Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well Done, Vienna Metro Employees!

From anonymous:
I got on an Orange Line train at Vienna station yesterday morning around 8:30 a.m. I sat down and then heard a man asking if anyone had tissues.

I'm used to people making strange requests on Metro--the other night a drunk man who boarded at Metro Center was directing people where to sit and stand--so I ignored it, until he said he needed the tissues to stop the bleeding.

He had apparently fallen and hit his head on the metal bar atop one of the seats and he was bleeding profusely.

A woman jumped up and gave him a stack of napkins and ran out to flag down a Metro employee on the platform.

I ran up and gave him a package of Kleenex.

He was cut rather badly, and as soon as the tissues were applied, they became soaked with blood. I won't go into the details, but it was a really nasty gash.

I was standing next to the man handing him tissues and was boxed in between the partition and the door. Another woman stood up to offer tissues, and just then, the announcement came on that the doors were going to close.

I yelled for the woman to hit the emergency button, as I couldn't get to it, and she did, telling the operator we had a medical emergency.

Another rider stood in between the doors to stop them from closing. The man started to become dizzy, and the woman who had hit the emergency button told him to sit down to avoid hurting himself further in case he passed out.

This all happened in a minute or two, but it seemed like a lot longer.

To everyone's relief, the train operator responded in a calm and respectful manner, stating he had heard us and help was coming.

A few seconds later, the first woman returned with a WMATA employee, a man, who very kindly took the injured rider by the arm (He was older, likely in his late 50s or early 60s.) and lead him off the train.

Another WMATA employee, a woman, got on the train a few seconds later, looked around and saw the blood on the seats and floor (It wasn't a lot, but you could see it.) and said that due to the blood, we all needed to move to another car.

She said the operator would give us enough time to switch cars, and she apologized for the inconvenience.

As we started to move, I saw that the male WMATA employee was supporting the man as they walked toward the elevators.

All in all, the train likely only departed Vienna two or three minutes late.

Considering the horror stories I've heard and have experienced with WMATA, I was beyond impressed at how responsive and professional the staff at the Vienna station were.

When the announcement came that the doors were about to close, I assumed we were about to experience the worst case scenario: The emergency button wouldn't work, the first woman wouldn't be able to flag down a WMATA employee, we likely wouldn't have much luck at Dunn Loring, but I was thankfully proven wrong.

Kudos to the WMATA employees at the Vienna station yesterday morning and for the professional way they handled an unexpected situation!

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Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 725 weeks ago

Sounds like they handled it ... like they were supposed to. Good on them, but sad that it's unusual and noteworthy when Metro workers act decently.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Exactly. I don't think that anyone is saying that all metro employees are bad and lazy, and the description of this incident demonstrates that there are good, capable employees in the system. The point is that every metro employee who deals with the public ought to be equally good and capable. The complaints are about those who are not so.
In that case, why thank the military, firefighters, or police officers at all? After all, they are just doing what they are supposed to do. The thanks here isn't because Metro did their job, it's because in a high-stress, fast paced situation, they made the correct decisions to address the problem efficiently and effectively. And for that, they deserve kudos.
I thank them, especially when they shoot unarmed men, women, and children.
the blog is called Unsuck DC Metro. even with tongue planted firmly in cheek, the Metro employees are starting in a bit of a hole of poor service and bad attitudes. therefore, a positive story IS unusual and noteworthy ... so much so that it's probably also not relevant on this blog.
Haute wire's avatar

Haute wire · 725 weeks ago

You won't get any comments about a Metro employee doing his or her job well on this site! Hello!!!!!! Where are all the bloggers? No comments huh? Lol...........
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 725 weeks ago

This post was made about 20 minutes ago, but thanks for playing! Lol.......
a) this article was just posted, give it time.
b) how much you wanna bet that race-bating criminal Jackie Jeter is going to try to reprimand these employees for doing a good job while wearing a WMATA uniform?
Dude... Granted we don't exactly sing praises for WMATA every day, but pay attention to the site you are on... There are only a handful of links that are consistent on every page you visit...
One of them is called "PRAISE WHERE PRAISE IS DUE".
We praise employees who do a good job. But we let me be clear, we do it for doing a good job-not just for showing up and sitting on a cell phone. I've encountered other good metro workers as well.
I bet if the employee was white the blacks would get credit. I know someone who is white and never got what employees sent in for him via email, thanks. I told him ask the rider to print it again and hand it to his boss.
Word is Jackie Jeter wants names in this situation.... she is going to fire them for raising the bar for metro employees!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
It's a sad statement about corrupt organizations, but it is true. I know of a nursing assistant who in a nursing home was placed on night duty and threatened to have her job taken away for getting to many compliments as the other workers and supervisors didn't want to rise to her standards. I always worry about sending compliments or even making them that I will get someone in trouble.
Super! You can't Unsuck DC Metro simply with will take positive recognition when things are done right and superlative praise when things are done exceptionally well. Kudos to the employees and I hope the injured gentleman is ok.
Shackie Sheeter's avatar

Shackie Sheeter · 725 weeks ago

These people are a disgrace to the Brown and Orange--slaves each of them.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 725 weeks ago

Thank the Metro Gods that Vienna didn't have a race-bating union-loser station manager working there that morning who sits in his boring ass box fuming all day in his paranoid thinking that metro customers, especially the white ones, look down at him as "servants."
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 725 weeks ago

Kudos to the Vienna employees and the other riders for stepping up and helping a stranger in his time of need. It is so refreshing to hear good news about Metro and my fellow humans. A two-fer, even!

