers while driving a bus route are reinstated, she accuses you of believing in slavery.
Report a problem to Metro, you are ignored.
Ask Stessel to have a chat, he calls you an attention whore.
And this poster is totally correct when it comes tot he soft ass coverage from The Washington Post. If that newspaper gave metro half the scrutiny this blog does, people would be freaking revolting. But you just have Dr. Gridlock kissing their asses every time something goes wrong. He sounds almost as bad as a metro spokesman at times.
@FixWMATA · 703 weeks ago
I do give the good Dr props for addressing the HotCar issue in 2010 even though he was absent from the conversation this year.
John · 703 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 703 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 703 weeks ago
Poster · 703 weeks ago
John · 703 weeks ago
John · 703 weeks ago
Poster · 703 weeks ago
For the record, I'm a Democrat and generally in favor of unions, just not public sector ones.
guest · 703 weeks ago
guest · 703 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 703 weeks ago
Or was that a rhetorical question?
Wouldratherdrive · 703 weeks ago