Thursday, March 24, 2011


Ever wonder why Metro trains break down so much and why there are so many daily track problems, brake problems, maintenance problems and door problems?

Here's a rundown of dysfunction from Feb. 15, the last day the ever-more-transparent Metro has updated its "daily" disruption log:
  • 5:42 a.m. A Blue Line train at Largo delayed due to maintenance problem.
  • 5:44 a.m. A Yellow Line train at Alexandria Yard delayed due to track problem.
  • 7:22 a.m. An Orange Line train at Ballston inbound to Virginia Square was taken out of service due to a door problem; customers were required to exit the train.
  • 7:37 a.m. A Blue Line train at Largo Town Center was not dispatched due to brake problem.
  • 9:27 a.m. A Red Line train at Woodley Park Zoo inbound to Dupont Circle was taken out of service due to a door problem; customers were required to exit the train.
  • 11:32 a.m. A Blue Line train at Arlington Cemetery outbound to Pentagon was taken out of service due to a brake problem; customers were required to exit the train.
  • 1:09 p.m. A Blue Line train at Braddock Road outbound to King Street delayed due to track problem.
  • 4:07 p.m. A Red Line train at Fort Totten inbound to Brookland was taken out of service due to a maintenance problem; customers were required to exit the train.
  • 5:31 p.m. An Orange Line train at Minnesota Avenue outbound to Deanwood was taken out of service due to a maintenance problem; customers were required to exit the train.
  • 5:51 p.m. A Blue Line train at Eastern Market outbound to Potomac Avenue was taken out of service due to a brake problem; customers were required to exit the train.
  • 10:50 p.m. A Red Line train at Fort Totten outbound to Takoma was taken out of service due to a door problem; customers were required to exit the train.
Yeah, the trains are old, no money, blah, blah, blah ... Tired of the same time-honored excuses for this abysmal state of affairs?

The reason for an ignominious record like that might just be that a lot of Metro workers aren't qualified to do their jobs and are gaming the system.

"Fifty percent [of the workers in car maintenance] don't know what they're doing," said a former Metro employee who worked in car maintenance. "This has led to trains going out that weren't repaired correctly."

How does this happen? Doesn't Metro administer some kind of tests to check the qualifications of its employees?

Yes, but according to four different sources, it's common knowledge that if you know the right people, you can buy the tests, memorize the multiple choice answers and pass with flying colors, all without learning a thing.

The going rate? $300, said one source.

Here's how it works.

Metro workers who aren't bus drivers or train operators--car maintenance workers, track workers, elevator/escalator workers, and the like--are divided up into five grades: helper, C, B, A and AA.

If one were to believe in the distinctions, AAs are more proficient and efficient than all As and so on.

To move up a grade, which brings more money and sometimes a better chance to pick the job you want, you must pass a test.

The scary part is that the answers to the test questions, which change only once a year, according to sources, are readily available for purchase.

This kind of cheating, one former employee alleges, leads to unqualified people working on trains and, in some cases, supervising others working on trains.

"I know one supervisor who cheated on his AA test," the source said. "They bragged that they'd paid $300 for the answers."

According to the source, that supervisor was once asked to do a very basic maintenance task and was unable to.

"They got teased a lot," the source said, adding that despite the incompetence, the supervisor wasn't fired or demoted.

Another source in car maintenance confirms this.

"You have people who take the job seriously and try to expose themselves to learning, but there are too many who take the shortcut and buy tests and then boast and brag about it," they said. "[Passing the tests] can up your hourly rate by seven bucks an hour to move from helper to AA, and if you don't know what you're doing, no one cares. It's a cheap way to get a promotion if you think about it.

"You want to know why there are so many door problems?" they continued. "This is it."

Another source related a story about how a car maintenance helper was able to miraculously take all the tests--in one day--to move from helper to AA.

The source added that there was no way this helper could have passed the tests, because they "should not have even been allowed to clean a bus."

"The tests are hard," the source, who had many years of experience, said. "I took the AA test seven times before passing."

Another former Metro employee related the story about how one helper who'd been working at Metro for 10 years, took all of the upgrade tests--C, B, A and AA--and passed them in one day.

