From Jenn:
I’m a native Iowan, but I’ve lived in the DC area for over 25 years. Over that time, I’ve had many out-of-town visitors. In many cases, I’m unable to go with them to see the sights, so I’ve often turned them over to Metro to get around.Other items:
Last summer, and then again this spring were the first times I can remember my visitors complaining about Metro. Previously, I'd heard nothing but compliments and “wish we had something like this back home.”
Now, they sound like me, complaining about delays, rude Washingtonians, broken escalators, hot cars, getting offloaded, crowds and rude employees.
I fear Metro is becoming a terrible ambassador for mass transit in other parts of the country when it used to be a model.
Think of all the tourists that come through here every year and what they’re starting to say about Metro when they go back home. If they’re anything like the folks I’ve had visit lately, the stories won’t be positive.
How do we build nationwide public support for mass transit and high speed rail, when Metro leaves a lot of people, including many of my fellow Iowans, wondering "why should I pay more taxes for THAT?"
Does Metro have enough track inspectors? (WaPo)
Nats refuse to pay for late night service (Examiner)
Good job Metro! (Examiner)