A source told me the other day that four Orange Line station managers have been suspended in the last several months, three of them after testing positive for illegal drugs.
Here are their versions of the stories:
- A Ballston station manager left a woman stuck in an elevator for 90 minutes, and in the subsequent investigation popped positive for drugs and was suspended for 90 days.
- In Vienna, a station manager popped positive for drugs for the second time and was suspended for six months.
- A Dunn Loring station manager fell down on the job for no reason and subsequently tested positive for drugs. I'm not sure of the punishment.
- Finally, a station manager at West Falls Church was busted for locking people in the station for the second time. He was "fired," the source said, but lawyered up and was able to get reinstated for promising to never do it again. This particular station manager, was apparently clean.
Other items:
Fewer complaints. Is Metro better or complaining futile? (Examiner)
Guest · 699 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 699 weeks ago
guest · 699 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 699 weeks ago
Radner · 699 weeks ago
bet · 699 weeks ago
aaanon · 699 weeks ago
John · 699 weeks ago
Anti-TB Guy · 699 weeks ago
As for the drug testing protocol, I'm all-in with hrh king friday's suggestions.
mike · 699 weeks ago
Insider · 699 weeks ago
n2deep · 699 weeks ago
anno · 699 weeks ago
ATP · 699 weeks ago
Prescription drug abuse? Marijuana? PCP? Heroin? Not to say I approve at all of Metro workers being stoned, but let's be a little more specific here.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 699 weeks ago
former employee · 699 weeks ago
Mgmt. is not required to submit to any kind of drug testing. I would bet there would be a lot on the street if they had to abide by drug testing.
n2deep · 699 weeks ago
former employee · 699 weeks ago
If you are taking prescribe drugs and don't report them monthly you could end up like the Janitor. COA ---ask shop steward . she spend a month w/p pay. ADA advacate got her job back. She has to take this medicine for the rest of her life. and forgot to report it monthly and gpt this hassle.
guest · 699 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 699 weeks ago
RGG · 699 weeks ago
hounds4l · 699 weeks ago
But the middle managers need to be tested biannually. I know of Supervisors who sold and distributed illegal drugs in the past and other managers tested positive for drug use and got an appointment and promotion earning six figures that work at metro.
DC Denizen · 699 weeks ago
I'd argue that in Metro's new "Safety Culture," every position should be considered a safety sensitive position and all Metro employees should be tested randomly for illegal drugs. This would perhaps be a better use of $15,000 than a leadership coach for the upper management, or $13,000 for "working lunches." Brown bag it, people, and save the cash for more important things.
BradK · 699 weeks ago
From GGW: Their summary: "Metro complaints down, bus complaints up"
Unsuck's summary title: "Fewer complaints. Is Metro better or complaining futile?"
The real title: "Metro riders complaining less -- unless they ride Metrobus"
I'm sure there are others, but the ongoing argument is GGW bloggers vs Unsuck... and the more I read of both, the more I lean here..... Granted there is quite a bit more whining here, but it is typically less smug. I think we are all tired of paying for lackluster service, but we all have to do it... If complaining about metro is down, I would like to see the numbers from last year, when there wasn't an earthquake, hurricane, flood in the tunnels, fires on the tracks, and lest we forget, the Rosslyn incident a few weeks ago.
Specifically looking at the Rosslyn incident, lots of complaining took place, and Metro took it in great stride saying they performed optimally, and riders, while frustrated, were making do with little or no complaining. Further, the study came straight from WMATA, rather than an independent orginization, so I have absolutely ZERO confidence in its ability to tell me anything real. This is like Comcast or Cox telling you that according to their survey, they have the best product in existence.
Use some common sense.... Anyone want to do an independent survey?
@ChrisHowdy · 699 weeks ago
anon · 699 weeks ago
Lebowski · 699 weeks ago
Jeff Bridges · 699 weeks ago