Via @punditintrigued
Update: NBC4 has more on the story.
The patches appear to be those of Metro cops.
It's hard to imagine why they'd need to take someone in a wheelchair down like that.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
@jeaneanw · 722 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 722 weeks ago
guest · 722 weeks ago
Nunya Beezwax · 722 weeks ago
anon · 722 weeks ago
KeepAn OpenMind · 722 weeks ago
elizabeth · 722 weeks ago
PCB · 722 weeks ago
Scared · 722 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 722 weeks ago
Richard · 722 weeks ago
cop · 722 weeks ago
Yes, we don't know what transpired before, but the brutality is totally uncalled for unless he was brandishing a gun, which I don't think he was.
GDopplerXT · 722 weeks ago
KeepAn OpenMind · 722 weeks ago
@kara_h · 722 weeks ago
Yes, I greatly agree that this can only be judged in context. As you point out there can be situations where a cop would need to separate someone from their chair. The question is was this one of those times or not?
The vote-down though came when you decided to attack the readers of the blog and just assume we were not intelligent. We are being asked to judge based on no context, so the only context we can use is past experience .... which is rarely overwhelmingly good with anything metro.
Look back in this blog and you will see people praising good actions by metro when they happen. The reason they are few and far between is that those good actions by metro are also few and far between.
GDopplerXT · 722 weeks ago
He/she assumed you (we?) weren't being open-minded, not that you weren't being intelligent. He/she strongly suggested that you weren't being fair in judgement, but that's not the same as not being intelligent either.
"We are being asked to judge..."
This, I think, is the heart of the matter that you and many readers of the blog don't get. You are not being asked to judge anything. If you want to then go ahead, and say "in my opinion" and then judge away. But you are not being asked to judge anything. This blog would benefit from a lot less judgment and a lot more discussion and asking and answering of questions. You know, more information, less judgment.
"The reason they are few and far between is that..."
The reason they are few and far between is that people are far more likely to raise their voice when things go badly for them than when they do not. How many thousands of people have uneventful commutes on metro every day? If they all posted on this blog it would be the most popular blog in town.
Melissa · 722 weeks ago
Deb1115 · 722 weeks ago
ANON · 722 weeks ago
your choice
Deb1115 · 722 weeks ago
ANON · 722 weeks ago
all you maggots should stop crying or stop riding your choice.
Annoyed · 722 weeks ago
So often, cops are called out for using ANY kind of force when it is someone who is disabled, or elderly, or a child. ALL can hurt or kill... you just don't realize it because I am sure you never have to deal with such unsavory people. Did you not see that a DC officer was shot three times by a 15yr old Saturday?
Ted Williams · 722 weeks ago
BSS · 722 weeks ago
Ted Williams · 722 weeks ago
Hhh · 722 weeks ago
@chrisatyoursix · 722 weeks ago
Joe · 722 weeks ago
Ultimately this will cost Metro millions of dollars. I predict the two cops will get fired (because of their stupidity, if not because they abused their power), and the chief may have to go, too.
Dontbefooled · 722 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 722 weeks ago
But yeah, why use constraint when you feel threatened by a guy in a wheelchair? Might as well knock a few of his teeth out, amirite?
hrh king friday 13 · 722 weeks ago
Anon · 722 weeks ago · 722 weeks ago
Also....the point made that he was intoxicated could be fabricated as well. Let that sink in.
RGG · 722 weeks ago
Guest · 722 weeks ago
Maybe he was eating french fries.
Guest McGuest · 722 weeks ago
And by now I assume the cops know that there is likely to be a camera on them on a street like that in the daytime; imagine what they would have done to the guy in the dark and/or away from a crowd.
jkuchen · 722 weeks ago
zahzu · 722 weeks ago
If metro can't afford to keep the trains, elevators and escalators in working order, do you think they can afford to give ongoing training? I wonder if they are even trained in evacuation/emergency responses.
Anon · 722 weeks ago
PRLOWKEE · 722 weeks ago
Jeebus · 722 weeks ago
tradertimm 89p · 722 weeks ago
Also, most 'wheelchair' owners who ride in electric scooters like this can walk, I've seen them do so. I don't know how they get the subsidy to afford them in the first place, but any cursory glance on 14th street north of Columbia Heights station will show you a few characters that routinely use these to go up and down the sidewalks, bumming for change, smokes, etc.. We're not talking paraplegics here, or even people who can't walk unassisted.
My only issue is with the escalation during the takedown, but it seems to be one of those situations where they were going to do some kind of controlled cuffing procedure, but he started to struggle and it went the path of least resistance down to the sidewalk. Its a hard call when you don't know if the guy has something stashed on his person or conveyance that could be used against you while restraining the subject.
While I hope the dude is okay, I'd also bet there are a few relieved pedestrians and restaurant owners who don't mind a public drunkard harassing people taken off the street, even if it is just for a little while.
I fully expect him to be back very soon, regaling passersby with his alcohol-fueled rants and leers.
SLAM · 722 weeks ago
Xela Kebert · 722 weeks ago
Also it was reported that this man in the slam video was arrested for Possession of an open container and Assault. Obviously he assaulted the officers in some way; which most officers do not take politely. Just because you don't see the assault in the video doesn't mean it didn't happen.
If anything can be taken from this it's that, just because you're old, young, white, black, asian, in a wheel chair etc. and you become physically aggressive to a police officer, then you're most likely going to get slammed.
"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see."
Benjamin Franklin
devaldragon 59p · 722 weeks ago
tradertimm 89p · 722 weeks ago
But most of these people wouldn't hesitate to call the cops if their neighbors stereo is playing too loudly. Oh irony, you run in great winding rivers throughout D.C. and beyond.