Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Common are Unwanted Come Ons?


From Cheechy:
It's more of an annoyance than any major thing. I was walking towards Catholic University the other morning, and as I was walking over the bridge that goes over the Metro tracks, a driver of the 80 Kennedy Center bus slowed the bus down, honked at me, and said "damn you're fine ... looking good sweetheart!" and drove off.

I would like to point out that I had a sweater and jeans on since it was still cool out.
The other day someone tweeted that they'd been hit on by a Red Line operator. The tweet has been deleted.

This seems like a recurring problem (here) among some Metro employees. Has it happened to you? How have you handled it?

Other items:
Passenger fatally shot in face on Metro bus (NBC4)
Dulles rail could run $150 million over budget (WaPo)

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ShartingExcellence's avatar

ShartingExcellence · 701 weeks ago

The horndog who used to drive the Fairlington bus used to ask my wife out almost every day. I offered to ride the bus one day, and politely invite him to engage in some fisticuffs, but she said she was a big girl, and could handle the situation. Still - the dude would have his lapses. Clearly, he was an ongoing annoyance, bordering on a menace, to all women who rode his bus.

I can see where the confidence comes from though. "Hey, ladies! I pull down six figures. I can't be fired. I have an easy, very flexible schedule." Who wouldn't want to take advantage of that?

But yes, the system is full of idiot horndogs who think it's totally professional to harass the women.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
Are you certain your wife is telling you the whole story bro???? lol
The station manager at Minnesota Ave a few months back was all up in every woman's face. He wasnt' a jerk, but still, it was not something you wanted to deal with after a long day at work.
At Ballston a few weeks back, the station manager was definitely on something. I tried to sort a problem with my farecard out, and he was nearly unable to speak. Sure, it was early on a Sat. but still.
GrossedOut's avatar

GrossedOut · 701 weeks ago

I take the red line from shady grove and as I'm coming down the stairs, I've seen station managers point me out, call out to his fellow buddies, and come to the bottom of the stairs to try to look up my dress! The unfortunate thing is, this has happened to me more than once and I know they're standing there looking up at the women coming down the stairs and making sure they have a good view of the women wearing skirts during the summer. I try to take the elevators if I'm wearing my skirt.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
the drizzle's avatar

the drizzle · 701 weeks ago

Now you elevate!
This isn't just an annoyance, it is daily harassment for many women in the DC Metro area. Metro employees are often the harassers. Just read this blog for countless examples:

Sexual harassment is rampant and should not be tolerated.
5 replies · active 700 weeks ago
RedLineROFL's avatar

RedLineROFL · 701 weeks ago

Sexual harassment has no place in our society, no argument there. It's unfortunate that women have to deal with it. However, keep an open mind when reading that site above. Some of those women get pissed if a man even says "hello" to them.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 701 weeks ago

Uh, have you actually read some of the incidents that people have submitted to HollaBack DC? Some may involve "just saying" hello and then things get ugly when the person getting hit on refused to interact with the person.

This is not to be confused with people just try to say hello and start a normal conversation. More often then not I'm sure the reason why the woman reacts in a pissed off manner is because the woman is used to dealing with experiences of sexual harassment and probably try to develop some sort of "defensive mode". Since there is such a fine line between the two, sometimes it's hard to figure out which way to react.

It might be a tough blow to a guy trying to have a normal conversation, but remember all of the other guys who sexually harassed her; they're the ones who "spoiled it for the rest of the guys who just want to start a conversation".
riotgrrrl's avatar

riotgrrrl · 701 weeks ago

Thanks for saying exactly what I was thinking, UnSuck Fan. Street harassment isn't just an "unfortunate" thing women have to deal with, it's something that happens so frequently and systematically to some that it affects their entire sense of safety in places they must frequent, including public transit.
Well said. Thanks.
Golden Silence's avatar

