Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Honey Manager Don't Care

From anonymous:
Metro has annoying issues, hot cars, delays, malfunctions, off-boarding, buses not showing up, etc., but in general, I am grateful to have public transit since I do not own a car. Metro is how I get to and from work, as well as participate in other activities.

As of late, there has been a serious uptick in crime in the Mount Vernon Triangle/Chinatown neighborhood and at the Chinatown Metro.

I have felt very unsafe and have contacted the general police - who never show when I call.

The other night, I witnessed a particularly disturbing incident at the Chinatown Metro after the Nationals game.

It was around 10:30 p.m. There were a lot of people (since this is a major transfer point), and as I came off the train, I saw an altercation taking place on one of the escalators.

People were screaming for Metro police, and a few gentleman were trying to hold two juveniles who appeared to have attempted to rob somebody. The two juveniles were throwing punches, but the good citizens were not standing down.

People continued to scream for police, but none showed up.

So I ran to the other side - also screaming for help and prompting others to try and get help - and went to the vestibule at the 7th and H St. exit.

There were two gentleman there, and what happened next cannot be expressed through a message.

I conveyed what happened (other people were there, too) and asked why these things keep happening. I asked what they were doing about it?

One of the gentleman began to chastise me, tried to intimidate me, and belittled me. The other followed suit.

I was upset and conveyed how I felt unsafe.

To say they were unkind would be an understatement.

I exited through the gates and went to the front of the vestibule. A name plate said "Station Manager on Duty" with the name "A. Harris" listed.

I asked one of the gentleman who A. Harris was, and he asked why I needed to know.

I told him it was because that was who was listed as the station manager on duty, and I wanted to know who was responsible.

He told me I didn't need to know that information and then proceeded to call transit police on me - to scare me off.

The transit police did not show up, and I left realizing how futile this all was.

I submitted a formal complaint through Metro and called Transit Police myself the next morning to relay the incident and ask why there weren't several transit police visibly present when they knew there was a large sporting event. Chinatown is a problem station and a busy transfer point, particularly after games.

The response I got was "Just like you can't be all places at all time neither can our people."

That is unacceptable.
Other items:
Arlington approves Columbia Pike streetcar plan (Examiner)
Mayor Gray blasts Metro (Foreign Policy)

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knows metro's avatar

knows metro · 661 weeks ago

This is probably a troubled employee Metro has chosen to stash away as a station manager.

Also, they could be upset because there was a recent pick, and that station is not considered a good one to have for the reasons listed in the article.
1 reply · active 660 weeks ago
former employee's avatar

former employee · 660 weeks ago

or a lazy ass sucking the WC for years until finally he was caught or told he had to back to work..
The lack of concern of a station manager evident in this story is about as surprising as a DC official getting indicted.

Even if WMATA is hamstrung by a union that protects awful, awful employees, they can at least ensure police presence at certain stations.

There should always be at least one police officer at each of the big 3: Metro Center, L'Enfant Plaza, and Gallery Place. Every office building downtown at night has a security guard. Why can't at least these 3 stations have a cop present?
9 replies · active 659 weeks ago
16 cents's avatar

16 cents · 661 weeks ago

The recent fare hike included adding more MTP to the force right? Doesn't say anything about having them actually do any work.
I've been saying this for a while. There is no reason there shouldn't be police stationed at those stations at all times.

Unfortunately, the metro police are usually hiding out at "high-crime" stations like Vienna, West Falls Church, Bethesda, Grovesnor, Twinbrook, and Shady Grove....

I often see 2 or 3 of them when I get off at Van Ness and usually standing around talking to each other. Okay, there are a lot of kids there so I would buy one but with their cries of not enough cops to be everywhere that seems excessive for a relatively small station with only one entry point (2 with the elevator). Especially since I still see kids horsing around.
There are metro police at Shady Grove? That's where I live, and I've never seen them there.
On the Washington, DC subreddit, someone had a story about having a drunkard banging at his door at 3 in the morning, and when he called DC police they asked if the man outside had a gun, and that they would only send a police officer if the caller could confirm that the man outside didn't have a gun.
I think my reply would be no, but I do so I'll take care of it. Bet they would be there quick then.
There's enough going on at Chinatown to keep one or two cops busy all day.
Fortunately I haven't had such an interaction with a station manager yet, but from now on I'm going to set my cell phone into "record video" mode every time that I have to interact with one. Even if I don't have the camera pointed to the person, having an audio recording of the entire incident will help, and if things escalate, then I can bring the video into play.
4 replies · active 660 weeks ago
I think recording interactions is imperative. I love it when some of these slothful Metro employees are caught on video. I saw an employee sleeping in the vestibule one night at a downtown station...think it was Farragut West, but did have the presence of mind to break out the iPhone to record it. I will remember next time!
corey babcock's avatar

