Friday, March 25, 2011


Way to burnish your image, Metro. We are watching you.

From Patrick: Saw this biking in the other morning. Apparently Marion Barry has started a side job with Metro. The sad irony here is that the Metro van is parked in the bus loading area on F street between 12th and 13th.

The below seem to be the same vehicle. So, Metro, add at least another 4 people to the list of your customers who think you're a laughing stock.

From Russell: I hope you get as much pleasure from this as I do.Wednesday, March 16, 2011 8:46 PM

Via @Ieatforfun Really @dcdmv ? Metro can't catch a break!? Guess parking tix aren't in the @wmata budget either #SMH

Via @hotnthistrailer Friend captured this. Rules? We have none! @unsuckdcmetro @wmata

Via Grace

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My favorite is the vehicle that can be found often in the bus lane at WFC or on the "patio" leading to the entrance that has "Do Not Tow--Emergency Vehicle" marked on the back of it. Whenever it's there, there are no flashing lights on, nor is there any apparent emergency. And no, they don't appear to be monitoring the Metrobus lane either.
It's funny at first glance, but then I think about it more, and realize that through fare hikes, I'm helping pay for this!

FU Metro.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Whoever signed vechile out pays for traffic violations.
Is that the actual procedure and what gets done? Somehow with all of the violations I am a bit skeptical ...
Yes. employee signs out vehicle each time he takes vehicle out. Each vehicle has an ID no. When a vehicle is caught going through a red light or speed camera the ticket is mailed to Metro and then is match to who sign vehcile out according to date and time on violation. Employee can pay for out of his pocket but if he refuses, taken out of his pay.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 729 weeks ago

Hilarious! Until I read noone's comment about my cash paying for it.

Better news - Unsuck! I just saw your interview with Fox News! Way cool, way to go, keep it up pulease, 'bout time you received the recognition for your hard work! (applause goes here)
Orange Line Rider's avatar

Orange Line Rider · 729 weeks ago

They probably did that themselves as an excuse for more nap-time.
[youtube f-4Nvj3awlc&NR=1 youtube]
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Absolutely one of my favorite episodes ever. I often think of it when riding metro, because it's just as much of a cluster.
I read a while ago that the person who was driving that vehicle when they got the tickets has to pay for the tickets and the removal of the boot, not Metro. I think that would be the right thing or more Metro employees would park wherever without any kind of consequence.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
There should be an added penalty from metro itself. Even if the employee personally pays the fine it is bad PR for metro (and assumedly affects their insurance costs).
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 728 weeks ago

Are we sure there's not a union grievance process to have this reversed, as well?
There was a Metro trailer with a boot on it at the Huntington Metro South parking lot for quite a while. Kept wanting to take a picture. Just bizarre.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Random Commenter's avatar

Random Commenter · 729 weeks ago

Sometimes people boot their own trailers, so they won't be stolen. I'm not saying that's the case for the Metro trailer, but I have seen the technique employed in other contexts.
Thruhike98's avatar

Thruhike98 · 729 weeks ago

@UnsuckDCMetro: Lovin' how you're working to keep Metro in line. Keep up the good work.

One correction:
"The below seem to be the same vehicle." - It's two different vehicles; a van #20106, and an SUV #18554.
2 replies · active 729 weeks ago
Right. Top one is different, bottom three are same.
Thruhike98's avatar

Thruhike98 · 729 weeks ago

Oh, I see. Not "...the same vehicle as the one above." Gotcha.
Visual proof that parking enforcement believes in slavery!
hahahahahaha!! The only thing WORSE than Metro is the ART bus system.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
And why is that?
I bet this van is a supervisor probably, landscaping or power department. I see first hand where supervisors brake the established rules. This does not suprise me.
You have Middle Managers who cover for supervisors, hold disciplinary actions until the 20 days pass, tear up violations, write violations with an error, etc...

I see a real problems with cronism, depotism.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Help with a Correction-
Supervisors "break" the stablished rules
I see real problems with cronism and nepotism.

I heard if you are in "the group", depot clerks helping cover for late workers by time stamping their manifests before they get to work and this could be known as "depotism". Ha!
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 728 weeks ago

How much you want to bet that the driver saw the boot and just walked away never reporting it t HQ. In all likleihood, Metro doesn't even know there's a vehicle missing from its stock.
About 4 years ago, an employee had a copy of a key made from one Metro's pick-up trucks, went to Brentwood yard on a weekend and got the vehicle to move his furniture. Metro never knew vechile was missing until Sunday when it was needed for a parts run. Metro vehicle keys does not have "do not duplicate keys" so it would be easy to have keys made and wait for the right time to "use" vehicle for own use.

Another employee, while on duty, took Metro vehicle to a fishing spot. AA cops called in vehicle and found out that the person and vehicle was not suppose to there. Union members wanted to fightto get is job back because he was a long time employee.
I enjoyed the pictures until I remembered that my tax dollars as well as the money I pay to Metro are paying for both ends of the booted Metro vehicle. Raise the fare another dime?
You would be suprised to know how many workers live hundreds of miles away from the job and take Metro vehicals home on Federal Govt. tax dollars paying for the gas.

I say make Metro employees take their own vehicals back and forth to their home. This could save thousands every month.

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