Golden Silence · 700 weeks ago

The numerous stories on Holla Back DC regarding Metro employees harassing women just show how tacky, low-class, and unprofessional many of these Metro workers are. In Holla Back's earlier years, Metro used to post comments there that were basically paying lip service, but they seemed to have stopped since no one believes a thing that comes out of their mouths.
YellloFever's avatar

YellloFever · 701 weeks ago

And sometimes it is the passengers harrassing Metro. Why just yesterday this very blog featured a post about a rider who was constantly and insistently throwing himself at the Yellow Line, regardless of the reaction he received.
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
hee hee hee! :)
One take's avatar

One take · 701 weeks ago

I was riding the metro with a friend some time back – my friend, an attractive Italian woman on her first trip to the United States. It wasn’t long before a WMATA employee limp-walk sauntered and began to harass her; hoping, praying and most likely betting all of his vanilla cigars and ‘fowty’ ounces on the chance of getting somewhere with her.
I began to intervene on her behalf, but my friend winked at me and took the humorous approach and in responded to the WMATA employee fluently in The Queen’s English (one of the many other languages that she spoke) and simply said:
“Does your mother know that you are comical, unwashed, uneducated and barely speak proper English? Why don’t your trousers fit? Looking at you makes me want to laugh at you and pity you”
The WMATA ‘true playa fo’reel’ employee didn’t say much….after that, while my friend and I went on to enjoy the rest of our day.
1 reply · active 687 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 701 weeks ago

While it may be slightly humorous, I'm going to be a party pooper and say that it's unfortunate she had to react this way, but hey society still see women as a piece of meat and the only way to "approach" women is to act boorishly.
Maybe that is why metro does not hire light skinned women. I have never seen a white or light skinned women as a supervisors, managers, train drivesr, station managers or eeoc investigators.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
What the hell???
I stopped riding the bus because of the daily nastiness that would come from the driver's mouth.
Elizabeth's avatar

Elizabeth · 700 weeks ago

I am opposed to sexual harassment, but someone being appreciative of what is on display should not be treated as a crime. Ladies, we all like to look good, if you don't want anyone to say anything, cover it up. I have been hit on several times by train operators, and I just smile, say thanks, and go back to my book, put in my iPod, check my phone, etc... When someone takes the compliment beyond that, it is a problem, but sometimes it's simple admiration that makes a person make comments that are received offensively. I've had worse times on the train with other passengers not leaving me alone- and those times I've been trapped in the inside seat on a crowded train!
4 replies · active 700 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 700 weeks ago

If it's winter, and a woman is wearing jeans and a puffy jacket, you think that thwarts a harrasser? News flash- it doesn't matter what someone is wearing. NO ONE SHOULD GET HARRASSED. Period. What you just said is tantamount to saying that women "ask for it." Get a clue.

There's also a big difference in someone saying respectfully, "You look nice." and somene saying "You look nice" while leering and making the object of their desire feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
Red Line's avatar

Red Line · 700 weeks ago

What a woman wears is NEVER an invitation for harassment. A piece of clothing is not an invitation for sex to strangers on the street. Men who harass women are crossing a line. Looking for sex, looking to make a woman uncomfortable, whatever. Either way, harassment is about the harasser and his or her need to cross a line, not about some misconceived notion that one's clothing is an invitation for unwanted sexual attention.
Ladies, I suggest many of you look in the mirror before leaving the house. Too many of you wear clothes that invite comments - otherwise why would your skirts be skin tight and cut up to you hooha; why else would your sweaters which show off every dimple and nipple. (Some of you have legs like tree trunks; please lower the hemline or loosen the slack fit). Your make up! Are you going to work inside or curbside. Honestly, then you complain when you get a shout-out or whistle. When you get a smart remark on your appearance you have two options, walk on and don't let 'em know you heard; or, you can smile, say thank you for making my day, and keep on walking. Taking an attitude only gets more rude stuff. But listen up - look in the mirror first. Are you looking good or good looking?
Golden Silence's avatar

Golden Silence · 700 weeks ago

Apparently you ignored the mention in the original story of the woman wearing jeans and a sweater. And regardless, what a woman wears IS NOT an invitation to harassment.

