Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fail Compounded

From a Metro employee:
Staging [the reaction to the Clarendon incident] wouldn't be a problem if Metro made a decision and then stuck with it.

Instead, someone makes the initial decision, then someone a step higher up changes it, and then the next higher up changes it yet again.

So, in reality, a train operator can be told three different things to do within a 5 or 10-minute period.

Another issue is the chain of command on the scene.

When fire department arrives, they immediately take over the scene in terms of either body recovery or removing the injured person. From what I have been told by those on the scene, the jumper was trying to crawl out from under the train.

The fire department told him to stay put and let them remove him.

Also, the fire department had third rail power removed from the opposite side of the platform.

This was totally unnecessary.

They could have run trains thru the station without stopping--at 5 m.p.h.--with a flagman there at the interlocking in case of personnel there.

Yet the fire department took all power down.

Someone told me that a fireman started crawling up under the train without any verification of the removal of third rail power.

The fire department comes out to local [Metro] shops for a half-day class on what the components on the train do. They learn to remove third rail power and other basic things. Problem is when they arrive on the scene they really do not have a true understanding of the track configurations or the power distribution at the scene. So they just kill ALL the power.

Metro has never stepped in to say there is a better way.

Also, Kubicek [Metro's #2] did not show up at the scene.

There was some junior flunky safety officer who had never worked a jumper scene before, so we was useless. All he kept doing was question and confront people about having an improper safety vest or an older model "hot stick" (a tool used to test whether there is electrical current).

In other words, he was in way over his head and instead of stepping back and trying to learn standard operating procedures, he kept trying to micromanage the scene.

I first heard about the incident from a supervisor. I hadn't heard about it on the Metro radio. Neither had he. He said he heard about it on a local radio station because they usually tell us before Metro does.
From Adam:
During the meltdown Tuesday, the station manager at Court House was ripping people off.

I got to Court House about 20 minutes after the incident. I didn't know that there was going to be at least a 2-hour delay until I was down on the platform and saw it on the message board.

Neither did damn near everybody else.

Rather than wait two hours, I went back up to find alternative transportation.

So did most everyone else.

But here's the question: Why weren't people informed about the delay until AFTER they had paid their fare? '

The station manager on duty said nothing about any delays, and since Court House is an Orange Line only station, surely she should have known.

I sat there and watched her for about ten minutes as people paid their fare and went down to the platform, only to come back up again five minutes later.

She said nothing to any of them.

That's kind of horsesh-t behavior on the part of the station manager.

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UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 702 weeks ago

Leave it to Upper Management to get involved and mess things up royally! Unfortunately, there's no way to escape the "trickle down effect" whether it's from "their call" or from the station manager's neglect to be proactive and tell us what's going on.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 702 weeks ago

Current employee work in power or know how power can be residual? If the, fire personnel was trying to resue the "jumper" iam sure he probably used at "hot stick" and did not have any conductive tools on him. Have third rail power or residual shock is nothing you shake off. Sounds like the Fire Dept. did not attend Saftey at Metro (Thank God) I worked at a couple of derailments and seem workers playing roulette with their lives. No comfirmation that ALL third rail power was down before dragging tools across third rail while mgmt. stood around wondering who was "going to the man". Cluskerfucks cause me never to go on derailment. Saftey is First except at Metro.
I wouldn't surprise me if Metro had a policy to do exactly what you said: collect the entrance fare no matter what.

Criminal Organization.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
...especially if it means taking more money from the majority to give to the give me more freebies system. Oh yea take the money, "Socialism Rules" at Metro and the " you must believe in slavery", fan club.
There are no station managers and union employees who will deny," ....we love the money, why do you think we work here and stand around?"
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 702 weeks ago

I just want to reiterate something that, in my opinion, perfectly captures why riders everywhere are so fed up with WMATA.

We're paying more than we used to pay, and the service isn't improving. At all. Of course, the workers get a 9% pay raise (granted, over three years), but what do we, the much-vaunted "riding public" receive in return? Nothing.

If anything, since the fare increases, service across the board has actually worsened. So why are we mad? Why are we fed up?

We are paying more for less. Worse, we are treated like noisome busybodies by WMATA for the crime of wanting to utilize reliable public transit. Listen to Stessel's interview. At any point does he formally apologize on behalf of WMATA?

But then again why would he! I almost forgot, nothing that happened was WMATA's fault!

As usual, WMATA's after-action report on another colossal clusterfuck leaves me tired and disgusted, but not surprised.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
Hey buddy the fares will go up soon to pay for the 9% raises the metro union just fudged out of the judge in dc. Metro Board Chair will not say a word about this now but she should be removed.
2 days later and still no real article in the Washington Post about what happened Tuesday evening. Should we start harrassing Dr. Gridlock and his band of Metro Ass kissers? I love this blog but it doesn't have the exposure the Post does. If they scrutinezed Metro 1/10 as much as this blog did, people would be foaming at the mouths with anger towards this mismanaged joke!
1 reply · active 702 weeks ago
Let me recreate the source list for the Washington Posts, Examiner, Fox, NBC, ABC, TBD etc.