Some of these tests also have a practical component, but that doesn't seem to count for much either.

One source said the practical portion "consisted of moving equipment from one place to another. That's right--if they could carry a few boxes they passed.”

Other Metro workers we pinged expressed little astonishment that tests were for sale and confirmed that it was widely rumored that one could buy a test if one were connected to the right people.

And as for the distinction among grades?

“Some of the best workers I worked with in my 27 years at Metro were Bs," said one former worker. "Some of the laziest, least qualified workers were AAs. In reality, it doesn't matter much what the classification is."

Bet that really helps planning the staffing of repair and maintenance jobs!

Other items:
Foggy Bottom escalator fail explained (Fox)
Another apparent suicide attempt (WaPo)
Board member made $36K, didn't go to meetings (Examiner)

Comments (51)

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They have many more old cars in service than new. They continue to refuse to retire the 1000 series which should have been retired 5 years ago when they bought the 5000/6000 series. Maybe it would have been to spend money on buying new cars then rehabilitating the old ones. Even though they are buying 7000 series car, they aren't buying enough to replace the others. The 2000 series will probably last a few more years. I also don't like the idea of connecting an old car to a new car (1000 to 6000) as they have compatibility issues. All 6 cars should be of the same series, not mixed.
7 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I agree completely, but even if the prices came down to what I think they should be, you are talking about some serious expense issues...

I doubt the 7000 series will "actually" retire the 1000 series cars, but from my understanding, there is a physical incompatibility that will prevent the 7k from connecting to anything but the 3k or something like that...
I disagree, I think the 7k series will retire the 1k. Why would you think otherwise? 7k cars will be sets of 4 that can only marry to each other to make 8-car trains. Basically, all 8 car trains in the system will be 7k series. Then they can put the happy 2k, 3k, 5k, and 6k numbered cars back together so the damn next station displays work. Just keep those pesky 4k cars in their own consists.
I guess i forgot to say why... lol... i doubt they will retire the 1k cars because of the silver line... i dont think they ordered enough trains to run another line, and they are always whining they dont have good, functional, rolling stock anyways...
Hm, perhaps. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
The 7000 Series Rail Cars will retiare the 1000 Series but did you know the 7000Series Rail cars cannot couple to any other train Series which will cause greater delays.
LOL and you think the next station displays will actually work when they are all back together? I've gotten on a train at Fort Totten before the pairs were split up. And the display says ROCKVILLE. Yep, other part of the line
"7k cars will be sets of 4 that can only marry to each other to make 8-car trains."
Yes, but once the courts get involved, they will rule that it is discriminatory not to allow gay cars to marry other gay cars, and then all bets are off.
Except that Metro's new budget sets aside MILLIONS to buy new cars as well as fix some existing 1000s (since they can't exactly replace an entire fleet in a single year). But now, a lot of commenters on here think Metro's budget is a waste and that the money would be better spent on a third track.
Wow. The prices have gone up. When I was there, you could find copies for free if you knew the right folks.
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I rode the BART (Metro's Sister System) from SFO Airport to downtown two weeks ago. It cost me $8.10 one way, off peak. You think these fares are expensive?
heh, you think the fares to Dulles will be cheaper????
Yes I do. Just because there's a more expensive system out there doesn't make Metro cheap. What's wrong with you?
He's referring to the test answers.
It is not just a matter of expense. Unless things have radically changed since my last trip, BART appeared to be a better system.
You want to make them actually learn the material on which they will be tested? You must believe in slavery too.
File this under things I think I'd rather not know about Metro. Ugh. Scary.
I'm going to say this and I don't care anymore...when I used to ride Metro, the employees I encountered with were degenerates, uneducated, ignorant, and straight up jackasses. I'm not surprised at the point that they do whatever it takes to pass the tests because Metro won't fire anyone. I don't think walking in to work naked with a joint in your mouth is even enough to fire someone because that moron in the Union would just say Metro believes in slavery.
3 replies · active 730 weeks ago
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 730 weeks ago

