Metro is lowering its performance targets in several key areas, including on-time rates for trains and buses as well as availability for escalators.
In a presentation scheduled to be given to the Board next week (pp. 16-18), Metro says it's lowering its on-time target for rail from greater than 95 percent to greater than 90 percent. The reasons (their words):
- 5% reduction due to manual train operations
- Operators need additional time to manually stop at the stations and open/close the doors and there is greater variability between train operators
- Trend data and prior experience validates new target
- Metrobuses get caught in traffic on area roadways where congestion is bad and getting worse
- Washington, DC is the most congested U.S. region according to the Texas Transportation Institute
- Metrobus selected a stretch target of 78% even though historical trends indicate 75% as more attainable
- Needed capital overhauls will take almost twice as many units out of service
- Improving to 60% preventive maintenance compliance will identify a backlog of repairs that must be addressed
Elsewhere in the presentation, Metro says they "will evaluate and revise escalator maintenance procedures with an emphasis on 'getting things right the first time.'”
Sweet Bobby · 722 weeks ago
Anon · 722 weeks ago
M. · 722 weeks ago
ShartingExcellence · 722 weeks ago
· 722 weeks ago
Edititout · 722 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 722 weeks ago
Their performance should be measured by an external auditor using top transit systems around the world as a benchmark.
Honestly though why can't these pricks just bring back automatic train control already? I'm tired of six-car trains leaving a fourth of the platform behind, I'm tired of jerky rides and I'm tired of... well... WMATA!
perkinsms 75p · 722 weeks ago
Also, 10% of the time, get ready to wait more than 36 minutes.
LoopyLou · 722 weeks ago
ladies and gentlemen, i give you transit death spiral.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 722 weeks ago
sdafadfag · 722 weeks ago
Anon · 722 weeks ago
elizabeth · 722 weeks ago
C-- · 722 weeks ago
ChrisB · 722 weeks ago