And to the whiner(s) above, you obviously haven't been reading this noble blog for long. Unsuck is a pro at it – the good, the bad and the ugly are all posted equally and fairly. And I, for one, appreciate Unsuck's time and efforts on it.
It’s a good reminder that most of us get to work safely each day thanks to Metro - in my case about 12 years - thanks.
That's just awesome. I'm very pleased to hear a good story about some attentive Metro employees. Job well done!
Bravo Zulu, Vienna employees, and also to the other riders who didn't look away from an injured passenger. Amazing that the whole incident didn't delay the train more than a few minutes, and the rest of the commuters were on their way to work. You done good, Metro.
Part of unsucking dcmetro falls on the riders too. We need to behave decently and treat the Metro employees with respect and to respect our fellow passengers.
We also need to praise good performance and service when we see it. It's a 2 way street. This story is a good example of these things. I hope we see more of it.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 725 weeks ago

Tip of the hat to the WMATA personnel and the train operator at Vienna this morning. Well played, ladies and gentlemen (riders included for their quick notification).

Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 725 weeks ago

Vienna employees = a small glimmer of hope that Metro can be saved by employees who care about doing a good job! Kudos!
I just learned it was a staged event to boost PR. :(
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Wag the Dog Metro!
They have to isolate an entire car for some blood? Seems a little extreme.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
It's not extreme at all. There are many diseases that can be caught through blood, including Hepatitis C which is quite serious and which unlike HIV does not die quickly when it leaves the body. The employee who told everyone to get off and shut down the car made a wise decision as it is potentially a major health hazard. It needs to be throughly cleaned before it can be used again.

It reminds me though I should probably start packing some medical gloves in case of an emergency.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 725 weeks ago

And I suppose you won't care if you're exposed to blood-borne pathogens? It may be extreme, but it's better to err on the side of caution.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 725 weeks ago

Well, you never know with people like the Window Licker out there.
I'm glad the employees who happened to be there were caring and helpful. I've encountered other good employees as well. I don't feel like they ever get rewarded for it, nor would they get disciplined if they were. Rather they just do care, because they are caring/good people. I do wish though there were better ways I could predict though if I was going to get nice or insane/mean.
masterblaster's avatar

masterblaster · 725 weeks ago

Bravo Zulu. Good to hear.
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 725 weeks ago

I had a very similar experience at Rhode Island Avenue early this year.

We had gotten freezing rain that morning, and though someone had clearly salted the platform, there were still icy spots. A woman started to step onto the train at Rhode Island Ave, slipped, fell and broke (or at least seriously injured) her arm. I was sitting halfway down the car from her, but several of the passengers near her got up to help before I could even react. One person called the operator, one person ran to get a station employee. The employee showed up, helped the woman off the train, and (presumably) waited with her until an ambulance came. The whole thing took 3-4 minutes, tops.

It really was a case of the system working right, for a change.
Thank you it is about time! What amount did you say they get paid an hour $28.00?
They make more than a nurse I think! What nationality was the driver in VA? Oh I forgot, they are all black. Why can't metro recruit white, hispanic, asian, indian and others for jobs?
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Because hardly any white, hispanic, asian, indian, or others are going to want to drive a bus through the hoods of S.E. DC everyday for a living. That's where most everyone starts out doing since Bus Operators, Train Operators, Station Managers, and their Supervisors fall under the same seniority district under 689.
That is BS! Many are out of work and have applied BUT you know>>>>>>>>>>>>
You are probably right Pete, they would not be represented so why apply
All the people who get to make the hiring choices are black and they hire and recruit their own.
AMetroRider's avatar

AMetroRider · 723 weeks ago

Not sure about station managers and bus drivers. But I know in the other metro departments there are also alot of White, Indian, and Asian people. Not sure about Hispanic. Some of them don't even understand enough English to report to the right station for maintenance (sadly).
masterblaster's avatar

masterblaster · 724 weeks ago

Perhaps it is more a function of socio-economic status and education levels. Racial stereotyping for example could be an indicator of a lack of education. lol Maybe a few of the system's riders are rude, not just the workers?
They probably had to clear the car due to blood being a health hazard (I mean, do you REALLY want to continue sitting in a car spattered with blood?).

Seriously, kudos to the employees for their quick reactions here.
Probably wanted the exposure due to what will be in the news about their failures in the past.
There are many Metro employees who are doing their job and doing it well – like the ones listed in this article. Another employee who I would mention and one that I have referred to in a past posting was a station manager at Brookland, CUA. Rarely locked away in his kiosk, he was/is an older white-haired gentleman who always had a kind word for his regulars from the neighborhood, was helpful to people visiting the CUA Campus and Cathedral and didn’t back down from having to stand up to troublemakers when needed. I haven’t been back to Brookland in years now; and in fact that last time I was he was no longer there. Happy Retirement to him if he is.

Anyone out there also meet this nice man?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Was thst Station Mgr. black too?
D____ where are the people who pay taxes in this area? Whites, Spanish, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, pay taxes and want jobs too and promotions as managers at Metro. I heard the Hispanics sued Metro because of not being hired or promoted. Did Metro make a settlement for them and then promote a few Hispanics?
The station manager to whom I was referring was an older white man.
I hear none of the managers in operations were fired after all the fatalities. They must be covered an protected by the Union too. Superviisors can choos managements retiarment or the union retiarment and managment pay union dues too!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
AMetroRider's avatar

AMetroRider · 723 weeks ago

This is true if you came from the union's ranks. Although you aren't protected by the union anymore at this point. You are just eligible for the retirement benefits if you've spent X amount of time in union ranks if you signed up and paid for whatever benefits.

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