corey babcock · 660 weeks ago

when you try to record the station managers as you talk to them they tell you thats its illegal to record them and get very very threatning i had it happen at bethesda 5 months ago
As far as the law for recording goes I don't think you can record them in dc and maryland because the law there is both parties must give consent. However, in Virginia only 1 party must give consent so as long as you are involved in the conversation you can record it in Virginia.
Tell them if they think it's illegal (it's not), then they should get the police there right away. Might be the only way to get a cop there.
this is ridiculous. metro gets away with so much shit, i can't believe how much of a danger they create for people. and when something happens, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it (and of course, that's the way the way metro likes it). what's it going to take for someone to wake the hell up? an armed psychopath?
1 reply · active 661 weeks ago
Movie theaters are soon going to have more cops than Metro.
Last week, when I mentioned to the station manager at Medical Center that the 3 escalators AND the elevator was out of order, when he noticed my accent (I'm not American), he just shout at me: "Go back to your country"...
5 replies · active 660 weeks ago
red line's avatar

red line · 661 weeks ago

Unbelievably offensive...
@Arnaud – I feel your pain (and I’m an American citizen). See my comment below….
nomoreimigreants's avatar

nomoreimigreants · 661 weeks ago

yeah he's right there please go back to your country
(Says the person who can't spell)
Every time I'm in Gallery Place/Chinatown around the Metro station, there are TONS of cops. Especially if there's something going on at the Verizon Center. But I usually see them hanging around outside so I have no idea if they're transit cops or DCPD.

But yeah, I definitely agree that these huge transfer stations should always have Transit Police present.
Every time I'm in Gallery Place/Chinatown around the Metro station, there are TONS of cops. Especially if there's something going on at the Verizon Center. But I usually see them hanging around outside so I have no idea if they're transit cops or DCPD.

But yeah, I definitely agree that these huge transfer stations should always have Transit Police present.
1 reply · active 661 weeks ago
MPD* DCPS doesn't exist.
Yup, Chinatown is a favorite spot of these punk kids. They've really been plaguing the red line recently along that stretch. I don't think they attend school much to begin with, but they're out for the summer and apparently have nothing better to do. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've seen them causing problems - brawling on trains, punching random people on platforms, running through stations (presumably with stolen goods), or just plain harassing/threatening people for fun.

The riders shouldn't have to police metro, but nonetheless kudos to the good riders who are standing up to these punks.
Superintendent Calvin Parker of Greenbelt Division and his number is: 301-955-2016 He is in from 9am-5pm.
Tricky Dick's avatar

Tricky Dick · 661 weeks ago

Why are you worried about some crime? I've got an idea, it's going to be super hot tomorrow so we'll allow you to drink a little water on our trains. See...what were we talking about again? Exactly!
Many of the station managers are not friendly at all (based on my experience) and don't like to work. They represent a dyfunctional organization. their attitude just like high-paid WMATA employees inside their headquaters. Ignore whatever you say and see as long as they get paid.
Thank you for doing exactly what is needed! I've read so many stories about awful station managers or employees. It's time that people start noting places, times and--most importantly--names, and then posting that information on public forums.

Better yet, such incidents should be cataloged and released in periodic digests.
You actually expect Metro PD to be properly deployed? Apparently you believe in slavery.
This is pretty bad, even for metro.
One take 's avatar

One take · 661 weeks ago

I was on my way to work once. Like many other commuters, I usually don’t wait for the gate to close as I follow the person in front of me. I just make sure that the $ amount of my card flashes so metro gets my $8.30 that day - but I noticed the station manager looking at me with a furrowed brow; so that morning I waited until the gate closed. Once I got through the gate the station manager tugs at my sleeve and pulled me aside. He took my smart trip into his kiosk and returned 20 minutes later. I asked him why he needed to see my smart trip card as I had gone through the turn style correctly, and right in front of his gaze a mere 20 minutes prior.The station manager suddenly became quite agitated, puffed out his chest and claimed that he needed to make sure I didn’t enter without 'stealing' before he tossed my card back to me (did not hand it mind you). And to conclude his exemplary behavior, he turned his back and called me a “F****in’ Terrorist” as he sauntered back to his kiosk.
My 8-year old niece is in the 3rd grade; and she is more educated than this particular station manager.
1 reply · active 661 weeks ago
Average Customer's avatar

Average Customer · 661 weeks ago

Similar thing happened to me this weekend.

My dad came to visit and I decided to play tour guide and go to a Nationals game. Well during our excursion out and about we are going through the gates. I swipe my card (I see the the balance flash and I keep going)

Guy yells at me to stop and accuses me of jumping the gate.

I say I saw the balance flash and I didn't jump.

He says I'm lying.

I tell him to swipe my card and it will show I left. Because if I didn't and I tried to use it at another station , the station manager would have to do the same thing.

