Friday, July 6, 2012

Is Metro Lying (Again)?

via @GenWeSolve: Refund @wmata?

So ol' Dan "the stesseler" Stessel told the Post the "self evacuation" (Please. Isn't there a better term?) was the riders' call.

According to @nataliedell, who was on the train, that isn't the case:
I know that sometimes a power line is going to fail, or Metro riders are going to be stranded for a while, and that most people are working very hard to make sure that people get where they're going on time.

Most of the riders on my car had a good attitude about the inconvenience on Tuesday, and only a few seemed irate. I looked at it as an adventure and a story I'd be able to tell my friends.

The thing that burns me up is that the story that's being put out there isn't true, and that riders (who were charged at the Metro fare gates when we finally got out) are being blamed for part of the inconvenience.

The Washington Post story implies that the rescue train was shut down deliberately because people started getting off the train and walking on the tracks, but that's not what actually happened.

Rather, people started leaving the train and walking on the tracks AFTER the rescue train lost power and after the conductor told us we could leave. There was very poor communication from Metro - only three or so announcements in the 30 or so minutes that we waited on the train. I was tweeting and following #wmata on Twitter during that time, and the only way I learned that the rescue train had failed was from other folks on Twitter.

Here's what I posted in the comments on today's Washington Post story - many other commentators on the train that day tell a similar story:

I was on the train about mid-way back, and had to learn via Twitter rather than from the conductor, that the rescue train had also lost power. Lost power - not had it shut off.

There was very, very little communication coming from the conductor at all during those hot 30 or so minutes.

The conductor eventually told us that we could leave "if we wanted to" because the third rail had no power, not the opposite way around, as WMATA is claiming in the article.
Here are @nataliedell's tweets from the scene:

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Given the high probability of an incident with WMATA, this is important. If the transit system were actually functional, I don't think this decision to move people onto rail/buses would be as important. As is often the case with WMATA, one problem compounds another.
Dr. Gridlock's piss poor "journalism" strikes again! Just takes the word of Dan Stessel and leaves it at that! We need to start sending a massive amount of letters to his editor demanding he and his entire team be replaced. Its obvious he just doesn't give a crap about Metro or its riders.
2 replies · active 663 weeks ago
One can't help but wonder why the Post doesn't just let Metro's PR department submit copy directly to the editors. I'm sure it would be cheaper, and if they're just going to uncritically reprint anything that Metro tells them anyway, why both paying these "reporters"?
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 663 weeks ago

The reason this blog needs to exist encapsulated perfectly.
When WMATA flacks have a near monopoly on a complicit media, misinformation will rule.
WMATA is a frighteningly horrible organization.
6 replies · active 663 weeks ago
THIS is why Loudoun County should have rejected WMATA. Or at least they should have said: "Here is money set aside for Metrorail. Call us when you have your &%$# together.
This raises an interesting point. Shouldn't Loudoun County have held out for a seat on the board? They'll be the only municipality with track in their territory that won't have a seat.

In all honesty, I didn't follow that aspect of the debate closely, so if that was part of the deal, mea culpa.
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 663 weeks ago

I think I tend to agree with you. I'm no policy or transit wonk, but it seems an easy call to me that one of Metro's biggest failings is lack of oversight. At some point I think this will have to change if Metro is to survive. Really. I think things are becoming that dire.
I don't live in Loudon, but was getting dismayed they appeared to be balking on the SL. But shit, when does some municipality or government agency say "enough is enough?"
As much as I don't like the way Metro is being run at the moment... you do realize it spurs a ton of economic development, right? I mean just look at real estate prices near a metro station, and look at how much commercial development takes place near metro stations.

It won't be completed out there for like 5 years. Lets hope by then, Unsuck's efforts will command REAL change at Metro...
Loudoun county know Metro managers and the union want the whites money but do not want to hire whites and put them on their payroll;

do not vote for a system that discriminates at the bones.
Somebody should ask the Ombudsman at the Washington Post how many FOIA requests Dr. Gridlock has submitted to WMATA. I have to imagine it is zero.

I would be willing to bet that if you did a Lexis/Nexus search of every Dr. Gridlock column ever published you would never encounter the phrase "in documents obtained by the Washington Post." Dr. Gridlock is not a reporter, he's a conduit for WMATA.
2 replies · active 663 weeks ago
how do we get in contact with him?
via Dan Stessel
And sorry to Unsuck for having to come back early from vacation to cover this, but you knew that Metro couldn't go a week without something going terribly wrong, especially if you were away for that week :-)

I did see that NBC4 had some news story on Wednesday about the event, and they were interviewing passengers, but unfortunately the volume was down and I can't read lips. Surely some traditional media stream will come through for us. (I know--they won't come through, and don't call me Shirley.)
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 663 weeks ago

The average weight loss per passenger that day was over three pounds.

You're welcome!
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago

You stole three pounds from me, and I want them back.
I sent a letter to Dr. Gridlock mentioning his overuse of Dan Stessel as a source and he defended himself by sending a link of all his articles. He is not particularly good at this "journalism" thing.
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
can you copy+paste what he said?
Simpson H's avatar

Simpson H · 663 weeks ago

I know people like to complain about people who walk and tweet at the same time, but at least they're usually on the sidewalk. Walking and tweeting on train tracks sounds like a particularly bad idea
I channel surfed through the evening news programs, and the times I saw Dan Stessel making statements, he didn't say anything about the passengers 'self evacuating'. I have noticed, however, that the tv news anchors don't give Dan Stessel a lot of room to make commentary. They ask direct questions and move on quickly.

I also wonder if Stessel even follows Twitter feeds like the journalists do. He never seems to know what is being talked about on Twitter.
I am waiting to see if Metro and Stessel blame the Green Line derailment on the passengers too.
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
Looks like they leaning towards the heat this time.

Have to love all of the phenomena that metro encounters:

*gasp* it gets hot in DC in the summer

*gasp* it snows in DC in the winter

*gasp* it rains in DC when there is a storm

*gasp* there are crowds when there is a major event in the nation's capitol

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