1. Dan Stessel

That is all.

Not an actual story, but they do have a link to it on the top of the local section. They also grab from this blog and reference it. I feel like throwing the readers to this blog means they admit that they couldn't cover it any better and they don't feel like using their resources to do what's already been done. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
1 reply · active 702 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 702 weeks ago

Regarding throwing people to this blog…Although I'm sure UnSuck has a full-time job, he probably has more time to devote to this blog whereas other media sources have a slightly larger range of topics to cover.

Anyway, I just look at it as how people and organizations are getting their information is changing and either those said parties who are not changing are getting left behind or they'll have to do something different to catch up. Personally, I think they should give up trying to be the first to break a story; it's old and sad about how competitive they get. Of course, like everything else, there's no "i" in team so instead of working with and/or referencing UnSuck, it gets to be pathetic. By the time a "regular" media source covers it, I already knew about it because the story broke here first.
Sarles is really hands off. Demands very little from his top staff. He's here three years max to collect another hefty pension.

Why else would an old guy like that leave his family behind to come "run" Metro. He's looking to make his life as easy as possible.

Not leading any one or anything.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
former employee's avatar

former employee · 701 weeks ago

He knew his heart was not in this job...but i bet his financial advisor and lawyer told him "go for it ! Metro will give you a generous$$$ and benefit package when you screw up... And Metro's Sovereign Immunity will give you the opportunity to sit back and relax... no accountablility at all But make sure you wine and dine OIG so they don't bust your ass out"
Great idea! Why not run slowly through the stop? There's enough room for EMTs to do their job on the other side.

Also why was the bus bridge going from Rosslyn all the way out to Ballston? Couldn't they have run to Court House instead? Maybe there's no place to turn around. If that's the case, are there no places for the trains to turn around between Rosslyn and Ballston? Scary.
14 replies · active 701 weeks ago
There are switches to the east of Clarendon and to the east of Ballston. I haven't seen and specifics to say for sure, but I wonder if the Vienna bound train who stuck the person came to a stop with part of the back end of the train still on the switch. If so, single tracking could have been done, per se, but it would've had to go all the way from Foggy Bottom to Ballston.
High current jumps. It not safe to work around high current such as 700 volts. Meaning if third rail was off on one side and not the other the hot side could jump across to conductive device, such as metal--tools Not safe. I think the Fire Dept made a safe and wise choice.
that is why shunts and squawk boxes are used
The post stated that the Fire Dept. should if taken control and allowed train on opposite run. This is Metro Power Dept. call, not the Fire Dept. All affirmations from the Power and Saftey dept.s that third rail power is safe to work around. Fire Dept. are not skilled electricans.

This mess was Metro fault. Who is in charge, who knows what is doing. Soup sandwitch.
Another cover up if you only knew! The FBI and Congress will not do a thing! Their was once an investigation started and the records were so wack they threw their hands up and did not complete. How about riders all write their Senators and demand an investigation then Riders walk around the Metro Building demanding an internal investigation!
it is not power dept's call. actually it is the on scene command call when he has talked to all depts there and verifies it is safe. however the fire dept. will ask for it be removed so they can move around the scene more easily. or in other words ,"without having to think what is hot and what is not".
ever been at a cross tie fire when the FD shows up? they request all third rail power removed so they can not have to think about safety. then they will take 15 minutes to "put out' a smoldering tie that could have been done with a 1 gallon bucket of water.
what you fail to consider is the FD does not have the same priorities as metro. they do not care about trains moving safely past or how long they putter around on the tracks holding up service. for most it is something they don't get to do but maybe once in a blue moon. sort of like "on the job training". i have witnessed this on several occasions. while two guys are tending to the 1 gallon of water needed fire the other 6 are looking around asking others what this rail is or what that thing there does etc.
so until metro and the FD get on the same page with this incidents do not expect anything to change. or move along any faster for that matter.
Current and voltage are different.
higher the voltagle higher the current. Ohms law.
tomato or tamato's avatar

tomato or tamato · 701 weeks ago

You can't have current if you don't have voltage and can't have voltage if you don't have current.
Short Circuit = All current, no voltage difference.
Open Circuit = All voltage, no current flow...
you need both to make things go... metro trains.
Just stop it... That is not point. the third rail is carry enough current(because of voltalge) to kill a resue worker. Stop with the pissing contest. Saftey is first
There are switches at many stations, but in situations like these, you want the trains to be able to switch tracks without having to worry about oncoming traffic. Stop the service at Ballston so that you can switch between Ballston and Virginia Square. Even if there were a switch between Virginia Square and Clarendon, the power might be down on the track, or the train might be getting too close to the incident. Same with shutting down at Rosslyn so that you can switch between Rossyln and Court House without getting close to Clarendon (especially since the stopped train was between Court House and Clarendon).

