Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Who Else Loves the Yellow Line?


From Jamie:
I have recently become hopelessly enamored with the Yellow Line. It’s better than all the others put together (wait, that’s a low bar to set). I want to write it poems and send it flowers. I want to stand under the elevated tracks at Huntington and hold a boom box over my head. That is how much I have come to love the Yellow Line.

I live at Van Dorn and work at Union Station, so for the past two years my commute has been Van Dorn to Metro Center on Blue and then Red Line to Union Station. I always sort of knew that it would be faster to change to Yellow at King Street and skip the whole Rosslyn-Foggy Bottom-Farragut loop, but the thought of transferring trains TWICE instead of once was appalling. I liked getting on the train and zoning out with my newspaper for a solid half hour before I had to do anything.

But one day I saw that there was a service disruption on Blue and Orange, and I decided to bail out and give the Yellow a whirl. I waited on King Street platform for two extra minutes til the mostly-empty Yellow Line train came along. It chugged along at a solid pace and pulled into Gallery Place eons before I would have gotten there on Blue+Red. Then I hopped the Red Line and got to work fifteen (15!!!) minutes earlier than I would have normally. How in the hell?

Oh yeah, that’s right – I didn’t have to deal with the Orange Line merge at Rosslyn, where Blue usually gets shafted while two or even three Orange trains pass in front. I didn’t have to deal with the throngs getting on and off at Farragut West and McPherson Square while the doors chime over and over and the driver starts threatening to offload the train. And I didn’t have to deal with the dreaded Metro Center.

Oh glorious Yellow Line--where I can always easily find parking at Huntington (there are SO MANY GARAGES there!), where I can give the Green Line the finger pulling into L’Enfant Plaza because we get priority; where I can always get a seat because the line is so short during rush hour that the train never gets very full. I just hope the Yellow Line feels the same way about me, and we can be together forever and ever.

Two transfers to let me ride in bliss? I’ll take it.
Other items:
Metro doesn't want to pay tax, threatens to sue (Examiner)
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Captain Obvious's avatar

Captain Obvious · 701 weeks ago

It took the writer two years to realize that the yellow line is a shorter route into DC than taking the blue line the long way?

If you were racing from Pentagon to L'Enfant Plaza, and a Yellow line train and a Blue line train left simultaneously from Pentagon, I believe the standard time is a 12 minute win for Yellow. Even if you need another transfer, doing so at rush hour when trains are frequent isn't much of a time penalty.

The only reason to ride the blue line in that direction would be if you were going to Farragut or McPherson. Those throngs departing the writer's train figured that out.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
11 minutes.
I am not surprised by this "transfer phobia." WMATA preys on that.

That said, I'm not a regular Yellow Line rider, but the times I have taken it have been pretty good. Look for that all to change when they shift the Blue Line.
This post made me laugh. But seriously, I'd like to know when you commute... specifically through Rosslyn, when "blue usually gets shafted while two or even three orange trains pass in front"... because MORE than half of the time that I head into work (from Ballston to DC), I hear my conductor say things like, "we're holding because of a blue line train ahead of us" or "you can thank the blue line for this" (no joke).
3 replies · active 701 weeks ago
I guess it must just be a giant smash-merge trying to get into Rosslyn, because it seems like the blue often sits in the tunnel while multiple orange line trains go through first. The other day the winning driver quote was "They are letting yet another orange line train go in front of us ... for some reason." Another time it was "They have had the audacity to allow more orange line trains to cross in front of us."
I guess the merge must be a frustrating for the drivers as it is for us!!
Metro runs two orange line trains for every blue line during rush hour (might be off-peak too now).

Of course the orange line has more riders than the blue line so this makes sense. Hopefully the Blue re-route over the bridge will speed up for you next year.
So, I guess this begs the question...

If the orange line and the blue line duked it out, who would win? ;)
Sweet Bobby's avatar

Sweet Bobby · 701 weeks ago

The writer is a moron for taking that long to find this out. Not to mention the fact that the yellow line is empty because it goes from nowhere interesting to nowhere good.
2 replies · active 700 weeks ago
I suspect a number of people who live in Virginia and work downtown would disagree with you ...
Not so much a moron (though I have my moments) as a creature of habit. I used to live in Rosslyn and when I moved, I just kept the same commute but with a lot of added stops.
He's a moron, eh? Well that must make you a rude SOB, right?
GreenLine's avatar

GreenLine · 701 weeks ago

Personally, the yellow line frustrates me to no end. But that's mainly because I live in Petworth and the times that it actually runs that far north are few and far between. Honestly, why not just take Shaw-Howard through Fort Totten off the map instead of taunting me?
On behalf of fellow Yellow line riders, welcome aboard Jamie.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
It's like the blue line's HOV lanes!!! :-)
Yeah, uh, isn't it really obvious that the yellow line would be faster for this commute?