Cole- Metro is plagued with integrity problems. There are many criminals who work there and they just don't have integrity. They look at working for Metro as one big hustle. I can give you numerous examples. I have heard a story about some guy who works in the rail system. This guy initially applied to Transit Police and they found out that he was a drug/gun dealer and of course rejected him. He then applied for Bus Operator, and got it. He applied to work in the rail system, and got that too. He eventually got promoted to Rail Supervisor. All within a few of years. Another example- those three DC cops that got busted for taking stolen property are all going to get fired. What about a Metrobus Supervisor who does the very same thing (in uniform, with a Metro vehicle)? He still works as a Metrobus Supervisor.
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 730 weeks ago

I can give you many more examples. People who get caught drunk/high on the job, and still keep their job and still get promoted. People who get caught lying, stealing, and cheating and keep their jobs and also get promoted. Stories of people "sleeping around" to get ahead. Nepotism is a big factor. How does these types of people infest an organization like this? Let alone get promoted into supervisory positions? What is Metro's screening process?
Please email me.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 730 weeks ago

Riders have their own grade on the Metro scale... It's called FU!!

seriously tho, any hack can pass a multiple choice test. how about doing some skill tests in the field?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
That would certainly be an improvement! Even if you knew what they would ask for it would not help unless you actually knew how to do whatever. Although I seem to remember metro has a training facility, right? Do it there for the lower level tests so if they really mess up it does not cause more real world issues.
Seems similar to most work places... the old 20/80 rule. Twenty percent of employees do the work, while the other eighty percent watch.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
In government, it's 5/95.
Metro isn't government.

If it was, we'd actually be able to vote them out.
anonymous 's avatar

anonymous · 730 weeks ago

Metro is union based meaning they can't just fire anyone. It is a lot harder to get rid of someone. Not all of the employees are "jackasses and degenerates". My husband works there and honestly. he takes the tests without the cheating and lying and actually knows what he is doing. Granted, you are going to come across the idiots anywhere and what ever job you come across. Yes, there are slackers. There are a few that he talks about. There are going to be problems with the cars and you are going to get that no matter what subway you ride. There are more issues here because the cars are older and look at some of the people who ride the Metro. They piss on shit, eat on the cars, bring dogs on.... People complain they want things fixed but then they whine that fares go up.

The escalator and elevators repairs have been outsourced to contractors so that isn't even Metro's problem anymore.
17 replies · active 730 weeks ago
With regard to the escalator and elevators, they are all in house now with only major overhauls still being outsourced.
anonymous 's avatar

anonymous · 730 weeks ago

And those are the ones that cause people to bitch the most because no matter how fast the employees respond to fix them, it's never fast enough or good enough.
Of course it's never good enough. Repairing an escalator implies that it has been "repaired". To qualify as "good enough" it should probably work for more than two days in a row before needing another "repair".

That said, one or two good workers aren't going to make any kind of impact if the rest of the group are bad. And, standing out as knowing how to do the work means their work life is a lot more difficult than it should be because they're expected to do all the work and they probably face ridicule or harassment from the slackers.
You hit the nail right on the head. Sadly, if you do a proper job at metro there is no benefit to you.

Want to get a pay raise? Nope.

Want to go higher up? You have to be a brown noser. Not to mention who would want to leave a AA position for anything even higher. The pay to stress ratio isn't worth it.

What do you get? More work because your other metro coworkers refuse to do their job properly. Hell, the job that they are being paid to do. So much for brotherhood in the union.

And as a result even to the best workers, metro wears them down until they turn from a gear into a smooth wheel spinning. And the sad result is that Metro will continue to fall apart until they fix this problem.
Speaking of escalators, can you uncover why the Franconia-Springfield "down" street escalator was repaired in November and has not been operational since? Instead, the contractors moved onto the next project (although, I wouldn't be surprised if they checked this one off as complete). The escalator WAS working before they took it apart... now it hasn't been turned on since.
I wonder if the escalator repair at Metro Center from the platform to the mezzanine (11st exit) was handled by a contractor. The entire escalator was replaced in about two weeks. Everytime I was there at least two techs were working on it. I have to give Metro some credit either by fixing an escalator in record time or having enough sense to contract work out.
We sent a man to the moon, brought him back two weeks later.... apparently not as long as it takes to fix the escalator....