And before someone replies with "they switch at Vienna all the time with oncoming traffic," that's a common practice, above ground, in a non-emergency situation, where operators know that something like that is happening. You don't want a switching situation like that with limited sight distance in manual mode in an area where few if any operators have dealt with that situation.
Another cover up if you only knew! The FBI and Congress will not do a thing! Their was once an investigation started and the records were so wack they threw their hands up and did not complete. How about riders all write their Senators and demand an investigation then Riders walk around the Metro Building demanding an internal investigation!
Couldn't Metro post something like an "Amber Alert" board outside all stations alerting to delays/closures/etc. Not unlike what they have on the tracks, but, you know, something that works.
This heah is the SOoouth -- people have corn-mush for brains
@Adam: I got to Farragut West that evening and there were big yellow signs posted on the faregates indicating that there was a station closed and to expect major delays. Many people turned around went up to the park and caught the 38B into Arlington. Exactly the kind of helpful information and system redundancy no one on this blog ever talks about.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
The train operator for the train I was on gave no indication about the train offloading at Rosslyn until after we had already passed Foggy Bottom. We didn't get the choice to leave early.
Metro continues to be run by a Board of political hacks who share skill in being local pols and a lack of skill in transit management. The Metro GM is given a fat compensation package, until his golden parachute after the inevitable disaster about which the Board needs him to silently take the blame. The IG understands her role is investigating tunnel urine, not management nonfeasance. The system is designed to focus on bells and whistles, like NextBus and station art, not safety or rider comfort. Nothing will change until the structure changes, and that decision seemingly must come from those at fault, who are the only people benefitting from this structure. Good luck.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
You will not get a correct answer. That is why the Board chair ignored addressing this issue! They need to be fired because the BOARD is useless even R Lahood had resigned! I don't blame him I would be embarrased to be apart of the transportation system in w dc. Good Move Ray! Step aside and let a real man take the job. I know of accountable persons in the metro system who get passed over for promotion because they are not in the "buddy" group. They also hire insulants from outside Metro and it takes years and years to catch up to what the seasoned personnel know/experience. A bunch of sucks-
Arlington FD knows what they are doing, I was a volunteer for 10 years and we did training on Metro, so unless you have trained with us STFU. ACFD knows what they are doing. There is a valid reason for killing power in both directions, it did cause a problem for thousands but safety is #1.
2 replies · active 701 weeks ago
former employee 's avatar

former employee · 701 weeks ago

Right On. I defend the Fire Dept. for thier decision.. Instead of blaming the Fire Dept. , because they had training at Metro is not fair. The Fire Dept used their skill as a Resuer--and a job well done. I don't know if the post got it right either. This is against OSHA regualtions. The fire dept may have ordered , if Metro safety was not available, to have power down... Hopefully someone from the fire dept or Metro saftey can post here to let us know
trained with you= nope... been involved on the metro side with your training= yep. i know exactly what your training is, been there done that many many times. there was no need to drop power on the opposite side. it is for YOUR safety because most of your are volunteers and have zero experience with high were no where near hot rail while working on the situation. you took it down because you are clueless. there is a big difference between a few hour class, walking around a single straight track in the yard during broad daylight than there is in a tunnel in the dark near switches. so save the bravado bullshit macho talk for those who you think you can either impress or fool.
I usually never have problems with Metro but this has been the week from hell. Tuesday morning I was on an Eastern Market escalator when it suddenly stopped and lurched three of us forward and one fell down. That evening was the suicide attempt. Yesterday, during the pouring rain, my bus passed by me at about 60 mph and the driver waved at me. I had to wait 25 minutes for the next bus. Finally, the 24T bus did not run at all this morning. I waited for the next two buses after the first missed bus but no other buses showed. I finally took a cab to my desination at a cost of almost $25. WHAT IS WRONG WITH METRO?
2 replies · active 701 weeks ago
U dun know?Look around Danny and wake up, it is a program/r.
Such a kind response. Kudos to you. As I can see you are responding as anonymous.
First off, Metro does not determine the protocols for this kind of situation, the fire department does. All emergency response protocols used in the United States are based on a command system that was developed by the fire department. They get to come into a situation and supercede anyone other municipal authority, and thank goodness for that.
This morning (17 Oct) a useless Metro employee was handing out cards for a survey at . The cards say "How did we do," but in typical Metro fashion, it is just a survey about how you found out about the Orange line incident. There is nothing about how they hurt people and what they should do better in the future. I liked particularly how it closed with "Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Your feedback is very important to us. We look forward to the continued opportunity to provide you with excelent [sic] customer service."

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