UPDATE: We won--for now.
Board item re: rail service criteria will be deferred until September to allow opportunity for further discussion and comment.
— @wmata (@wmata) July 24, 2012
On Thursday, the Metro board will likely vote to allow Metro to lower its standards in yet another way. Here's the language from the proposal:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors approves headway as a Metrorail service criterion, and sets thresholds such that normal schedule headways will not exceed 15 minutes during peak service, 20 minutes during off-peak service, and 25 minutes during late night service after 10:00PM; and be it furtherI've written about this scheme before, here and here.
RESOLVED, That responsibility for defining all other Metrorail service criteria and thresholds be delegated to the General Manager/CEO; and be it further
RESOLVED, That minor service changes may be implemented by the General Manager/CEO to achieve service criteria thresholds provided that the service change does not result in an increase in jurisdictional funding requirements beyond amounts provided for in the then currently adopted fiscal year budget; and be it finally
One thing that really strikes me is that nowhere in the proposal does it mention track work, which was THE MAIN REASON Metro staff told the board's Customer Service and Operations Committee they were proposing these criteria in the first place.
That seems rather underhanded to me, but then again, this whole thing is very strange.
This proposal is unacceptable and, I think, represents a huge abdication of responsibility by the board that is supposed to oversee Metro, ostensibly for US! It's a power grab by Metro GM Richard Sarles, and I can't figure out what it does to improve Metro in any way.
I urge you to write the board members expressing your displeasure with this proposal.
Here are the email addresses I have. If you have others, please leave them as a comment or email me, and I'll add them to this list for easier copy and paste.
william.euille@alexandriava.gov, mhynes@arlingtonva.us, jdyke@mcguirewoods.com, mbowser@dccouncil.us, marcel.acosta@ncpc.gov, mortdowney@verizon.net, mbarnes@ciponline.org, ahampshire-cowan@howard.edu, info@nicholscreativedevelopment.com, boardofdirectors@wmata.com, catherine.hudgins@fairfaxcounty.gov, terry.bellamy@dc.gov
Missing: Tom Downs, Tom Bulger, Anthony Giancola and Kathy Porter
Here's some suggested language for your email to the board.
Dear sir or madam,
I'm a regular Metro rider, and I'm fed up with Metro's increasing price and decreasing service.
I feel the proposed "rail service criteria" serve no purpose other than to excuse future poor performance and you, as a board member, need to stand up for the riders in your capacity as a member of Metro's governing body.
These extreme proposed headways are unacceptable. A mass transit that allows headways like this will likely continue to lose riders.
Additionally, if these headways are allowed, the hardest hit will be those who have no alternative to Metro.
I want Metro to succeed. The region depends on it. Instead of allowing Metro to build in excuses for performance that should never be acceptable, you should be pressing Metro to raise the bar in every aspect of its service.
Please do the right thing for area riders and taxpayers by rejecting this proposal.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 661 weeks ago
"responsibility for defining ALL other Metrorail service criteria and thresholds be delegated to the General Manager/CEO"
"provided that the service change does not result in an increase in jurisdictional funding requirements "
Overhead? Salaries for the people @ JGB? Sarles nearly $1000/day compensation?
Nothing in there about controlling costs, responsible management ... just don't send the jurisdictions any increases in funding requests and you can do what you want.
Essentially: the goat can tend the cabbage! Service be damned - as long as the politicians aren't on the hook to put more money on the table, Sarles will be free to do with transit what he pleases.
And so far what Sarles pleases has been to institute demand management schemes that include sky-rocketing fares and plummeting service.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 661 weeks ago
And EVERYONE is missing the 80 passengers/car minimum rush hour requirement included in this proposal.
What in the world would Metro need a MINIMUM rush hour body-count for??
(HINT: more service cuts)
Average Customer · 661 weeks ago
You think it's bad now? Just wait
Kara · 661 weeks ago
After all, games should let out during rush hour and not be on weekends, right? Deviation from that is a phenomenon.
hrh king friday 13 · 661 weeks ago
AngryRider · 661 weeks ago
@NoPants_McGee · 661 weeks ago
FedUpGreenLineRider · 661 weeks ago
F'n JD · 661 weeks ago
Should you vote to approve this decline in service you will be failing
to do your jobs by failing to represent the riding public against the
WMATA managers. 25 minute headways is abysmal service. The fact that
the Washington DC subway is not 24 hours is bad enough in itself, but
for WMATA to increase wait times between trains is unforgivable.
We the riders DEMAND LOWER headways between trains at all periods and
we want 24 hour service.
@VeggieTart · 661 weeks ago
While I mostly ride the Metrobus, I am an occasional user of Metrorail. Based on some of the decisions I see coming from the Metro board and management, it is clear that many of the people who make decisions about Metro are neither. This is a problem. Many transit users, including me, are fed up with increasing fares and decreasing service.
I feel the proposed "rail service criteria" with extreme proposed headways serve only to excuse future poor performance. That is unacceptable. A mass transit that allows headways like this will likely continue to lose riders. In fact, I read every day of people who have abandoned Metro and chosen to drive because the service has degraded so much.
The proposed headways and decreases in service also hurt those who have no alternative to Metro.
Metro has been called America’s Subway, but in the past few years, the system has become a shadow of what it once was. The region depends on a successful transit system. However, to be successful, the board and management should find ways to improve every aspect of service rather than building in excuses for poor performance and unacceptable delays.
I urge you to do the right thing for area riders and taxpayers and reject this proposal.
horseydeucey · 661 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 661 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 661 weeks ago
It also features a cameo of what I like to think is our very own, local "Bunny Man."
geust · 661 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 661 weeks ago
Guest · 661 weeks ago
The reason I have always thought this is because the fixed cost of having the metro system must be MUCH greater than the cost to actually run a train through the system, even when considering all the lines at all hours of the day.
Also, does anybody understand why it takes so long to provide single track service when normal service is already building in huge headways?
Sorry for the rant, but maybe someone who has some understanding of the system can explain.
BTW I personally think Metro rush hour service works fairly well unless something breaks when considering the system design constraints they have.
Elizabeth · 661 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 661 weeks ago
Has anyone had any kind of reply?
DC Denizen · 661 weeks ago
Brian · 661 weeks ago
Adam L · 661 weeks ago