From M:
OK Metro. You've raised my fares and taken away my Blue Line with a lie about Rush+. You've made me late again and again with every day, multiple offloads, and I've probably sweat 20 pounds off this month alone in your broken hot cars.As a footnote, in 2004, Metro did partner with ING bank to offer for something appearing like a customer appreciation day by offering free rides. The funny part is ING paid the fares and Metro, well here's what they said:
You've left riders to fend for themselves when a train broke down, you've derailed, and your computers caused the whole system to stop two times. The brakes fall off, and if they don't, they smell like rotten fish, and you've tried to sneak by increased headways under the guise of helping the riders.
All of this you've done this summer alone!
All the while, you keep painting a rosy picture of how things are improving.
They're not, but you win.
I have no other choice but to take you to work. I'm stuck with you.
But I have a request. How about showing just a little customer appreciation?
I did some looking around on the web, and a lot of transit agencies do customer appreciation days, usually offering free rides for a day, partnering with a business to give away prizes people actually want or, at the very least having senior staff come meet and greet customers on the rails.
As far as I can tell you show absolutely no appreciation for the people who pay your salaries. You know only deflect and evade. Even your "improved" twitter has a lot of attitude.
Here's my idea. How about a Richard Sarles dunk tank? It'd show he is a good sport, that he was on our side, that he could take a joke, and man, it'd be a relief to hit that cool water in a hot station.
I'd even pay to have a shot and dunking him, and who knows, It might even energize the old guy.
Of course, I don't think he'd really do that but come on, Metro. Throw us a bone! Show us you care just a teeny weeny bit.
Every day, I feel like I'm handing over my money to a bunch of crooks who are laughing at me.
"It has been a pleasure for us to work with ING DIRECT as promotional partners," said Metro General Manager and CEO Richard White. "This promotion is a win-win for Metro and its customers as well as for ING DIRECT. Metro is delighted to have the opportunity to give this little thank you gift to our regular customers for their loyalty to our Metro system. It’s one way for Metro to show our faithful riders that we value their business, and we hope they" ll continue to rely on Metro."So very Metro. They got all their money yet claimed they gave something back to the riders.
Other items:
Mikulski slams Metro (WaPo) Examiner take
Meet Aurelio Bello (WaPo)
@Hell_on_wheelz · 662 weeks ago
timonsopus 48p · 662 weeks ago
dddd · 662 weeks ago
Simpson H · 661 weeks ago
Guest · 662 weeks ago
She spoke out after the CRASH and nothing has changed Barbie!
You are an elected nobody! You are washed up and need to washed out!
METRO needs an immediate take over and 20% of the bloated salaries need to be cut across the board.
Then Metro (The New Competent Managers/not Affirmative Action hires) can clean house and boot out the bloated incompetents!
Anony · 662 weeks ago
BrianKal · 662 weeks ago
Why can't WMATA even do that?
John · 662 weeks ago
itscedsworld · 662 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 662 weeks ago
John · 662 weeks ago
Duh · 662 weeks ago
Sam · 662 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 662 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 662 weeks ago
Metro is a jobs program for idiots who couldn't get a job anywhere else.
Sizzle · 662 weeks ago
tayhlermade 47p · 662 weeks ago
John · 662 weeks ago
Why can't Metro make it official and partner with The Washington Post for customer appreciation day?
After all, in his chat yesterday, Dr. Gridlock said that the increased headways were a step towards accountability. He also published an article practically getting down on his knees and praising metro for their "handling" of the Dupont Circle situation yesterday.
Please write Washington Posts ombudsmen. Here is a link to his page:
Matt G · 662 weeks ago
Guest · 662 weeks ago
Guest2 · 662 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 662 weeks ago
As a token of appreciation, I opted not get one of the new Macbook Pros.
You're welcome.
Robert W. Smith · 662 weeks ago
One take · 662 weeks ago
Jackie Jeter, well...she's no Judy Garland.
hrh king friday 13 · 662 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 662 weeks ago
Bitter Brew · 662 weeks ago
Sen. Mikulski: "We have to make sure people don't lose confidence in Metro."
Uh, maybe just a little bit too late for that.
Sarles: It’s a system that’s critical to the operation of trains, but it is not a safety-critical system.
Right. As if there's a chance on earth Metro would have shut down the entire rail network if trains could have been operated safely without it.
Joolz · 662 weeks ago
Arnaud · 662 weeks ago
EHobbes · 662 weeks ago
Arnaud · 662 weeks ago
Tricky Dick · 662 weeks ago
Losing those 20 pounds is a service as well. Just think, all that money and time you were wasting on a gym membership fee can now be effectively replaced with an all inclusive metro package called "we're not sure how late you'll be for work but you're going to smell amazing when you finally get there."
fsdkljflksjd · 662 weeks ago
steve · 662 weeks ago
Starting Friday i will be driving to work now instead of bound by the shackles of metro.....for me to drive...its faster, cheaper, more fun, cooler and just a hell of a lot better.
I still share all of your pain.....but I am just so happy now.
sadfsadf · 662 weeks ago
Mdd · 662 weeks ago
Realist 101 · 662 weeks ago
Tommyboy74 · 662 weeks ago
Also, who was that moron that used to manage the elevators/escalators that should have been fired but ended up in another division?? That guy deserves the dunk tank also.
Tommyboy74 · 662 weeks ago
Tommyboy74 · 662 weeks ago
Guest · 662 weeks ago
You Barb aught to shut up! You are doing nothing! You have done nothing since the CRASH of 2009!
scott · 662 weeks ago
Harvey · 661 weeks ago
Guest · 661 weeks ago
Me guest · 661 weeks ago