Check your ignorant behavior at the door.
I've had bus drivers slow down and honk, yell, wave, whatever they have to do to get me to look at them many, many times. The worst part is when they aren't paying attention to the road because they're trying to holla at some poor woman - I've seen one almost rear end a car because the driver was yelling out the window at a woman.

And yeah, I absolutely hate having my guard so so so far up every time I go into a metro station and approach the station manager booth to swipe my card - can't tell you the number of times one has tried to stop me to talk to them, I always assume that it's something important, as they're in uniform and on duty, but no they always want to tell me exactly what's fine about whatever body part they're into that day.

Oh, and I DO know the difference between a compliment and being holla'd at. Any woman who has lived in and around DC for more than a couple of weeks can tell you that. I've thanked many people for genuine compliments - but "keep working that a** gurrrllll" or "mmm mm what's yo name honey?" are NOT compliments.
Well, it used to be the construction workers involved in this activity: cat calls, whistling, as the ladies walked by. But now the construction workers "no habla" English.....
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
No the construction worker today knows that they will get fired for inappropriate behavior. Things have changed in the real world. Notoriously sexiest industries have learned that it is a huge liability to the organization to allow their employees to harass women – so they don’t allow that kind of behavior from their employees. Somehow Metro either doesn’t care, or they offer an online diversity training course and then ignore it if their employees don’t follow that training.
Several years ago, I was riding on the last Orange Line train from Vienna heading downtown. It appeared that the operators microphone was "stuck open" as I could hear him whistling, humming, and the train's radio blaring in the background. Just as I was getting off at the Ballston stop I guess he saw something on the platform that impressed him greatly, because the next think I heard--and the entire train heard (though it was no where near full that time of night) was, "Mmmm, Mmmm, Mmmm, Damn you're fine, girl!" Of course, she didn't actually hear it, but I couldn't help but think how interesting that train ride was going to become as the train filled up as it headed towards New Carrollton.
A couple of weeks ago, I was waiting for the Y8 bus and it finally arrived. So, as I tried to swipe my card, the driver covered the machine with his hands. I paid my fare anyway! I went to go sit down and a couple of minutes later, the driver walks back to where I am sitting and says" why are you sitting back here? come to the front..I want to see your pretty face". LOL! And there were other passengers sitting near me! This has happened to me on numerous occasions from other metro drivers. Metro employees are so BOLD and UNPROFESSIONAL. I cant wait until I get my car!!
No thanks, WMATA.'s avatar

No thanks, WMATA. · 700 weeks ago

I was harassed beyond my comfort zone by the driver of a 42 in Mt. Pleasant one day. He was being overly friendly and eyeing me when I got on, for starters. I sat in the back (it was pretty empty) and just ignored him. He was still eyeing me and making comments, telling me to come up front, he wanted to talk to me, but I didn't.

I got off at the last stop, from the back exit and quickly walked away, in the direction of traffic. The bus driver opened the door and just cruised the bus in neutral alongside the sidewalk, talking to me, trying to get my number and "just be friends! why don't you want to talk to me? you're beautiful." It was dark, but not terribly late, but still. Not comfortable to have a massive bus and a harassing driver stalk you down a street, following you home.
Tony_the _tiger's avatar

Tony_the _tiger · 696 weeks ago

A compliment isn't harrassment, it may be rude or unwanted but it isn't harrassment. If someone repeatedly says stuff to you and/or takes it further by following you, then it becomes harrassment.

Women are quite famous for complaining about guys hitting on them when they aren't attracted to the ones doing it. Let it be some guy they're drawn to for whatever reason and it's a different story.

I've seen women wear tight sweaters and jeans that would definitely get your attention.

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