He takes it - comes back and just goes "FINE YOU WIN! WHATEVER!"

Typical METRO clown.
See, the problem was you were on Metro after a Nationals game. All the cops are at the Navy yard screaming at the passengers to move to the end of the platform even though there is nowhere to move and the front 3 cars are empty.
Trollopian's avatar

Trollopian · 661 weeks ago

One thing that I find confusing in this account is the poster's use of "gentlemen." I think the first use ("a few gentleman were trying to hold two juveniles who appeared to have attempted to rob somebody") refers to alert and public-spirited passengers, not Metro employees. And that the second use ("[I] went to the vestibule at the 7th and H St. exit....There were two gentlemen there") refers to Metro employees. Is that correct? After all, if they were two civilian "gentlemen," they had no obligation to help the writer, though their behavior is deeply offensive. Were these identifiably WMATA employees? If so, the whole incident is a disgrace.
1 reply · active 660 weeks ago
The use of "gentlemen" as very confusing-- Were they Metro Employees? Then say so. Passengers? then say so.
We have all these stories from people posting on here and Twitter about incompetent/rude/crude/careless WMATA employees. Obviously we would like to have more evidence from the customers (video, audio, pics) and everyone is encouraged to do so.

But here's a question --- does WMATA have security cameras that watch the station manager's booth? They are near faregates, which you would think would have some cameras watching them. Then again, even if the camera was watching them, would the camera be working and would WMATA be willing to look into customer allegations of worker abuse/incompetence?
2 replies · active 661 weeks ago
"would WMATA be willing to look into customer allegations of worker abuse/incompetence?"

What do you think?
Maybe the union is against security cameras.
FU MWATA's avatar

FU MWATA · 661 weeks ago

For 5 years I rode the f***g Metro everyday into DC from my home in Reston. I was so sick of this crap that I searched for, and landed, a job about 15 minutes from my house. I took a small paycut ($5K) but I've never been happier in my life.

There's more to life than sitting in a hot, overcrowded, broken down train car, only to deal with nasty Metro employees and getting assaulted by Hood Ratz.
2 replies · active 660 weeks ago
Tricky Dick's avatar

Tricky Dick · 660 weeks ago

By my math you just lost yourself the dignity of smell what we like to call Ode de Metro. What I'd like to do is get on the Metro and bottle up that summer combo of sweat, feet and BO combined with that fun fish smell from our brakes and send it to you. Now I'd say it would be for free but once you get it you cannot return it and we will send you a bill. If you try to return it, just like leaving a station without riding, you will be charged..mmmkay?
Careful careful....someone will pull the race card on you for that (even though you are absolutely right).
Wow. Clearly, "A. Harris" doesn't want to responsible for anything and his peers are also looking out for him to make sure he doesn't get in trouble.

All Metro Employees should have their names written across their backs like football jerseys.
Oh, and, one again, it's good to see the citizenry standing up to the crooks. I sense a movement coming on!
russell.j.coller.jr's avatar

russell.j.coller.jr · 660 weeks ago

Nokia / Kyocera / Apple / Samsung HD motion-camera phones are going to bring down the DEATH STAR. Just another year or two... until then -let's all breathe deep & bang down the Xanax... A. Harris doesn't even sound like a real name. SHEESH.
tunnelpig's avatar

tunnelpig · 660 weeks ago

You people are such ignorant ass holes. When was the last time a random person from the street came online and told you how to do your jobs? Probably never. There aren't enough of us. On a good day we work the upper half of the system with about 20you cops including the guys in the cars. And on friday and Saturday we're down to about 15. So no there really isn't a lot of us. Yes, the fare hikes were meant to help pay for more officers but as I'm sure none of you gave bothered looking into the basic recruit training it takes 10 months to go through the academy for MD DC and VA. By the time you get done with field training it's a few weeks shy of your mind one year anniversary. So by the time we get out on the street on our own its over a year from the day we started at this awesome company. We'll come out as young hard charging officers with a fresh badge and gun and think we can save the world and then the complaints come flooding in because this fucking company and department are so Customer service oriented that it prevents us from doing our jobs. So we hang out and stop doing self initiated work. And we hang around with each other because the radios don't work for shit. Above ground or below...
1 reply · active 660 weeks ago
tunnelpig's avatar

tunnelpig · 660 weeks ago

Also, there's always our SWAT team at the Verizon center and stadium for big events. Use your eyes, they're walking the edges of the platforms guiding your dumb ass to safety so you don't step off the edge and become a frying piece of shit like is all over the internet from new York
I saw two pickpockets on the sidewalk right outside the Gallery Place station once. Then later the SAME night i saw them at L'Enfant--- there were NO Metro police at L'Enfant-- I had to wait to report them until I got to the Pentagon Station where there I ALWAYS see at least 3 or 4 transit cops........

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