Van Dorn to Union Station on Blue/Yellow/Red - including Van Dorn, 12 stations.

Van Dorn to Union Station on Blue/Red - including Van Dorn: 16 stations.

So, not even going into miles traveled, Blue/Yellow/Red is way shorter. Especially because those 4 extra stations you miss are some of the busiest.
Good for you Jamie for being happy about anything to do with Metro. It's rare, so don't let the comments of others get you down!
I'm not a regular Yellow Line rider, but I've taken it into VA the past two Friday evenings. It has never been very crowded, and there have been some spectacular views, especially during sunset.
3 replies · active 701 weeks ago
I ride it occasionally when I need to go to Pentagon City to meet my wife at Costco. I love it. My favorite part is when we get to go outside and cross the river. I always try to make sure I get a clear view of the window when I get on. My next favorite part (no sarcasm here) is riding in from the Navy Yard to Lefant and sprinting from one side of the track to the other. I honestly like the challenge of making it to the other side before the Yellow line takes off. I definitely look forward to the days I ride the Yellow.
I know what you mean. I can have a crap day at work, but if I manage to perfect the timing on the way home, I can catch an earlier shuttle from the metro to my apartment and I end up feeling like the king of the world! Like the stars have aligned for me. Maybe it's sad that that turns into the highlight of my day ... but c'mon, sometimes it's nice to score a victory against your commute, especially considering how many victories the commute has scored against me!
I live in Huntington. As a general rule, the Yellow is more crowded than the Blue during rush part because Alexandrians/Crystal Citians know it's that much shorter than the Blue Line, and for those who park-and-ride, it's a shorter trip in from Huntington than it is from Franconia-Springfield. Where the Yellow is awesomely uncrowded is in the non-peak direction and on weekends.
OP here -- it's not that I never figured out it was faster; it's just that the tradeoff between a few minutes shorter trip but having to transfer twice (and thus having to look up from my newspaper more often to figure out where I am) didn't sound worth it. Today I still stuck it out on blue because I wasn't in a hurry and didn't feel like getting up when the train pulled into King Street.
Now that I've seen the error of my ways, though, I'll be a yellow line rider 4 LYF! I guess when it gets cold I'll have to start transferring at Crystal City instead ...
Don't get used to your cush life Yellow Line riders. Pain's coming when they start running the Blue Line over the river with you.
God, get a room you two, will ya?
You still have to pass through thug central...aka L'enfant and Gallery Place.
Geez, guys. Ease up a bit. What a hostile group.

I'm glad that the poster found something to be happy about. I can totally understand not wanting to deal with the hassle of an extra transfer, when he can sit on the train for a little while longer.
Well, now you've jinxed our beloved Yellow Line. With all this praise, there's sure to be a disaster of Rosslyn proportions in the next week or two.
Go jamie's avatar

Go jamie · 701 weeks ago

I like this post. It's a reminder to think about your commute and how you could make it better. sometimes, we get stuck in a rut and just accept the suck when we don't have to. i found that by adjusting my ride time by 15 minutes, the trains were usually less crowded. i realize this kind of thing is not something everyone can do, can manage your commute, at least on the margin.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 701 weeks ago

Shhhhh!!!! This is DC's best kept secret. But now that you've tipped of WAMTA and the union, they're going to f*ck it up!!!
1 reply · active 700 weeks ago
"This is DC's best kept secret."

More like Virginia's
I've also thought that the yellow line is the best. There have been several times that I waited well over 20 minutes for a train at Silver Spring and was almost late- but the yellow train showed up within a few minutes at Fort Totten and I made it to wherever I was headed on time.
-giggle- reminds me of when i discovered the 295 bypass around richmond. i felt like writing odes to the thing.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 701 weeks ago

I love the yellow line too.
A poem isn't good enough for the Yellow line, how about a yellow line haiku?

OP Bleeds Yellow
Metro Yellow Line, that is
Sings the line's praises

Lots of empty seats
New multi-level garage
Just a few delays

Some good points, indeed
But don't get carried away
There are still issues

Oy vey, where to start?
L'Enfant Plaza Rascalians?
Garbled announcements?