Wasn't it metro employees who were peeing in/from the cars and eating on the trains???

The salaries should go down before the fares go up.

I mean what do you have to do to get fired from a union job? Kill someone with the bus? Beat up magruff? Oh wait, apparently I believe in slavery.
You're absolutely right. Their salaries SHOULD go down before fares go up... except they believe that they are entitled to salary increases regardless of performance.
I don't even think the union would let you be fired if you killed magruff. And in the case of that welfare queen who wasn't even showing up for work for months and said she was too sick to get her mail, if the union can't get you your job and money you didn't earn then the worthless dc court system will. What a world!
It is hilarious to read Metro apologizers blame Metro's problems on riders. Yes, it's an old system in dire need of upkeep, and yes, some riders are pigs (as this blog has highlighted). Everything is coming to a head because Metro has consistently failed to maintain its infrastructure in the first place: no quality control, zero accountability and an engrained culture of employee entitlement is now taking its toll on the entire system.____Of course not EVERYONE that works for Metro is a lazy dullard. But based on the performance we've ALL experienced on the Metrorail, it's obvious that Metro's employees are not performing their task in a reliable manner. It's obvious that Metro likes to blame riders (re: the recent discovery that the Foggy Bottom collapse 'wasn't Metro's fault') for its own shortcoming... I wouldn’t be surprised if they come out and blame the L’Enfant escalator fiasco on riders, too. ____It's obvious to everyone except those blinded by self-delusion that Metro is failing. That is why this blog exists, and this is why you’ll never find sympathy for Metro here – we know what the system is really like because we ride it every single day. __
trickricky's avatar

trickricky · 730 weeks ago

this blog exist for babies,women, and low level office paper shufflers. i have an idea why dont all you idiots stop using metro and find a different way to get to work, you will be much happier.
Pure, Absolute, 100% CRAP!

The problems started when Metro moved the repairs to in house "technicians"

The union workers that used to fix the escalators (they were probably held accountable too, what slavedrivers!) would do a BETTER job, and save WMATA 10 million dollars!

Don't hike my fare when you can save 10 million and improve service that way. GTFO you lying sack of crap!
john hows the psych eval going for you.
I said the Metro employees I encountered were jackasses and degenerates. You ask them a question...related to Metro..and they act like they shouldn't be bothered.
trickricky's avatar

trickricky · 730 weeks ago

cole your an a...
Please tell your husband his work is appreciated. I'm sure most of his supervisors or higher ups don't do that. As someone else who knows someone that works there I hear horror stories all the time of work that goes unfinished or work that can't be done because of workers who cheat on their exams and can't do the most basic tasks asked of them.
Did you know tests were taken by Bus Students with a pencil in Bus Training. (Wonder why?)

Then certain train operators are "groomed" as to be the validictorian in Rail and Station Manager classes.

Rail Operators are not given evaluations at all. Rail Operators certify when ever Quality Assurance persons (QA persons are voted in, there are no applicants nor positions posted) More or less when QA persons feels like certifing operators.

(Certifications should be admininster for certain areas every 6 months for example: doors, yard movments, etc., but never done.)

The entire recertification should be every 2 years but sometimes slips to 3 years or longer. There is a QA Manual that stipulates the recertifications but this is not followed.

Operators should be issued a Re-Certification card but we do not have one.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 730 weeks ago

Apparently you believe in Jim Crow literacy tests too.
Raise your hand if you're surprised! Wait, nobody?

Annnybody? Maybe one of the Metro trolls that reads this site and lacks to call us, the riding public, maggots?
Everyone named Jeter is a piece of crap.

End of story.
If a WMATA employee goes to jail, would WMATA continue to pay their salary?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Why wouldn't they? Do you believe in slavery?
Going from a helpler to AA only difference is pay and pick. That is it. In some cases this allows for a nasty hateful Supt. to pick who he wants on what shift by grade. I know of a Supt. who selected all AAs on day shift, knowing that one of his "problem" was helper and would be bump to eve. shift. Although, no eve. shift offical supervisor on duty, he did not want to deal with "problem" on his time.

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