Jerky metro rides,
Old porn actors in kiosks,
Urine in stairwells.

And let's not forget
The jacked up Escalators
At Huntington South

As the OP said
The bar is indeed set low
Yellow line the best?

Kind of like saying
I'd rather sit on a pin
Than a friggin nail
2 replies · active 701 weeks ago
this. is. awesome.
So clever!
The Yellow Line works because it's handling the kind of capacity WMATA can handle. The rest of the system is screwed, and as ridership grows, expect the Yellow to be just as bad.

Metro needs to stop this Dulles/Prince William nonsense and fortify the core with another tunnel. Not sexy, and super expensive, but...that's what they should be doing.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
Two votes to one. Do you think MD and VA are going to vote for an expensive expansion in the core?

Why do you think everything shuts down at the same time? Think it makes sense to have Shady Grove open until 2 AM on weekends?

I'd love to see DC destroy 395 and 295/Kenilworth Ave and replace it with a few more core capacity. Burbs aren't going to allow that though.
Yay yellow line!'s avatar

Yay yellow line! · 701 weeks ago

I used to live off the red line and the orange line. I'm now on the yellow line and get on a Pentagon City. It is by far the best line. I'm considering buying a place in DC, and honestly one of the biggest downsides to moving would be giving up the yellow line.
2 replies · active 701 weeks ago
Well if you think long term, the yellow line is going to have capacity problems. There is already talk of a route 1 extension. The yellow line will also be getting the Pentagon Row in-fill station in a few years.

As well as sharing the bridge with the blue.
Pentagon Row? Or do you mean Potomac Yards?
So the yellow line is nearly empty and they chose to send the blue on it's route b/c the yellow had more people?

I am so happy I do not live in Crystal City any more. I work near Foggy Bottom and taking the yellow would NOT improve the commute!
I used to love riding the Yellow Line when I worked in Crystal City. I only wish that at the time (this was from 2004-2007) it went all the way to Ft. Totten like it does now, because I would have greatly preferred to transfer there than at the morass of incompetence (on behalf of riders and station personnel both) that is Gallery Place.
Not sure where you live, OP, but if it is feasible I'd recommend also driving to the Eisenhower Ave. station if you can. In my experience (I also live near Van Dorn), it's been faster to drive to Eisenhower Ave and get the yellow train there rather than ride from Van Dorn and transfer.

I realize this may not be an option. But if you are able to do so, that would be my recommendation.
The Yellow Line is kind of a tease though, b/c it seldom goes to Ft Totten. I hate having to get off at Mt Vernon to transfer to the Green even though they share the route up.
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 701 weeks ago

Sigh...I'd love to avoid the Red + Orange/Blue to get to Rosslyn. I was just thinking today on the way home that I wish Metro would build an addition to the Red Line that runs from Metro Center straight north to Silver Spring, and just run express trains back and forth along this route from 7-9 AM and 4-6 PM.
1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
You might have the option of street car service from the convention center to Silver Spring.

It probably won't be faster but it'll give you a solid 2nd route if the red line is acting up.

FYI, you can take the 79 express bus on that same route right now.
On the reverse route, Yellow heading out of L'Enfant and across the river, the Yellow line always gets shafted by Blue Line trains cutting in front.

Gallery Place is mayhem with the crazy kids all over the place. Transferring there in the pm must be joy. I work halfway between Gallery Place and Archives/Navy Memorial and ALWAYS choose the latter to avoid Gallery Place.

To each his/her own, I guess.
Yep, the Yellow line almost never has problems. I've only had issues on the weekend. I'm a fellow Huntington'er along with many of the other posters here. It's a great line to right to work everyday (I work near Gallery Place), no transfers for me!

BTW, I WISH they wouldn't send the crappy blue line onto our great Yellow bridge across the Potomac. I just know it's going to screw up the great commute I've enjoyed for years.
First post here. Regular commute from Huntington to Union Station. Almost always smooth sailing, at least on the larger Yellow Line leg. I go in relatively late in the mornings (ca. 9:30), usually a breeze. But in the evenings, about 6:00-6:00, often crowded at Uniuon Station, then very unpleasant transfer at Gallery Place, as the train now, of course, pulls to the front of the platform, AWAY from corrider that leads down to the other lines, so scary crush. But once safely on the yellow train, I know I'll get home ok.
*enamored of, not with

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